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Coronavirus vaccine news

I think AstraZeneca tech has been used in previous vacancies TB, Mars, malaria, Ebola?
AZ uses viral vector.

But yeah who would of thought the west would experiment on the general pop more than the Chinese government seemed prepared to do.
But maybe the Chinese vaccines don't work that well.
The bottom line will be hospitalisations and deaths prevented.

How efficacious is Sinovac?

A large phase 3 trial in Brazil showed that two doses, administered at an interval of 14 days, had an efficacy of 51% against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection, 100% against severe COVID-19, and 100% against hospitalization starting 14 days after receiving the second dose.

Too much hype is presently about increasing case numbers where high vaccination rates prevail. Digging deeper we find it's mostly bad maths and poor comprehension. Imagine if had China vaccinated everyone and Delta led to a 2% breakthrough rate. That would give a case count greater than Australia's total population!

A real world analysis of China's coronavac is here.
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spike circulates and makes people sick :

It's a shame ASF does not have Facebook's policy on removing covid misinformation.
A large slab of Americans are being brainwashed by this rubbish and as a result the USA may never reach herd immunity.
I never doubted that it worked. It is an approved vaccine. The real world figures though are not quite as good.
They could be worried about the effectiveness against the new variants. As you state if the breakthrough rate is not good with the variants say 4% then we are talking millions of people.

That said,maybe China has other reasons for sealing the country off and using Covid as an excuse, the reporter is jumping somewhat to conclusions.
It's a shame ASF does not have Facebook's policy on removing covid misinformation.
A large slab of Americans are being brainwashed by this rubbish and as a result the USA may never reach herd immunity.
White coat summit! Great name. Hilarious.
Looked them up and they also push Hydroxychloroquine. Hey it works in the adds, put on a white coat, sell the stuff.
And those suckers will pay to hear you talk.

One of the group details are below: She sounds like Dr Nick Riviera of Simpsons fame!! I love this stuff. Only in America.

Dr. Stella Immanuel is a Houston-based primary care physician and minister. In the video, she claimed that the coronavirus "has a cure."

"It is called hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and Zithromax," Immanuel said. "I know you people want to talk about a mask. Hello? You don’t need a mask. There is a cure."

We rated that False — and Immanuel has a track record of making unproven medical claims, such as believing in alien DNA.

Immanuel has a Texas medical license with specialties in pediatrics and emergency medicine. She says she has been practicing medicine in the United States or Canada for 24 years. She received her medical degree in Nigeria.

Immanuel operates a clinic in a strip mall next to her church, Firepower Ministries. In sermons published on YouTube and articles on the church’s now-defunct website, first unearthed by the Daily Beast, Immanuel makes several outlandish medical claims.

Among them: Medical problems like cysts are caused by sex with "spirit husbands" and "spirit wives," DNA from aliens is being used in medicine and scientists are developing vaccines to prevent people from being religious.

That video actually peaked my curiosity towards the method of delivery that these vaccines are using. And that was off the back of the amount of inflammation I personally had.

Majority of what you see on the net is rubbish. But that can be both sides.
Even statements like "masks don't work" is both true and false. Context is everything.

But then there is straight out ridiculous stuff like 'vaccines make you magnetic". And yes I did try. Freaked out a bunch of people when I realised I could balance it between my delt and brachii.

Anyone that says the pfizer, moderna, AstraZeneca vaccines are safe are wrong.
But the vaccines are a better risk % then catching covid. And that's all it is. It's safer then covid. But only for a small % of people who would actually get serious issues with covid. Unfortunately you don't really know if you fall in that %. So vax the lot is the play you get. And rightly so.

The mrna vax in my mind is a wildcard. We don't really know the % risk vs covid long term. But most likely still better then covid. But this crap hasn't had a lot of studies. Especially long-term. And I'm worried about it. Simply because of lack of information to make an informed choice.
I read that some female Media personalities were joking about their Pfizer Boob jobs and the fact that the swelling in their boobs was only temporary.

Seems rather odd to me that a vaccine for a virus has an effect on their glands.

I have 6 granddaughters, we simply do not know if we will see any great grandkids from any of them do we.

We still remember thalidamide babies , hope to hell that this is not like that
The above post # 927 is an obsenity and should be taken down or edited by moderaters...(or leave as a testament to the ignorance of the author)
It comes from thinking aligned with witch burning and stoning heritics.
To compare the morning sickness therapy mentioned to the current covid vaccines is embelmatic of a total unawreness of both.
Educate yourself (macca you moron) to what the above mentioned failed pregnancy paliative actually was. And why it has had a revival in another area of treatment.
That this is presented by a purveyor of unproven 'crack pot cures' is unsuprising.
The damage that this type of insidious divel is able to perptectate can only be descired as criminal.

I seldom mention if at all my personal affiiations. One is proffesor of Pediatrics at a major Sydney teaching hospital.
I fail to see what you are so upset about.

The obvious parallel being drawn is the unknown long term effects of a drug, whether it be a morning sickness drug or a purportedly vaccination drug.

Obviously with any pharmaceutical, they are many unknown unknowns which can only be learnt in the fullness of time. We learnt this from the polio vaccination also.

That, I believe, was the overarching point.

I would add that the fact of effectively mandating a pharmaceutical which only has emergency approval (or whatever the correct terminology is) is both profoundly stupid and absolutely totalitarian in nature.
Ok.... #929
Put your name to the horrors of the above 'unmetionable therapy' compared to Covid vaccines.
and align yourself with how that is percieved through society and the effect that may have on those suffering facebook as oricle.
Forms of 'attenuated' virus inocuculation have been in use, in the 'West' since the early 1700's in the the 'East' earlier... predates 'totalitiananism' by just a bit; Whatever be the relevance???. And have made since a better life for many billions.

Vaccinated populations don't suffer Polio. And we have moved a little since the 1950's at a technical level.

moderate #927... the author's a dangerous fool.

Not quite sure what you are trying to say actually, are you a professor of pediatrics ?

Given your manner of speech on this and other posts I think your bedside manner would be abysmal.

If you wish to disagree with me then do so, but the personal insults you hurl at people that question any of the dogma that you espouse do get rather tiresome.

And just to address the above diatribe, it is quite simply impossible for a reasonable number of tests to have been done on pregnant women, obviously at least 9 months after the vaccine is needed.

I knew a person who suffered because of Thalidomide and it was no joke, trust me
Don't worry, Macca.
Your Granddaughters will be OK.
It's not a drug. Drugs have many side effects, some unknown.
My glands in my neck and under my arms on the side of the injection went up when I had my vaccine. This is a natural response because that is where the lymph nodes are that help form the response to infection. It is a common reaction in vaccines, not unusual in the slightest. (Don't believe me, look it up).

It is a vaccine, just a way of helping the immune system. First invented 100 years ago.
There are things that go wrong sometimes, the immune system acting inappropriately such has occurred rarely with the Oxford University AstraZeneca vaccine but that same blood clot effect happens 10 fold by catching the virus in reality. This is because it is caused by an inappropriate response by the body's immune system to the virus.

There are a lot of scientists and medical people in many countries involved. Have some faith they know what they are doing.
If they thought there was any.... any possibility of such a horrific event do you think they would be quiet. They are people like you and me with children and grand children of their own. And they are located in many countries. The Germans who developed Pfizer, the English and Australians who developed the Oxford vaccine, the Americans in New Jersey who developed Moderna, there are other vaccine makers also.

Don't forget there was testing done before it was released and there has been testing and detailed studies since of participants for any side effects , and when these side effects have been found they have been published. This is over many millions of people.
You will find when you eventually take the vaccine that you get regular follow ups from the government asking about any effects.
All the doctors around the world are also looking for anything occurring.

There are people and foreign governments within the internet who love to scare and provide false facts for the gullible and paranoid.
My cousin was given a fake scientific paper. Beautifully written purported to be published in a medical journal but a total fake.

I suggest you go listen to Dr Norman Swan and his interviews with medical professionals on his weekly show.
Go and look up the vaccines, read their own comments about efficacy, adverse effects. There are scientists looking for these, which is why the paper MoXjo showed us was so good about lipids. They are looking for rare events.

In the end there is no conspiracy between all the doctors, medical professionals, scientists and politicians. They are not evil and frankly a lot of them couldn't organise a fire in a match factory much less organize more than 500,000 conspirators to destroy mankind while not telling anyone as well as getting the Chinese and Russians on board.
Regardless of her unusual beliefs, there seem to be many out there (doctors) who think it can be treated with drugs
Regardless of her unusual beliefs, there seem to be many out there (doctors) who think it can be treated with drugs
It can be treated (not cured)with drugs. They are trialling heaps of stuff. Some have mild effects and fix some aspects but the golden bullet hasn't been found so far.

If someone finds it they will become very wealthy. Hence all the cash being splashed. Mesoblast got some of it for their lung (cytotoxic storm) treatment.
It can be treated (not cured)with drugs. They are trialling heaps of stuff. Some have mild effects and fix some aspects but the golden bullet hasn't been found so far.
And that is what clinicians, and others involved in scientific research, do basically. They want to know what works and what doesn't. So they gather data, assesses it and reevaluate as new verifiable information comes to hand. It is a very simple concept really although the process is complex.
Treating or curing with drugs will only be an answer if the disease can be caught quickly and eliminated. But so long as it has a chance to spread, it has a chance to mutate. This is always the big risk, because the mutation may not be treatable or curable with the drugs released so far. That is why vaccination is so important. With the current vaccines not seemingly as effective against the Delta strain as they were against the previous strains, the solution is not to dump vaccines, but to work harder to come up with newer vaccines or modifications to those out there that are more effective against Delta and any newer strain that emerges.

This is a battle that requires everything to be thrown at it that is known to have some success. Vaccines, cures/treatment and of course the humble masks, social distancing and hand washing when needed.
The thing that I find objectionable in managing this disease is the number of erroneous assumptions that are taken as gospel.
The first order of priority is determining which things are true, which things are false, and which things are as yet undetermined.

In that way we can find an approach that is optimal.

As it stands at the moment, these things have not been determined and therefore, some of the approaches may be ineffective and also counterproductive.

As a case in point the dogma of lockdowns and forcing people to stay inside as much as possible. I think it is fairly evident that that is very little evidence of transmission in the outdoors. This indicates that lockdowns are counterproductive... And even on the level of getting enough sun and there for natural vitamin d.

Also the so-called health authorities are not advising the population on how to manage their overall health and lifestyle in order to minimise the deleterious effects of covid. Being overweight, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, all evidently add to the danger.

So why are our health thought is not counselling us to minimise risk by becoming healthier? I did they spelt nonsense which are negative for mental health like not talking to anybody?

There can only be two possible answers, either gross incompetence, or some other agenda.

It seems to be very well accepted that this disease will be with us indefinitely, and also that the injections are under performing to expectations.

Therefore I would think every effective strategy would be to encourage people to become healthier. This would not only ameliorate fidelity various effects of covert but also the deleterious effects of a whole host of other things like cardiovascular disease and such like.
As a case in point the dogma of lockdowns and forcing people to stay inside as much as possible. I think it is fairly evident that that is very little evidence of transmission in the outdoors. This indicates that lockdowns are counterproductive...
Lockdowns have been proven effective (ask the NSW Premier what happens when you delay them), and people are not forced to stay indoors.
Also the so-called health authorities are not advising the population on how to manage their overall health and lifestyle in order to minimise the deleterious effects of covid.
They are, but you won't look and seem not to be listening either.
There can only be two possible answers, either gross incompetence, or some other agenda.
Maybe that applies to people who don't look and listen!
It seems to be very well accepted that this disease will be with us indefinitely, and also that the injections are under performing to expectations.
The original SARS jut disappeared, so SARS-CoV-2 might, in time. And your claim on vaccinations is simply incorrect:

Yes they do and the authorities have been advising the population for umpteen years regarding the dangers of these excesses. We have had anti-smoking campaigns, warnings of alcohol abuse, risks of heart disease from inappropriate and/or excessive food consumption and lack of exercise etc. Yes we know that a healthy lifestyle will boost your immune system and help prevent getting COVID and may mitigate its effects if one gets infected by COVID.

But we were hit by a fast spreading pandemic and it is simply wishful thinking to believe a campaign to promote better health would be the answer, particularly since such campaigns have only had partial success for years (more so against smoking, less so against obesity and excess alcohol consumption). The only realistic way to slow the spread of the virus was to develop a vaccine and vaccinate as many people as possible and to combine that with relatively easy anti-contagion measures such as hand washing, using masks and social distancing. This is the plan they took and has been fairly successful to date, though the Delta variant is proving more problematic. There is no way that a pandemic could be stopped by relying on substantial lifestyle changes. Such changes take place very slowly and would take decades to be effective. That's too slow for fighting a pandemic.

And the only way to ensure that the population moves in the right direction health wise would be to implement draconian measures to push them to be healthier. Perhaps banning fast foods, forcing participation in sports in schools, banning cigarettes completely and increasing the cost of alcohol so that it becomes prohibitively expensive.

Could you imagine the outcry from people of your ilk who call forced mask wearing in certain locations a form of tyranny.
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