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Coronavirus vaccine news

Well jump in and get your AstraZeneca straight away Rob.

We always fill the cup with incompetents @rederob, that is why Governments in Australia get flipped so often, also why one side gets in office more often they probably have less incompetents on board as a general rule,

The chances of blood clots are so small that I'd still take it as it's a better alternative to catching covid.
The chances of blood clots are so small that I'd still take it as it's a better alternative to catching covid.
And if we had the same number of covid cases as most overseas Countries, I would agree, but as things are ATM I'm happy for a slow roll out.
Well jump in and get your AstraZeneca straight away Rob.
My doctor reckons I might get a jab in 3-4 months, but his clinic is not set up for the rollout. If they offer AZ then I will wait until a safer alternative is available. AZ is more likely to harm healthy people than covid.

As to incompetent governments, I reckon Morrison deserves special recognition. He's a litany of missteps, and this vaccine rollout shows what he is capable of stuffing up. We were supposed to get the safest vaccines available because we were in no hurry - after being told we would be amongst the first - what a croc!
My doctor reckons I might get a jab in 3-4 months, but his clinic is not set up for the rollout. If they offer AZ then I will wait until a safer alternative is available. AZ is more likely to harm healthy people than covid.
Well IMO, at least you are showing some common sense, but it might be fleeting. ?

Imagine if Morrison had the AstraZeneca already rolled out to half the population, you would be having a bigger field day than you are now, he could give you the world and you still would bag him.
The good thing is I get a lot of laughs reading your posts, you must be a real hoot at a BBQ, jumping from why is the roll out so slow, to thank god it is slow I don't want the jab till later.
Everyone must be on suicide watch when they leave the BBQ. ?
Imagine if Morrison had the AstraZeneca already rolled out to half the population, you would be having a bigger field day than you are now, he could give you the world and you still would bag him.
A fleet of pigs is flying past my window.
Imagine that.
Apparently now issues are showing up with the Pfizer vaccine now, the media can start and rant about why we ordered another 20million doses of that.
From the article:
Jerusalem: The coronavirus variant discovered in South Africa can “break through” Pfizer/BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine to some extent, a real-world data study in Israel found, though its prevalence in the country is low and the research has not been peer reviewed.

The study, released on Sunday (AEST), compared almost 400 people who had tested positive for COVID-19, 14 days or more after they received one or two doses of the vaccine, against the same number of unvaccinated patients with the disease. It matched age and gender, among other characteristics.
The South African variant, B.1.351, was found to make up about 1 per cent of all the COVID-19 cases across all the people studied, according to the study by Tel Aviv University and Israel’s largest healthcare provider, Clalit.
But among patients who had received two doses of the vaccine, the variant’s prevalence rate was eight times higher than those unvaccinated – 5.4 per cent versus 0.7 per cent.

This suggests the vaccine is less effective against the South African variant, compared with the original coronavirus and a variant first identified in Britain that has come to comprise nearly all COVID-19 cases in Israel, the researchers said.
“We found a disproportionately higher rate of the South African variant among people vaccinated with a second dose, compared to the unvaccinated group. This means that the South African variant is able, to some extent, to break through the vaccine’s protection,” said Tel Aviv University’s Adi Stern
The researchers cautioned, though, that the study only had a small sample size of people infected with the South African variant because of its rarity in Israel.

They also said the research was not intended to deduce overall vaccine effectiveness against any variant, since it only looked at people who had already tested positive for COVID-19, not at overall infection rates

Australia has turned to the Pfizer vaccine for people under 50 following concerns over blood clots caused by the AstraZeneca vaccine. On Friday the Australian government announced it has ordered 20 million additional doses from Pfizer, in addition to 20 million doses it had already ordered.

While the results of the study may cause concern, the low prevalence of the South African strain was encouraging, according to Stern.
“Even if the South African variant does break through the vaccine’s protection, it has not spread widely through the population,” said Stern, adding that the British variant may be “blocking” the spread of the South African strain
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Good point raised in Paul Kelly's press conference.

The US has a national vaccine compensation scheme for people adversley affected by vaccines.

Why don't we have one ?

If the number of cases of covid reaction is so small , it would cost hardly anything.
Ironclad Certainty amidst Vaccination Chaos

Worried about the chaos in the vaccination to and fro.
Want to have certainty - somewhere , anywhere, something you can hang onto for sure.

The absolutely certainty is that whenever scummo opens his mouth on anything including vaccination plans, deadlines etc , you can bet that you will get a dump of prime bull****. Whenever he opens that hole
..the one in his face...
get ready to duck!
Don't get slimed.

Place that bet with Ladbrokes
But remember please , gamble responsibly!
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yeah I don't trust the vaccines.

It's doesn't seem necessary for the non-elderly , yet risky as not fully tested , so why would one take it ? and why do they want the non -elderly to take it? Will they compel us (suspicious) soon? And it looks like they may not work anyway.

We might be getting onto a course soon where we are getting vaccinated on a regular basis. Unhealthy in the long term ...

Musk seems to share similar views:

Interesting article on the state of play in China, with regard the vaccine.
From the article:
In an astonishing admission of weakness, China’s top disease control official has confirmed that the efficacy of the country’s COVID vaccines is low. With trials abroad suggesting that protection rates could be as poor as 50 per cent, the country’s regulator is now considering whether to mix jabs to boost their effectiveness.

This is a catastrophe for China.
The country is stuck in an unsustainable zero COVID trap, only able to maintain an upper hand over the virus by closing its borders to almost all foreigners and limiting domestic travel.

Beijing could be left behind within months, as rival countries reach herd immunity and reopen for global business. On this point, even the Chinese commentariat has been remarkably candid.

State epidemiologists have taken to the airwaves, warning that China’s vaccine rates are insufficient to reach herd immunity by the end of year, let alone the end of the summer.

You need to stop believing everything you read!
I guarantee you that the statement you refer to does not exist.
China's vaccines are around 80% effective. The chances are that many posting here do not know what that actually means, and that's due to a peculiarity with covid. With covid you can be asymptomatic, so actually be carrying the disease and not know it.
Another confounding measure is "illness" itself. With a flu vaccine you either get flu symptoms or you don't, but with a covid vaccine there are literally dozens of possible symptoms yet it's possible that none lead to a positive covid outcome. Or, for that matter, the symptom may be so mild as to be unsure it's meaningful, eg. cough, headache or muscle ache.
Next is what happens if you do get ill. From what I have seen published, Chinese vaccines have an extremely low rate of cases needing hospitalisation and none of the trials in multiple countries lead to deaths that were linked to covid.
So while the Chinese vaccines are not in the +90% efficacy range, they also do not have the deaths that are probable from the AZ vaccine.

And is the pot calling the kettle black?
This is a catastrophe for China. Australia
The country is stuck in an unsustainable zero COVID trap, only able to maintain an upper hand over the virus by closing its borders to almost all foreigners and limiting domestic travel.
By the way, Chinese domestic travel is virtually unrestricted: your phone app is the basis for determining if you are allowed to travel. Moreover, thousands of Chinese are travelling to work on overseas projects if they have been vaccinated.
Beijing Australia could be left behind within months, as rival countries reach herd immunity and reopen for global business. On this point, even the Chinese Australian commentariat has been remarkably candid.
Perhaps change "candid" (above) to BRUTAL.
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Surprise surprise, the Chinese vaccine doesn't work. Who would have thought?? Something from China that doesn't work?
What will they think of next? A submarine that sinks in the dock? I almost forgot, they've already achieved that.
Surprise surprise, the Chinese vaccine doesn't work. Who would have thought?? Something from China that doesn't work?
What will they think of next? A submarine that sinks in the dock? I almost forgot, they've already achieved that.
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