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Coronavirus vaccine news

This story sums up why the stories spread by the anti vaxxer groups should be treated with great care.

A Virologist gave an interview and then found his words had been re edited to completely misrepresent what he said.
And these messages were pumped out to millions of people under his name and status.

As a virologist I’m shocked my work has been hijacked by anti-vaxxers

David LV Bauer

A news interview I did was re-edited and misquoted by online conspiracy theorists. My advice is: get the vaccine
  • David LV Bauer is head of the RNA virus replication laboratory at the Francis Crick Institute in London

‘The videos seemed to be mutating and spreading, with new, more virulent variants catching on online.’ Photograph: Alamy Stock Photo
Tue 7 Sep 2021 09.00 BST
Last modified on Wed 8 Sep 2021 04.20 BST

As a virologist, I’ve spent the past year or more studying the novel coronavirus that has upended all our lives. Communicating our work to the public and speaking to the media is an important part of my job, and I’ve always tried to be clear and accurate about the science: I believe the available vaccines against Covid-19 are safe, and they are our best route back to a more normal way of living.

I’ve been concerned about the anti-vaccination movement since before the pandemic. But I never imagined that my own work could actually be part of their misinformation arsenal. So I was shocked to discover that a recent TV interview I did for ITV London News had been seized on by anti-vax and conspiracy activists and now has thousands of likes, shares and retweets across social media.

The original interview was about our research on the Pfizer vaccine, which found that the antibody levels it generates are not as good at neutralising the Delta variant than against the original Wuhan strain – a simple update on likely vaccine protection. But the widely shared versions of the video were often edited, or taken out of context, to make me out to be some sort of supervillain, or the unlikely hero of the anti-vax world.

In some videos, I’m shown playing the part of the brave dissenter inside the establishment, blowing the whistle against some imagined harm of the vaccine. In another, I’m introduced as the head of the “UK bioweapons programme”, being caught admitting that the Covid vaccine could somehow destroy your immune system.

Like the virus itself, the videos seemed to be mutating and spreading, with new, more virulent variants catching on online. One of the most widely viewed videos created a convoluted and conspiratorial narrative involving vaccines, alien DNA and abortion which was repeated over and over – and featured the same clip of me replayed over and over at various points.

Judging by the messages coming into my inbox, there are a lot of people taken in by this. I get tens of notifications a week (even three months later) from people still citing these videos as proof that vaccines don’t work.

Ironic a media outlet voicing someone's concerns, that they are being misquoted, selective edited and being taken out of context, i mean only anti vaxxers do that. ? ? ?
Ironic a media outlet voicing someone's concerns, that they are being misquoted, selective edited and being taken out of context, i mean only anti vaxxers do that. ? ? ?

Come on SP. Where are you going with this ?
That really anti vaxxers are no different to The Age or The Guardian of BBC perhaps ?

Or perhaps you mean creatures like Andrew Bolt and pseudo news sites that create and spread these poisonous lies ?

Having said that. YES there are plenty of examples of media trashing people with misquotations and selective editing. I'm just not sure using this example is doing anyone any favours - unless your an anti vaxxer.
The chart showing 7-day averages for jab rates see us a fair way behind cuz in NZ, but at least we are in the leading pack.
No doubt our Pommie mates who flew in extra doses of the good stuff for us last week will see the trend sustainable through September, but remember we are still not at the halfway mark needed to lift some restrictions.

Another 3 months at this rate gets us over National Cabinet's first hurdle.
(We are presently at 31% for fully vaccinated.)

Comedy gold right there.

I seem to recall someone breathlessly posting reports of full hospitals of people overdosing on horse wormer...

... That's subsequently got completely debunked


Come on baz, you know, we know, and you know that we know; but you all lie through your teeth anyway.
You don't have to look at fringe news Bas, for selective editing.
Last week on the SMH website, there was a headline that the PM's head of staff had stopped the parliamentary investigation into the Higgins rape allegations, that is all that could be read by the casual reader who hadn't subscribed.

On the ABC website, covering the very same headline it stated, the P.M's head of staff had stopped the parliamentary investigation into the Higgins rape allegations, due to a criminal investigation commencing which it could compromise.

Same headline, different editing, completely different innuendo IMO.
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Just reading Novovax Vaccine should be available this year in Oz.

Apparently, this is actually a vaccine using the same method they have been using to make HepB shots for decades.

If the restrictions continue then I would have this just to unlock my world

I will still keep all the bug killers in the pantry for when I get the rotten thing, eventually

<<The Novavax COVID-19 vaccine was created using recombinant nanoparticle technology which contains the full length SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and a Matrix-M1 adjuvant (an additional vaccine component that boosts the immune response).>>

More reading on the vaccine, got me

Do you want to take bets on that?

It seems that restrictions will continue, even at 80%. If so, do the vaccines really work?
Yeah this data is out there . Those jabbed are dying. Also what the guy who discovered HIV said, about the death curves and vaccination curves correlating in time . And the other top professionals. We just don't know
It seems that restrictions will continue, even at 80%. If so, do the vaccines really work?

It must be really hard going through life not knowing the difference between something being 80%+ effective and 0% effective. Not knowing that if having the vaccine reduces your chances of hospitalisation by 90% or more and reduces your chances of dying by a similar margin, that it might be because the vaccine is working.

Why do you assume that if something is not perfect, that it is not working?
Yeah this data is out there . Those jabbed are dying.

It tells you why in the subheading. Didn't you read it or perhaps didn't understand it? Here is a statement that will confirm your belief that the vaccines are the problem.

If 100% of people are fully jabbed, but the vaccine is not 100% effective and allows some breakthrough cases that result in death, then 100% of those deaths will be of vaccinated people.

Now consider the opposite. If 0% are vaccinated, then 0% of deaths will be of vaccinated people.

Now imaging as a country progresses between those two states, from 0% vaccinated to 100% vaccinated. What will happen?

Death curves and vaccination curves start to correlate over time. Not rocket science. Just basic math that seems utterly beyond you.

Yes and it's disappointing the OP didn't even question 80% of what exactly.
I will say this to people. In my opinion the vaccination is worth it. My 19 yo son has taken the shot and I'll be looking closely to studies on teenagers as eventually it will come to getting my 15yo vaxxed.

NSW will be opened and it will go through the population. Most will get the sniffles. But a percentage of those unfortunate enough will get sick. With a percentage of those that will die.

If I had my time again I wouldn't get pfizer though. But for others it was fine with no effects.

NSW has reached the point where deaths are now acceptable and the economy will take precedence. If you are in nsw get vaxxed.
I think you trust the numbers too much. and it's 80% of population vaccinated.
Yes and it's disappointing the OP didn't even question 80% of what exactly.
i meant 80% of population being vaccinated. a quoted goal . yet they will still shut down. vaccine doesn't seem reliable. they have already said boosters are necessary, as vaccine 'wanes'. might just be bull my friend.
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