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Coronavirus vaccine news

nEwS is just as bad as the gUaRdIaN, both tabloids.

Can you not remember all yours (and others) trashing of Murdoch?

I prefer more sober sources.
xxxx your "sober" sources. I just can't ever recall anything you have used as a source on COVID that passed the smell test.

And trashing Murdoch ? I certainly believe that a significant part of their publication particularly on CC is poisonous rubbish. Most of that comes from the commentators rather than the reporters.

But that doesn't mean they can't and don't do some quality reporting.
This is comical, so you are saying #### sober sources like John Hopkins, et al?

You just admitted that you favour breathless alarmism over data statistics, and analysis LMAO!
too many conflicted interests these days , media reliant on advertisers , institutions reliant on donors and research grants

research carefully

Trump was correct to cut W.H.O. funding though it is collecting heaps from elsewhere , and does NOT give value for money ( to most of the world )
Stuffed if I know which thread this belongs in, but has his does deal with the treatment of Covid, so I suppose this is as good as any.

And just a heads up for @basilio too.(unless you don't think Quadrant is credible )

Your linked article is nonsense.
First, there is no credible data showing Ivermectin "reduces mortality in the order of 60 per cent".
Second, there are a number of treatments in use, so to claim “Sorry, no treatment for COVID-19 is legally available" is an outright lie.
The so called evidence Clancy links to are his own articles. Clancy is so poor at his craft he is still an advocate of hydroxychloroquine!
Not content, Clancy then goes in a conspiracy theory rant over Cochrane's meta analysis.
If Clancy thinks IVM is so good, he should get together with like minded peers and get a proper clinical trial underway and prove it.
The bottom line here is that at present we simply don't know enough about IVM to recommend it as a treatment for covid.
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Well one would hope, that Victoria isn't throwing any pfizer vaccine, due to hesitancy. it all sounds good for the media, but if the very young aren't coming forward, it makes sense to use it. W.A, Queensland and S.A are.


Bloody cork sniffers.

My son, who is 30, got first dose of AZ from his doctor in May. Just in case he met resistance he gathered info on the risk factors available from ATAGI statements as well as risks if he contracted Covid. I suppose you could say he was well informed. Feedback I got was although his Dr was a little surprised he agreed "Patient well aware of various risks" thing.

Zilch side effects and received 2nd dose in August.
My youngest daughter who is 34, has also decided on the AZ over the pfizer, obviously not everyone is sold on mRNA.
I think a lot of people, have just left getting the vaccine, until it became obvious you were going to have to have one, that time has obviously been brought forward with the Delta variant..

It was one aspect my son took into account. However, he also reasoned after observing the progression of Delta in India, then UK, Europe, the USA and other countries as they couldn't contain it, it was going to hit Oz no matter what. He reckoned it was a no brainer.
It should be noted that FDA did not recommend booster shots of Pfizer at this stage. Only for some selected over 65s and at risk.
The latest figures on getting the first dose are quite good.
Well north of 90% of the population have taken the first dose in the older age groups and the lagging group being 60 -64 year olds has nearly caught up with the 55-59 and 65-69 and older age groups. It is heartening.
The next group lagging a little is the 45-49 year olds who have been passed by the 40-44 year old cohort.
This is the same as what I have been hearing from my clients who are medical staff.

Holy mother of God!

Another twit from the twitterverse spouts his baseless claims, but @wayneL will latch onto these fools at every opportunity rather than use proven medical science.
Dr Cole, from the video, is proof that politicising covid is dangerous, as Idaho is amongst the worst performing US States at present.
@wayneL's next post is equally devoid of any useful information and is representative of the type of rubbish that a small portion of the community tap into because they are more likely to believe in conspiracies and pseudoscience than what is proven to be useful.
This is the same as what I have been hearing from my clients who are medical staff.

This one is true of the mrna vax. It can cause inflammation (I got it) and is one of the possible side effects. I'm going in for a heart check up this week. Apparently it can also cause inflammation in the brain. I'm still having trouble with it in my hands. Unfortunately I didn't check till after. Another unsubstantiated effect is women having late menstrual cycles.

Plenty of studies done. But it "apparently" only affects a certain amount of people. Covid will do worse to the heart at a high %

Unfortunately a lot of misinformation that's making things worse. Some of the studies that antivax use were from pre 2018. They were on the tech not the vax and a lot of the problems were the dose rate of lipid nanoparticles and how they effected organs.

All of it is simply a % play. Covid comes out at a higher risk. Although I probably would have gone astraZ
This is also why I advised against pfizer. Boosters were shot down in the US as unnecessary for now.

I'm not sure if Moderna or astra needed a booster as soon?

I know astra lasted. I won't be getting one unless I see proof it's needed
Not all vaccines have to be produced by huge multinational drug company.
Seems that necessity has created some imaginative Mothers of Invention around the world.
It would be invaluable to see how effective and safe these vaccines prove.

Vaccines that grow on leaves and don't need needles: A look at COVID jabs you may not have heard of

By Erin Handley with wires
Posted 3h ago3 hours ago, updated 1h ago1 hours ago

Many countries are developing home-grown vaccines against COVID-19.(
ABC: Graphics by Jarrod Fankhauser
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You've heard of Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca, but what about Medigen and Zydus Cadila?

Key points:​

  • India has approved the world's first DNA vaccine, a needle-free option
  • Canada-based Medicago is growing the vaccine on a plant closely related to tobacco
  • Iran initially banned US vaccines and Taiwan rebuffed jabs from China
In the race to vaccinate the world and in the face of supply issues and sanctions, some countries have developed homegrown vaccines.

There are geopolitics and vaccine nationalism at play, but the pandemic has seen a flurry of vaccine development – from the first-ever DNA vaccine to one grown on leaves.

While a lot of these vaccines sound new, the science and technologies they're built on have been around for a long time.
As ANU virologist David Tscharke notes, vaccine development is a tough business – in the past, if a vaccine already existed for a disease it was difficult to break through with a new idea.

But the pandemic has blown the field wide open.
"Nobody knew who was going to be first, nobody knew if the first one would work," Professor Tscharke said.
"So there was an enormous push into all of these really interesting vaccine technologies."

With Moderna added to our arsenal, and Pfizer recently being rolled out at walk-in mass vaccination centres, our jab rate is curently the highest of all westernised nations:

Cuba is producing and rolling out its own vaccine and, as you can see, are in a race of their own to get their country fully vaccinated. I expect Cuba to become one of the highest vaccinated nations before the year is out due to the nature of their medical system.
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