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Coronavirus vaccine news

Yes its a test of intelligence vs tribal allegiance. He has likely convinced many others to make poor decisions that led to their death so let me dance on his grave.
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Moderna Vaccine approved in Australia. 1mil doses to arrive next month.
I think this is the best vaccine of the lot. This is going to be our booster shot next year so I am looking forward to getting it then.

Mr Skerrit said Moderna's results overseas had been encouraging.

"Even after six months it is proving to be 93 per cent efficacious against any infection, 98 per cent against severe disease and 100 per cent against death and that’s really exciting," Mr Skerrit said.

Apparently 10 million doses pre booked, for delivery by year end.
From the article:
“We will have 10 million of the Moderna doses arriving before the end of this year,” Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Monday afternoon in Canberra.
One million doses are due to arrive in September and will go to pharmacies across the country. Three million doses are expected to land each month in October, November and December.

It’s the fourth COVID-19 vaccine approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration so far during the pandemic, and the second vaccine approved using messenger RNA technology. Australia has ordered 25 million doses of the vaccine, with 15 million due to arrive from 2022.
The Moderna vaccine requires two doses, four weeks apart.

The vaccine has also received regulatory approval or emergency authorisation in Britain, Canada, the European Union, the United States, Switzerland and Singapore.

So far 13.7 million doses of the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines have been administered across the country. To date, 9.1 million people have received at least one dose, while almost 4.7 million are now fully immunised
He has long COVID?

His claims disputed

Not sure what his gig is but certainly not reliable.

As for Israel its likely true would you trust Netanyahu.
[it's not about cytotoxicity, it's about the document regarding disclosure of adverse events.

The only question here is the veracity of the document... That's what I would like to find out.

I was going to take on each point, thinking there was something new here.
Most of the speaker's points have been many times debunked.
Here's an example of how ill informed this person is. At 2:10 he talks about covid "having a breakout in the middle of the summer" but forgets that this is significantly occurring amongst the unvaccinated:

Trotting out tweets containing this drivel is a disservice to the ASF community.
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Didn't he mention it was at Massachusetts (or wasn't I listening properly)?
Was he referring to this?
Didn't he mention it was at Massachusetts (or wasn't I listening properly)?
Was he referring to this?
I don't know what he relied on.
He starts by claiming bodies like the CDC don't believe in science, and then gets his facts wrong.
While it is true that no mask can prevent aerosol particles from being breathed, they have been worn in surgical settings for over a century because they are proven to be effective.
His claim that vaccines cause SARS-CoV-2 to become "deranged" is baseless. Prior to vaccines this virus had already mutated millions of times, and will continue to mutate irrespective of vaccines now gaining traction.
His claim that there is an animal reservoir is false (for now). If there is one it has eluded tens of thousands animal samplings. Importantly, international spread has been human to human, so it may indeed be possible to wipe it out via vaccination. But, like eradicating smallpox, it happens over decades rather than years. His claims about vaccines are absolute bunkum, and that's proven, based on billions of doses administered to date.
He makes a claim about "antibody mediated viral enhancement" (never heard of it!) which he seems to confuse with ADE. Whatever qualifications he has, he further compounds his misunderstanding of science by confusing the disease with the virus (@ 2:45).
@wayneL introduced the tweet as a "bombshell", but it's just another trainwreck from a community beguiled by pretense.
Saw a good friends sister and brother in law and got to talking about vaccines. Neither are having it. I was surprised as she worked in health care.

Apparently hesitant as their friend had his legs chopped off due to clots. And another had died from it.

I never really factored in complications from clots. Though I'm sure it's small and I have heard that the virus has a high chance of complications.

Another thing. I got crazy inflammation after the shot. And I can still feel it around the body now. I've also had a noticeable strength decrease.
I was googling around about inflammation and happened to cross over this:

I'm mainly interested in the inflammation damage part of this video. Can someone debunk it?

I have two sons that are in the risk age group for inflammation of the heart. I'm not getting them vaccinated because everyone thinks it's ok. I'll do it on risk assessment only. Luckily there are posters more knowledgeable on the subject here.

As you can tell I've had enough ongoing symptoms from the vax to cause me to second guess.
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The basic story is the same everywhere as in the video above. Scientists alarmed at the push for an experimental vaccine to be given to everyone without known side effects and when these arise anyone who questions it is threatened by their employer or funder with loss of a job. Anyone who promotes treatment regimes that have proved to work is likewise threatened. Governments world wide listening to their chief medical officers who all have the same strange advice. 'Put all your eggs in one basket - a vaccine'.
Here's what worries me about the medical profession. They can often pick the easiest route for themselves when it comes to care.

I think it's over a decade ago. Doctors told me they had to cut my fathers leg off due to a antibiotic resistant golden staff infection.
I knew that having the leg cut off would kill my father eventually anyway. He was against it. The doctors were pushing for it until I told them to politely "Fck off".

Now wounds would open up in a day on his leg as big as your fist. You could literally see down to the bone I crammed as much study and used as much science based stuff and a few "crack pot methods" (eg. Packing wounds with manuka honey) But between those and the antibiotics finally working we managed to get rid of it.

Now perhaps none of those things worked, or one thing, or a combination. But he kept the leg and is still walking around with no trouble.

The point is that 90% of doctors would have said take off the leg. Based on conventional wisdom. Very little really know best treatment. But they do (at least I feel) have a handle on risk management. The problem with that is casualties and disabilities are acceptable.
I am not saying "Don't take the vaccine".
I think it's to big a risk for certain age groups. But I do wonder the side effects.

But the fact is more people would be dead without it or disabled. But that doesn't mean it shouldn't be scrutinised with legitimate concerns.
In my experience they only look at things from one direction and that is usually the one recommended by their association. The last time I had my cholesterol checked I was told I should be on statins. When I questioned this as an old fashioned approach I was told that was the recommended treatment. They cannot go outside their guidelines, they cannot even look, investigate or read about anything outside of those because it will ultimately be useless. Who recommends the guidelines - one guess, whoever benefits the most, ie drug companies.

Cure is no longer on the agenda, keep em coming back by maintaining their condition with symptom-reducing drugs. Who is going to argue? The doctor does well with repeat business for life, the pharmacist does well for the same reason and the drug companies also. Patients fund them all. For surgeries the doctor will still be seeing the patient after the op for life because of one drug or another as a result, he keeps on good terms with the surgeon by recommending him/her, the surgeon does well with several visits and an operation, the private hospital does well with more patients going through and pharmacies do very well too. It is a great business plan as long as the patient pays. And don't forget insurance, if you cannot afford it you can get insurance on time payment and then the surgeon and every one else in line can charge more, as long as the patient can pay the correct fee level.

Unfortunately when the leg was cured they all missed out. That result is very bad for business and should not be encouraged so make sure the patient is told that the original diagnosis was not correct! None of them want that information getting out.
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