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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
111 deaths to 430,000 infections vs our 250+ deaths to around 700,000 infections. Seems Florida with their 70% vaccination rates, limited restrictions and fat obese Americans are doing better! Guess covid already killed off their vulnerable?
So the previous 63K deaths in Florida can be discounted because they are only now doing so well?
The majority of Australia's deaths to date have had serious comorbidities or are from the frail aged, and may just as easily have succumbed to a serious flu given no deaths were reported in 2021.

Friendly reminder.... Can't say I haven't also benefited....

“This is the biggest annual increase in billionaire wealth since records began. It is taking place on every continent,” the Inequality Kills report reads.

Their soaring wealth has been attributed to skyrocketing stock market prices, a boom in unregulated entities, rising monopoly power and privatisation, on top of the erosion of individual corporate tax rates and regulations as well as workers’ rights and wages.

Oxfam Australia chief executive Lyn Morgain said billionaires have enjoyed a “terrific pandemic”.

“Central banks have pumped trillions of dollars into financial markets to save the economy, yet much of that has ended up lining the pockets of billionaires riding a stock market boom,” she said.
Now that Djokovic has lost his (LAW) court battle with the feds, there is an interesting discussion about what will happen with his sponsorships.
Given that so many of the same people who want to crucify antivaxers have called for boycotts , cancellations etc of those who are unvaxed, will they turn on Djokovic for his unvaxed status?
Given that the French President said he was going to piss off the non vaxed, will he now demand that both Lacoste and Puegeot, both major sponsors of Djokovic, dump him from their stable?
Be interesting to see just how much hypocrisy comes to the fore.
Here's the lead author:

A dentist!

Yeah Dentists are notoriously dumb sh!ts with nothing constructive to add and zero credibility.

If the Author had been a Veterinarian on the other hand, we could religiously believe everything they tell us, yes?

Don't normally "play the man" but it seems a popular game around here so what the heck:

Albert Bourla : (Given he's a horse doctor, I'm surprised he's not keener on Ivermectin, lol)

My Sister is a front line Health Worker currently helping look after a few dozen unfortunate covid punters.

She is one of the thousands of workers who has to be jabbed or be jobless

Now due for her booster and will have to comply because she has bills to pay.

She's been constantly tired/lethargic since her second jab a while back

And a little concerned about how many more times she will have to get the needle to keep her job.

And amongst all the unfairness where we see this happening:

Fortunately Australia would never be so dumb as to follow the overseas stupidity of allowing covid positive people back to work rather than perfectly healthy unvaccinated workers

Thank God we are have some semblance of intellect left by our "leaders" in Aus!

Oops! (A World gone mad I'd suggest)

Brief/succinct summation on Mandates by Orthopedic Surgeon Ahmad Malik from the UK

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Next time you have car trouble pop in and see your local panel beater....
Probably by waking up in the morning and not being offended by whats happening in a University half way round the world would be a start

Who said l was offended?

The stupidity that happens in the USA eventually spreads to Australia.

Common sense has gone out the window. Can't you see that? Everyone is getting Omicron or Delta, EVERYONE. Regards of your feelings. The replication/infection rate of Omircon is 7 (or l think 10) to 1, it's super infectious. Your getting it. Doing RAT/PCR tests are a waste of time, effort and money for everyone involved. Why do them?

WA is just delaying the inevitable too.
McGowan is in denial.
Probably the big miners pressuring him to do something because it's all theatre and he can obviously see what is going on in the rest of Australia. The CDC said that those cloth masks are useless, only use N/K 95 Masks. Ok, where do we get 20 million masks from? Maybe twice a week (or 3 times depending on how active you are), so we need 40 - 60 million masks per week, every week, forever? Its stupid.

  • QR Code check in should be abolished ASAP. Honestly, does anyone check in anymore? Whats the point of checking in to a local bakery when the definition of a close contact is now 4 hours? I could work with someone for 3 hour 59 minutes, have smoko, then do another 3 hours 59 minutes and not be considered a close contact. It's laughable.
  • Quarantine for international arrivals should be abolished ASAP. How does it make sense for someone flying into Australia has to do 2 weeks quarantine (positive or not), but if you get Omicron locally, you just have to quarantine for ~7 days. Makes no sense. Maybe propping up the hotel industry...
  • RAT Test - for what purpose? Everyone is getting it. Just accept it. If you feel unwell, have a few days off, if not, keep going to work. My local Coles/Woolies selection of fresh food looks like we are living in Cuba.
  • Data coming out now is showing that continuous boosters have the potential to harm the immune system. Let natural immunity rip through the community.

Here is another stupid article from the ABC that doesn't take into account small/medium size business owners who need to work or else they don't get paid and go bankrupt. Everyone has bills to pay. No work, no money, go bust. Plenty of time to get your shots if you so desire, if not, thats your risk profile, I don't care. Up to you.

You can't make this stuff up, how blind people are who don't live in a world where they need to work to make ends meet.

'COVID chasers' trying to catch Omicron on purpose

are 'playing Russian roulette', experts say

Dave is desperate to catch COVID-19 and has been maximising his chances of getting infected after returning from a family Christmas.​
"I've been going to parties, clubs and still attending the gym," he says.​
The 39-year-old from Sydney is a "COVID chaser" — someone indulging in the controversial practice of trying to catch the virus on their own terms, perhaps at a "COVID party", so they can time their isolation around their lives and hopefully avoid inconvenience.​
"As a self-employed business owner I have limited holiday time and need to be available to service my clients and earn a living," he says.​
"Given this, timing a COVID infection early in the new year made sense: most of my clients were also away, meaning I could get this out the way and be available for work once I'd recovered."​
Unsurprisingly, epidemiologists and experts are strongly warning against the practice.​
Stuart Turville, an associate professor of immunovirology at the Kirby Institute, equates trying to catch COVID to "driving around Australia, learning how to swim in watering holes that may or may not have crocodiles".​
"If we've learned anything about the virus, it's that it turns on a dime."​
It's unclear how widespread the practice is or how many people have contracted the virus this way.​
But Dave isn't alone — Marie* has a similar plan, along with several others who we spoke with for this story. None wanted to use their real names, for fear of being identified as COVID rule breakers or the possibility of fines.​
Dave and Marie are both vaccinated but consider themselves to be realists about their likelihood of contracting the virus.​
Marie is a wedding planner from Brisbane and recently discovered her daughter, who is isolating in another suburb, has COVID-19. The 49-year-old is thinking of paying her a strategic visit pretty soon.​
"I want it over and done with before my next wedding booking starts in February," she says.​
"We're all getting it sooner or later, so if I can manage it, I'd like it to be on my terms.​
"Call me crazy, but I like to be organised: my business has suffered enough with cancellations. I don't want to finally have bookings starting again and then having to cancel due to COVID."​

I'm in a similar mindset as Dave (above). I would have preferred to get Omicron over the Xmas break so l can continue to work and not lose wages. Some of my work colleague have had Omicron, feel like crap for 1 or 2 days, thats it. 1 didn't even know he had it, he had to do a PCR test for family reasons, turns out he had Covid.​

Dan Andrews, Anastasia Palletjack, Mark Mcgowan, Steven Marshall and Michael Gunner have no idea because they get a salary regardless of lockdowns or quarantine situations going on. So out of touch with society and small business owners. Same with Stuart Turville at the Kirby Institute. Work from home. Shut down businesses. I don't care, l still get paid. Maybe the politicians should forfeit their pay to a non profit charity that someone else decides on everytime there is a lockdown.

We (Australia) should have done more research into drugs like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and also pumped more into the unis research (like Monash and UQ QLD, or utilised the Military, like the US Army is doing - link) - not believing what the USA touted as not working due to their horrid political fabric of left v right that is going on over there right now. Same with monoclonal antibody treatment - feel sick or the onset of Covid, come in and get this treatment for free. Instead, what did we do in QLD? Build 2 quarantine camps in Pinkenba and Toowoomba. We are ruled by idiots. Not only that, Palletjack has had 2 years to get ready for this, and she is still flying by the seat of her pants....

Yeah Dentists are notoriously dumb sh!ts with nothing constructive to add and zero credibility.
Dentists are not engaged in clinical medicine so her involvement in a study on a drug she does not use is unusual.
The real point was that your referenced study was withdrawn or not accepted for publication by most medical journals until it finally surfaced open sourced via a crowd funded platform after a year in limbo.
If you think governments internationally are somehow wanting to suppress a cheaper drug treatment because they would rather pay many times more you have rocks in your head. Health bills for covid are astronomical, hospital systems have been brought to near collapse, and hundreds of studies continue to take place to examine which if any present drugs can be repurposed as effective treatments. So far Ivermectin has nothing conclusive to warrant its use despite the efforts of Peter Kory (co-author of the study) who has a habit of making exaggerated claims.
The part I dont understand is that you figured all that out but not the bit about politicians only agenda is being re-elected.
The part I dont understand is that you figured all that out but not the bit about politicians only agenda is being re-elected.

Pollies only look after themselves, I thought l mentioned common sense? Everyone knows that. Self interest.
Seems the Hazard known as the NSW health minister has had a bit of a prank pulled on him.
From ABC News
Two interesting things from this that says a lot about politicians.
1. He had heard about other fake reports being submitted, but never thought to condemn them publicly until he was the victim.
2. If you fail to report a positive RAT, there is a $1,000 fine, but if you submit a fake one, the fine is $5,000. Which one of these two outcomes will contribute more to the spread of the diseas??
Pollies only look after themselves, I thought l mentioned common sense? Everyone knows that. Self interest.
Well if you join the dots you might understand where we are at and why,whether right or wrong!
The pressure on our hospital situations with the current spread of Omicron is already immense. Victoria has called a Code Brown to enable re organisation of hospitals to deal with the pressure of thousands of very sick COVID patients.

Victoria to issue emergency Code Brown alert for its health services due to Omicron wave

Posted 4h ago4 hours ago, updated 20m ago20 minutes ago
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An emergency response plan will come into effect for Victorian hospitals from Wednesday as the sector buckles under Omicron.
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The Victorian government will issue a statewide Code Brown for its health service, which may postpone leave for thousands of staff and defer non-essential services.

Key points:​

  • Code Brown will allow hospitals to make staffing and resource changes to prioritise critical patients
  • There are currently 1,152 COVID-19 hospitalisations
  • Teachers and emergency services, prisons, freight and transport worker will be exempt from close contact isolation rules from tonight

It is the first time that the emergency setting has been activated in multiple hospitals across the state.
A Code Brown is usually reserved for external emergencies such as natural disasters and mass casualty events.

It formalises and streamlines the health system's emergency management in response to the growing number of people in hospitals.
The Code Brown will come into force at midday on Wednesday for all metropolitan hospitals and six regional hospitals, with each site to put in place different strategies to respond to the activation.

Acting Minister for Health James Merlino said the healthcare system was buckling under the Omicron wave, and it was "the right time" to issue the Code Brown to anticipate a peak in hospitalisations which could see more than 2,500 COVID patients.

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