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Coronavirus vaccine news

Either look it up or join the herd, I don't care.
I did look it up.

It seems to me there are genuine concerns and the only ones prepared to try to portray it as misinformation are the likes of Snopes, which itself is misinformation in many cases.

But as I say I'm prepared to wait for more and better information.

But you would forgive most of us for not wanting to be a part of this thing until we know for sure, wouldn't you think?

'Specially considering that this thing is nowhere near as deadly as the fear narrative is trying to portray.

No way that I want to get covid but I do not fear getting it. As one with a functioning immune system I probably wouldn't even know that I've had it.

In fact there is a possibility that I already have.
My wife is a retired nurse, of many years service and she isn't putting her hand up that's for sure.
Suggesting that criminal charges should be laid against some in the medical professional for suppressing a known and proven cure.

NO vaccine needed just use drugs that already in common usage

Professor Borody in Sydney said the same thing months ago

<<Pierre Kory, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine at St. Luke’s Aurora Medical Center, delivers emotional testimony during the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing. "Here is the near "miraculous" solution to COVID-19 that should resolve all the divisions. How can anyone (except those who care only for profit) disagree," he says?

Ivermectin is a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved antiparasitic drug used to treat several neglected tropical diseases, including onchocerciasis, helminthiases, and scabies. It is also being evaluated for its potential to reduce malaria transmission by killing mosquitoes that feed on treated humans and livestock. For these indications, Ivermectin has been widely used and has demonstrated an excellent safety profile, according to the NIH.>>

Trivia: We had a horse that was involved with the initial Oz Ivermectin trials through Murdoch university back in the 80s, to treat Onchocerciasis.

In true Australian fashion we had to reinvent the wheel even though Ivermectin had been approved in just about every other country on the planet.

Before then we were all smuggling it in from New Zealand.

in the large animal world ivermectin is all over the place now, you can buy in any saddlery or feed shop.

So yeah I guess you could regard it as a safe medication.

Seems to me to be a bit of a knee jerk reaction to throw away all that research on the remote chance of a false HIV positive result.
Seems to me to be a bit of a knee jerk reaction to throw away all that research on the remote chance of a false HIV positive result.
The Prime Minister said the research will continue (though slowed).
It's a new approach using clamp technology and has other uses. They were only at phase 1 anyway, well behind the other vaccines.
It was another bow we would have should the main vaccines fail but as they succeeded and this vaccine needed re-engineering realistically it is at least another year if not more away.
Interesting way to fail though -causing false positives for HIV testing!
Hi Cynic

Dr Norman Swan has talked about the reason highly allergic people may react. The culprit is one of the stabilisers for the vaccine and it is in both of the USA vaccines and was not unexpected. The phase 3 testing specifically excluded highly allergic individuals.

I saw it on the ABC news last night, I was hoping to find a link but no luck. If interested watch in iview last nights news or maybe you can have better luck?
Seems to me to be a bit of a knee jerk reaction to throw away all that research on the remote chance of a false HIV positive result.

The vaccine is / was likely OK and if you had to would likely still use, but thanks to anti-vaxers it couldn't proceed based solely on people accepting the false positive and being confident of its safety.

That's unfortunately the world we live in.
Could this be the news item you saw?

It doesn’t really explain why the UK health regulator got caught unawares, resulting in an abrupt revision to the eligibility criteria!

Just more "after the fact" experts claiming to have known all along!
The vaccine is / was likely OK and if you had to would likely still use, but thanks to anti-vaxers it couldn't proceed based solely on people accepting the false positive and being confident of its safety.

That's unfortunately the world we live in.
Here's how I'm looking at it.

In no way am I an anti vaxxer, I've had every vaccination that many of us have had and absolutely happy to have had them: TB, Tetanus, Polio, Cholera, and a bunch of others that I can't even remember what they are.

I don't do flu vaccines because I don't see them as a good risk reward proposition.

Will I take a covid vaccine?

Again for me is a risk reward proposition. So most likely not in the foreseeable future. Neither will my wife.

I do have friends for whom it is a better risk-reward proposition, asthmatics lupus sufferers, elderly, obese and all that sort of thing.

If in time the damn thing proves to be safer than the disease for normal healthy people, assuming the disease is even still around by that stage, then I'll take it, but not before.

And that is how most people I know are looking at it.

Maybe people should give some thanks to the fact that our governments State and Federal have cooperated to put us in the position that we don't have to be used as guinea pigs for any vaccine.

Australia has a lot of things wrong with it but in this case, thumbs up to basically everyone in government and their advisers for getting (most) things right.

There is irony that those with no under lying conditions will be fine safety wise to take the vaccine same cohort who face lower risk from COVID.

The vaccine in the UK being run out now has been tested with a run on 20k to 30k people.

The risks as I understand it are those that has MS or an auto-immune disease etc that generally are not part of the 20k-30k group that generally comes much, much later unfortunately they are also those at highest risk to COVID.

So if you immunise everyone else then effectively you protect those that are at highest risk who cannot not be.

Its a public service for those that are vulnerable for the rest of us to get the vaccine.

The allergy reaction is common to vaccines generally all be it in very small numbers, remains to be seen if that's the case with the UK roll out.

In regards to the Queensland Uni vaccine the issue was not the effecy or safety of the vaccine but public confidence and the impact of blood supplys
I found this interesting " The allergy reaction is common to vaccines generally all be it in very small numbers, remains to be seen if that's the case with the UK roll out. "

How is that any different than the virus itself. If the vaccine is shown to harm 0.1% of those inoculated, what is the differernce?

The issue with the QLD vaccine was that it showed a positive negative to HIV, the reason is Covid has characteristics, RNA similar to HIV.

The reaction is much lower % and not deadly (so far), as for the HIV its actually the material used to help make the molecular clamp as a result some people create a HIV antibody which in its self is not an issue.

The problem is how do you separate false positives and identify real HIV positives for blood donors etc.
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