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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
Sweden for the win ... Again.

Nah, if you read the report its pretty dum science at best.

Fails right across the board not breaking down the reasons for excess deaths.
Nah, if you read the report its pretty dum science at best.

Fails right across the board not breaking down the reasons for excess deaths.
Did YOU read the report Mr Focus or just dismiss it because of its source?
The figures quoted are from the OECD report which shows excess mortality, as distinct from purely covid related deaths.
One of the problems is that COVID related deaths vary from country to country in terms of people dying with Covid versus people dying from covid.
If as the report did, purely look at excess mortality, for which there can be no argument or variations in deffnition, Sweden has recorded the lowest. This is despite no lockdowns, no school closures, no business closures or the requirement for police riot squads to be out and about.
I don't agree with his conclusions as to what can be learned, but you are pushing the boundaries to suggest that the base data is non science.
As to it failing because it did not break down the reasons for excess deaths, it is immaterial. Whether the reasons are more suicide, because people were afraid/prevented from seeing their doctors, the hospitals could not cope, or a rush of shootings stabbings and drownings.
The fact that Sweden had fewer for whatever reason suggests that lockdowns emergency legislation school and business closures etc etc were not the panacea that we were led to believe.
Mick, look at the chart below, first two lines, Norway miles ahead in COVID death rate, .2 behind Sweden in excess deaths.

As a single point reference same as being made about Sweden you could argue the opposite.

Besides that comparing Sweden with Chile?

Similar health systems and living standards?

Yeah I did read it assumptions on assumptions more holes than the Titanic absolute shocker, quoting the OECD numbers doesn't help it, sorry its rubbish.

The point of the original article was t suggest that Sweden compared favourably to everyone else in relation to excess deaths.
The fact that they did not do all of things mentioned may be the reason why.
The comparison with covid deaths is a furphy, does it matter if you die of corona or boredom, you are still dead.
Let me put it this way, compare the OZ statistics to Sweden.
There is 5.5 times more chance of dying of Covid in Sweden. Thats bad.
But look at the excess deaths with cover all death reasons, and over all there is a 2.5 times greater risk in OZ than in Sweden.
I don't know if you are betting man, but if you were , which one would you be betting your life on?
And as I tried to point out, the covid death numbers are not an accurate guide as the stats methodology varies from place to place.
As for your comment that there are
"assumptions on assumptions more holes than the Titanic absolute shocker, quoting the OECD numbers doesn't help it, sorry its rubbish".
Well I am sorry, but thats just yuir opinion, you failed to highlight the assumptions, the holes etc you see.

Mick last comment on the matter, an assumption is made that not having a lock down you have less excess deaths.

This may be true but is a massive assumption and a complete lack of understanding.

The fact health systems, population density, living standards, transportation methods, culture, adherence to protocols, and five thousand outer reasons might just be also responsible.

The report is rubbish's again sorry.
Sweden has a high vaccination rate and a population that does the right things. When you compare them to Norway which has similar characteristics they look a bit sick.

Btw USA is very bad, anti vax thing didn't work out too well.
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Looks like the Covid panic is over.

This is a fascinating article, note excess deaths, in other words deaths higher than would have occurred if there was no covid. This does not mean that Covid is responsible for all of them directly.

Biggest losers are India, Russia, Indonesia, USA and Brazil. if you asked me the worst 5 I would definitely have had 4 of them. india's figures are shocking. As I have said my best friends wife is Indian and she lost relatives over there.

The 25 countries with the highest total estimated excess deaths between January 2020 and December 2021

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Flu has overtaken COVID in the UK as the leading cause of hospitalisation.
From Statista
There was no COVID in 2017/18, so it may be difficult to portray these figures as being a result of weakened immunity.
I will be lining up for my free flu shot in late March. so hopefully I don't join that list of the elderly who are more susceptible.
Kerryn Phelps reveals that her partner suffered a severe reaction to the covid vaccine.

Of course, this will fire up the anti vaxxers, but reactions to any vaccine happen to a small segment of the population.

But, our politicians are too gutless to admit it, and still refuse to set up proper compensation procedures for those who do have reactions.

Wow, this may cause problems.
Karen Phelphs, a Doctor no less, former member of parliament, also a paid up member of the LGBTQ+ set, and one of the the Teal forerunners, has revealed that she not only has had an adverse reaction to the vaccine, but has revealed that doctors who had reservations about side affects were asked to to say anything that would impede the vaccine rollout.
My wife the Pharmacist had reservations, purely because of the lack of testing at a meaningful level.
But she said at the time, that given the pandemic, she would be willing to take the risk.
She says that given what she knows now, she would probably still accept the risk of complications, because the alternative may have been much worse.
We have both had 4 doses, though given the generally mild symptoms that the vast majority of people have had with the latest version of Covid, we may not get any further vaxes.
So far, neither of us has tested positive, so perhaps we can say the vax did work.
But then again, my crazy anti vaxer sister in law has not had it either, though her vaxed husband, my brother, and some of their kids have had it twice.
We will wait till some more data comes out.
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