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Coronavirus vaccine news

Wasn't a similar number quoted by a doctor who fronted the American Senate but it was discovered he took the headline number of deaths and failed to do an analysis what they actually died from, i.e a vaccination or as a result of other causes? When a study was done the deaths were less than 500 I think which is normal with any vaccination. Not that normal is good of course but all vaccines carry some risk albeit small.

Gees, people would really freak today if the original polio vaccine was on offer.

Actually you should recheck the original story I quoted. This is what was stated after my edit.

Renz says the whistleblower has seen “inside the systems” where vaccine injuries and deaths are being reported that at least 45,000 people in the United States have died within three days after getting injected – and this is just one system that reports to the federal government.

Realistically, more than half a million Americans are now dead because of covid vaccines

According to Renz, there are as many as 12 different systems that report vaccine-caused deaths and injuries to the government. This means that the true number of Chinese Virus injection deaths could be closer to 540,000 people.

“How many have really died?” Renz asked. “And why are they covering it up? These people are murdering people. This is complicity at a minimum. People need to be in jail.”
Australia just caught up with the "average" share of vaccinations for the world:
On the plus side, our vaccination rate is continuing to increase:

But those Kiwis are ahead of us.
Interesting to see Japan really ramp up vaccinations during the Olympic Games.
USA hasn't reached herd immunity but has backed off significantly.
Actually you should recheck the original story I quoted. This is what was stated after my edit.

Ta. I did read the relevant article and also re-read the limitations statement to the VAERS data on which the claims were based.

"Because VAERS allows anyone to report possible side effects from vaccines, it includes reports that might or might not be caused by vaccines. VAERS is not designed to identify cause and effect. VAERS reports alone cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness. Some reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable. Most reports to VAERS are voluntary, which means they are subject to biases. Data from VAERS reports should always be interpreted with these limitations in mind."

I still haven't read it, but you know Ivermectin etc. actually work. That was a lie.
I still haven't read it, but you know Ivermectin etc. actually work. That was a lie.

One small study of patients in Bangladesh which was published involving 72 patients. I don't know if larger trials as recommended are being conducted.

Yet other posters here have done the research for us.
The Dengue vaccine ... example of how virus mutants can occur from vaccines and exterminate people. Came across this recently, after a little browsing. But you'll find this expressed by the inventor of mRNA vaccines, and all over the place by lots of reasonable people. I don't trust these vaccines at all.
The twitter Malone bit and virus mutants (scroll down the page)

Our doctors don't agree:
"The most robust summary of the evidence for ivermectin in COVID-19, published in June, goes one step further. It found available evidence showed ivermectin didn’t work."
The real killer of ivermectin as an effective treatment for COVID was the discovery that the biggest study "proving" its' effectiveness was proven to be fraudulent.

The data also looked suspicious to Lawrence, with the raw data apparently contradicting the study protocol on several occasions.

“The authors claimed to have done the study only on 18-80 year olds, but at least three patients in the dataset were under 18,” Lawrence said.

“The authors claimed they conducted the study between the 8th of June and 20th of September 2020, however most of the patients who died were admitted into hospital and died before the 8th of June according to the raw data. The data was also terribly formatted, and includes one patient who left hospital on the non-existent date of 31/06/2020.”

There were other concerns.

“In their paper, the authors claim that four out of 100 patients died in their standard treatment group for mild and moderate Covid-19,” Lawrence said. “According to the original data, the number was 0, the same as the ivermectin treatment group. In their ivermectin treatment group for severe Covid-19, the authors claim two patients died, but the number in their raw data is four.”
There are current clinical trials some where for ivermectin hopefully put to bed one way or the other for timing, dose, efficacy.
There are current clinical trials some where for ivermectin hopefully put to bed one way or the other for timing, dose, efficacy.

I haven't really followed the ivermectin debate mainly as any cursory investigation of the claims usually led to finding several articles that cast doubt on the reports just like the article from Bas above.

But assuming it does prove an effective treatment after undergoing properly held tests, am I right in saying that ivermectin is touted only as a cure for COVID (relieves the symptoms)? Do they claim that it can prevent you getting COVID just like a vaccine and if one has COVID and one is treated with ivermectin, does it prevent one spreading the virus? If not, you would still need a vaccine to stop the virus spreading. The problem with a spreading virus is the risk of mutations that could end us up with a strain resistant to all current vaccines and so called treatments like ivermectin.

I am largely the same research claims invariably questioned / withdrawn or anecdotal evidence, then throw in the big pharma conspiracy's.

There is some truth to lack of company's running research due to no profits involved but this summary isn't bad.

"The initial lab studies into ivermectin’s effect on the coronavirus involved very high concentrations of the drug. These were many times higher than can be achieved in the body at doses recommended to treat parasites."

I think better treatments are going to be developed soon regardless.
Yea, wouldn't want to be putting that stuff into your bloodstream lightly.
Yea, wouldn't want to be putting that stuff into your bloodstream lightly.
The irony.

The thing is is that there is long-term data on the effects of Ivermectin in mammals. We had a horse who was involved with the original Ivermectin trials way back in the 80s.

I realise that the effects of drugs are different in different species, but I understand that there is also some long-term data on the effects of ivermectin in humans.

As with everything, dosage is an important factor but it is my belief according to when I've read that safe levels of ivermectin have been determined.

For me the efficacy of ivermectin for treatment of covid is still unclear, but encouraging and worth following. However what we do have is long-term data, which we don't have with any of the covid injections.

And I hope I don't have to repeat once again, experiences of vaccinations without proper long-term trials. (Zoetis/Hendra anyone?)

And just to illustrate that I am not an actual anti-vaxxer I'm about to go in and have my tetanus booster this week... And extremely happy to do so

Rightwing radio host and anti-vaxxer dies of Covid

Dick Farrel was a vociferous critic of Dr Anthony Fauci and urged people not to get vaccinated

Johnson and Johnson Janssen Covid-19 vaccine. Photograph: Patrick T Fallon/AFP/Getty Images

Edward Helmore
Mon 9 Aug 2021 01.09 AEST
Last modified on Mon 9 Aug 2021 04.35 AEST

A rightwing TV and radio host who was a vociferous critic of Dr Anthony Fauci and who urged his listeners not to get vaccinated against Covid-19 has died after contracting the virus.

Dick Farrel, who had described Fauci as a “power-tripping lying freak” who conspired with “power trip libb loons”, had urged people not to get vaccinated as recently as June.

He reportedly changed his opinion about vaccines after falling ill and later being admitted to hospital before passing away on 4 August aged 65. “He texted me and told me to ‘Get it!’ He told me this virus is no joke and he said, “I wish I had gotten [the vaccine]!” close friend Amy Leigh Hair wrote on Facebook.

I know the irony. Vaccines in humans have been around since 1905. All a vaccine does is prime the body to attack a virus. It is not a poison to kill parasites.
The latest vaccines have been tested on millions of people and there effects carefully noted to such an extent that we are able to know the side effect to 1 in 10 million case level.

This drug - at the parasite level dose (not the much higher level for Covid) the side effects listed are:

Headache, dizziness, muscle pain, nausea, or diarrhea may occur.

To reduce dizziness upon standing, get up slowly when rising from a sitting or lying position.

Remember that your doctor has prescribed this medication because he or she has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects.

Tell your doctor right away if any of these rare but very serious side effects occur: neck/back pain, swelling face/arms/hands/feet, chest pain, fast heartbeat, confusion, seizures, loss of consciousness.

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