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Coronavirus vaccine news

But of course marketing is given a free pass in enabling companies to spread the disease of poor diet, alcohol, smoking... And even excess reliance on pharmaceuticals.

Approximately 450 people died in Australia today, as what happens every single day... The great proportion of which have died from heart disease cancer diabetes and what not... All largely preventable.

And yet we have all lost our sh¹t over 1 >80 year old dying purportedly from Covid.

Let's all get a sense of proportion shall we?
I note Fox is now pro Vax. Sudden shift.
I thought they were pro vax because Trump actually got the thing off the ground. I haven't actually been following the left/right alternating positions.
I thought they were pro vax because Trump actually got the thing off the ground. I haven't actually been following the left/right alternating positions.

The Pfizer vaccine was part funded by the German government. Pfizer was reluctant to take US funding because of the likelihood that the whole issue would be politicised. Trump's contribution was to urge a speedy search for a vaccine, which is pretty much what every government and every person (except for anti-vaxxers) in the world wanted.

His stance throughout all of 2020 was ambivalent, being pro-vaccine at times and anti-vaccine at other times. He wouldn't even admit (for a while at least) that he himself had been vaccinated. He is now discouraging vaccination, linking it to some Democrat plot or other.

Fox was equally as ambivalent, but had been up until a few weeks ago very anti-vax. Not so much saying that the vaccine is bad (although some anchors did go that far), but doing their damnest to discourage people from vaccinating, using all the silly arguments that we have been hearing from the most militant anti-vax crowd.

The people who got the COVID vaccine off the ground were the pharmaceutical companies who turned their resources to getting a vaccine developed often in collaboration with universities and government bodies like the CDC who assisted in the regulatory framework and officiating the testing (an organisation much attacked by the GOP).
History repeats.

As Gladys has followed Dan's disaster, each action too small and too late, she will soon have to take the final step which is a hard lockdown for 3 weeks.
I predict she will make the announcement mid/late next week if she is smart or a week later if she still hasn't grasped the reality.

Its will be the last gasp to stop the spread.

Curfew at 8pm or similar.
Big fines for holding private parties and to everyone at the party.

All stores except supermarkets and chemists closed,
Only way to get goods is by delivery or pick up from the store by pre ordering externally,
Seems like parts of that are revisionism, but I'm in too lazy a mood to argue.
'Lockdown laziness' is the worst kind of laziness.
I'm surprised the numbers haven't budged either way.
I'm surprised the numbers haven't budged either way.
Cases in the community when testing took place are going up as tracing isn't keeping up, its only a slow rise but NSW is losing the battle.
I note Gladys has pulled the national emergency card- she is thinking about a hard lockdown.
More plot thickenin'

If I read your chart correctly, there was an increase of about 85,000 serious adverse events due to the vaccine, of which about 11,000 represented an increase in deaths. This compares to over 625,000 deaths due to COVID (assuming US only) and presumably a massive amount of serious adverse events (I don't have the data, but one would assume serious adverse events would be a large multiple of the number of deaths).

Things aren't looking too great for those who haven't taken the vaccine.
More plot thickenin'
More like a totally misleading thick clot's posting because it does not accurately reflect covid vaccine data.
Direct from VAERS as of 21 July:
  • Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 339 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through July 19, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 6,207 reports of death (0.0018%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem. A review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records, has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines.
So covid deaths are +4000 fewer than in Smalley's table!
Moreover, for vaccinated people the death rate is less than 2 per 100000. However, as noted above, the actual cause of death may have had nothing to do with receiving the vaccine.
The other high numbers are a natural extension of the data as it must be the case that as more people are vaccinated the number of reported adverse events attributable to vaccinated people will increase. The maths underpinning this are explained here.
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Well, only really if you're unfortunate enough to be crook already... Or lived a life eating sugar and trans fats to excess.

The rest of us have no need to worry.
More like a totally misleading thick clot's posting because it does not accurately reflect covid vaccine data.

Doing the rounds is some wacko in Australia doing similar misleading BS with the Department of Health snap shot data.
Took me a little bit with a web search but here is the search engine

Note the heavy disclaimers part of which are:

"Healthcare providers, vaccine manufacturers, and the public can submit reports to VAERS. While very important in monitoring vaccine safety, VAERS reports alone cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness. The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable. Most reports to VAERS are voluntary, which means they are subject to biases. This creates specific limitations on how the data can be used scientifically. Data from VAERS reports should always be interpreted with these limitations in mind."
so who puts out 'the accurate data' .. and THAT is the problem

if they can't get mask guidance correct when do you start believing them
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