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Coronavirus vaccine news

This sort of info should be in the MSM, everyone has the right to be informed of expert opinion which disagrees with the people selling the current vaccines.

He states that just because you are vaccinated does not mean you are bulletproof, he claims the current vaccines stop our natural immunity from working and the variant mutations will evade the vaccines

This means that vaccinated people are more likely to become seriously ill IF they get a new Covid variant.

He is most emphatic that the current Vaccines are a recipe for disaster and insists we need to create a different type of vaccine

Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, PhD,independent virologist and vaccine expert, formerly employed at GAVI and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

To all authorities, scientists and experts around the world, to whom this concerns: the entire world population.I am all but an antivaxxer. As a scientist I do not usually appeal to any platform of this kind to make a stand on vaccine-related topics. As a dedicated virologist and vaccine expert I only make an exception when health authorities allow vaccines to be administered in ways that threaten public health, most certainly when scientific evidence is being ignored. The present extremely critical situation forces me to spread this emergency call. As the unprecedented extent of human interventon in the Covid-19-pandemic is now at risk of resulting in a global catastrophe without equal, this call cannot sound loudly and strongly enough.


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This means that vaccinated people are more likely to become seriously ill IF they get a new Covid variant.

This flies in the face of the results back to date. It has been found that vaccinated people are also protected from the new variants as they spread in the community. The Delta variant is now the dominant variant in the US, yet the vaccinations people have been taking were developed against the original strain. So, according to your post, vaccinated people in the US should be more likely to be hospitalised and/or die that unvaccinated people when they get infected with the Delta virus. Yet the facts show the opposite. It is unvaccinated people that make up the majority of hospitalisations and deaths (97% or thereabouts)
I agree that the data being released is showing that and for now it may be right, but given the manipulation that has been used in the past to create the desired data results I will wait and see.

I was actually referring to his opinion in the letter but as you know I am an advocate of continued vigilance, vaccinated or not.

My reading of the rather long letter leads me to think that the coming northern winter may see a repeat of the last one, let us hope not
results back *to date*.
This is why we need time to see longer term effects.

*If*, as proposed by some researchers that there could be deleterious effects later, it would be an unprecedented catastrophe.

...and we are *all* hoping that is not so.
This is why we need time to see longer term effects.

Yes, the long term effects are a great unknown, but that equally applies to vaccination vs no vaccination.

We can really only go on current best information and vaccinating is overwhelmingly more favourable to not vaccinating in the short term and this has been borne out by results to date.
This is why we need time to see longer term effects.

*If*, as proposed by some researchers that there could be deleterious effects later, it would be an unprecedented catastrophe.

...and we are *all* hoping that is not so.
That is the main reason I decided on the AZ rather than waiting for the Pfizer, from my understanding the AZ is developed on an fairly established protocol, whereas the Pfizer is new technology. I believe the AZ will have to be tweaked to be affective against new strains, whereas the Pfizer relies on the body tweaking itself, a little bit too futuristic for me ATM.
My reasoning may prove wrong, but I am trying to get a holiday in.

I think this is one reason the gov't doesn't want to discuss vaccination compensation schemes like other countries have.

They don't want to take the risk that the vaccines may have long term side effects that they will be responsible for.

The way the vaccines have been rushed through leaves a lot of room for unknown side effects.
Vaccine bypass has been talked about and is greatly feared due to catching out large populations but what I have seen is that its the change in the virus that causes the vaccine not to work such as the current variants reducing current vaccines effectiveness.

Knobby talked about some one not choosing Vax because of advice from a cafe.

I have relatives who all have serious underlying conditions surrounded by family who are medical professionals urging Vax and they have chosen to listen to some unqualified peanut on the web because he says it will affect their cells and its better to get the virus.

Beggars belief.
People have been eating chicken nuggets,hotdogs and salamis for years and are now worried about whats in a vaccine....
That is truer than people believe.
How many drugs are pumped into chooks, egg to bread in weeks.
We can really only go on current best information and vaccinating is overwhelmingly more favourable to not vaccinating in the short term and this has been borne out by results to date.
This pretty much sums it up. At this stage it is better to vaccinate off the data we have.
No idea on the long term.
This is the impact of misinformation and lies around COVID .

“I’m not accepting any vaccinated people due to reports of adverse reactions,” the host said. “It’s also transmitting to unvaccinated people and causing them to become unwell. I’m afraid it’s way too experimental at this stage and I need to protect my other guests. I’m so sorry for any inconvenience.”

This claim has been thoroughly debunked. Covid-19 vaccines do not “shed” because they do not contain a live element.


Which is exactly the same situation as my family.
But then the experience on ASF also mirrors that situation.
Which is exactly the same situation as my family.
But then the experience on ASF also mirrors that situation.

What baffles me is they are highly educated well read yet act and make such an emotional decision, I measure that by how emotional they get about the issue when discussed rather than applying cold clinical logic.

The world has become obsessed with conspiracy BS.
People have been eating chicken nuggets,hotdogs and salamis for years and are now worried about whats in a vaccine....
This is an excellent point.

I think it has been been convincingly shown that obesity and type 2 diabetes is one of the most important comorbidities in covid-19 hospitalisations and deaths. I think it is also been convincingly shown having adequate sunlight, vis-a-vis vitamin d (and zinc?) is also extremely important in being able to fight the disease.

IOW, getting healthy is super important in being able to survive... But just covid-19 but also just in general life.

But do we see any campaigns from the medical fascists imploring us to get healthy.


Such encouragement from the government towards the population would also have massive benefits irrespective of what is going on with the pandemic.

Yet, all I can hear are crickets.

This is the basis of my covid vaccination scepticism. Although I am 60 in a few days I am in rude health and extremely fit (even if I am a bit too fond of Guinness ?).

To belabour the point, I am not anti Vax in general and and certainly think that we should take steps to protect the vulnerable etc etc and nauseum.

However I did think that it is particularly important, in light of everything discussed above that the government could encourage the population to become more healthy, as hospitalisations and deaths are *almost exclusively among the unhealthy.
People have been eating chicken nuggets,hotdogs and salamis for years and are now worried about whats in a vaccine....
Yeah... And we now know after years of research that eating that junk is probably going to give us cancer and can choose not to eat it...
Yeah... And we now know after years of research that eating that junk is probably going to give us cancer and can choose not to eat it...

And if one person or a hundred or 1000 chose to eat badly and get cancer they fall off the perch.

But if they don't vaccinate against COVID not only do they run the risk of falling sick or dying but they also spread the disease.

On top of that it's also clear that the more the COVID spreads the more rapid the mutations which make it more infectious and potentially beats a vaccine.

There is always a balance between individual responsibility for health vs the overall public health aspects. This was the argument around smoking, .05 driving legislation and public health regulations stopping people from spreading infectious diseases either deliberately or unwittingly.
I liked this approach to vaccination from a doctor in Alabama.

Dr Cobia works at Grandview Medical Centre in Birmingham, Alabama, the state with the country’s lowest percentage of fully vaccinated people (33.7 per cent).

According to Alabama’s Department of Public Health, 94 per cent of the people hospitalised with covid there since April and 96 per cent of those who’ve died have been unvaccinated.

“I’m admitting young, healthy people to the hospital with very serious covid infections,” Dr Cobia wrote in a heartwrenching Facebook post this week.

“One of the last things they do before they’re intubated is beg me for the vaccine. I hold their hand and tell them that I’m sorry, but it’s too late.

“A few days later when I call time of death, I hug their family members and I tell them the best way to honour their loved one is to go get vaccinated and encourage everyone they know to do the same.

“They cry. And they tell me they didn’t know. They thought it was a hoax. They thought it was political. They thought because they had a certain blood type or a certain skin colour they wouldn’t get as sick. They thought it was ‘just the flu’.

“But they were wrong. And they wish they could go back. But they can’t. So they thank me and they go get the vaccine. And I go back to my office, write their death note, and say a small prayer that this loss will save more lives.”

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