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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
Geez I hope the treasurer isnt doing the numbers.....
Like I said earlier it's a win win, the government looks like it is still enforcing a hard borders despite tennis Aust and the Vic Gov trying to bypass it and the court gives the govt what it wants which is to let Djokovic in.
The media after spending months bagging the unvaccinated, are now championing an unvaccinated person, they are playing into the government's hand.
I wonder how long it will be before they wake up?
A bit hard now for the media to grumble about quarantine facilities, when they want to wave unvaccinated people through, why bother with quarantine? Lol absolute DH's
I think its not exactly the Tampa moment the Libs were looking for.
Makes a dogs breakfast of their hard border b/s
I can hear the booing on court already.....the circus is about to start
All the minister has to say now is, we will allow this one through but in future all State decisions on overseas vaccine exemptions must be processed through the Feds, two birds with one stone Andrews gets a kick in the goolies and the Government can relax the hard borders as the media has supported it.
The whole thing is a pantomime.
A lot of journalists were screeching to ban him from Australia and then suddenly flipped around when the perceived that political mileage could be made.

The whole saga was just dumb.
...and when he gets on court, we will see just how dumb the majority of the public is in misplaced anger.

It's going to be embarrassing.

<Edited to add link>
View attachment 135562SP I think you are delusional,this is no win
Ok if Djokovic can come in unvaccinated, why can't everyone else? Who's delusional? Lol
The media are giving the Feds a hand to loosen the hard borders.

It was only a couple of weeks ago the media were going on about lack of testing and booster vaccine, now they are saying it isn't required if like Djokovic you have had covid. Muppets feeding chooks.
Ask the people he was sharing his hotel with
Ask the people he was sharing his hotel with
Better still ask the people who are trying to get back into Australia, who are vaccinated. Lol
Or people in Melbourne who can't get into watch the Australian open, because they aren't vaccinated and Andrews demands they get vaccinated.
What a joke.
The media says the Feds shouldn't make Djokovic into a vilian, yet the media has been making unvaccinated Australian's into vilians all last year, like I said Muppets feeding chooks.
...and when he gets on court, we will see just how dumb the majority of the public is in misplaced anger.
The anger will have nothing to do with Covid, more to do with him being a bull shiyt artist.

"Cant reveal my vaccination status (none) because of "privacy" reasons." F***ing pussy.

Hope Nadal kicks his arse.

Nothing to do with Covid, it is about the character of the man.
At last the penny has dropped with the SMH. Lol
A bit late, all the pro allowing Djokovic in have done their damage, dumb ar$e reporters.
First this that Djokovic shouldn't be made into a vilian.

Then this when they start to understand the problem. Lol

Like Morrison said, he shouldn't be here.
it brings all the mandates on vaccinations into question, if the requirement to be vaccinated doesn't stand up in court. Lol
So now according to the media, the right wing loonies who said as long as I have had covid and developed natural immunity, were correct all along?
I can't wait to see the first unvaccinated person refused entry, take the venue to court.
Good old Victoria going its own way, as usual, belt and road anyone? Lol
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Thank you for proving my point.

BTW, the folks should be angry at the govt and it's handling of this. If the rules were clear, then Novak wouldn't never have got a visa in the first place.

The fact is he was issued with a visa by going through all the correct processes, at least to the best of his knowledge and in good faith. The decision of the supreme court has in fact, borne that out.

It is the government that has not known it's @ss from a hole in the head.

For what it's worth, I really do think there should be some consistency, especially with regards to our own citizens trying to return home. As we have consistently seen, the rich and famous have gotten special consideration over and above we plebeians. But that's not their fault that is the government applying rules inconsistently.

Be mad at this clusterf""k of a government... At both state and federal levels.
Be mad at this clusterf""k of a government... At both state and federal levels.
It is going to be interesting to see if the unvaccinated are stopped from going to the Australian open.
There will be some very unhappy people, the unvaccinated if they aren't allowed in and the vaccinated if they are. Lol
That's how they want it, bro. Divide and rule.
This issue could we'll bring things to a head IMO
You can lose your job unless you are vaxxed, unless you're a tennis player. Lol
Very very messy IMO

It's even divisive at player level.
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Have you thought about changing the media you view
Have you thought about changing the media you view
Why? I get great enjoyment out of reading what the chooks are being fed, it is very entertaining. ?

We even have Dan trying to back fill the hole now, I mean it doesn't get funnier than this, priceless.
From the article:
Mr Andrews said Immigration Minister Alex Hawke should decide whether to evoke his discretionary powers to cancel Djokovic’s visa again, “free of any pressure of any public debate and discourse”.

“Because otherwise … I’m not a lawyer, but you might well find yourself back in the federal court again,” he said.

And Tennis Australia with the shovel: (this begs the question, why didn't tennis Australia just demand he get vaxxed? rather than to circumvent the system, if that's what happened) ?
“The ATP fully respects the sacrifices the people of Australia have made since the onset of COVID-19 and the stringent immigration policies that have been put in place,” the association said in a statement.

“Complications in recent days related to player entry into Australia have however highlighted the need for clearer understanding, communication and application of the rules.

“The series of events leading to Monday’s court hearing have been damaging on all fronts, including for Novak’s well-being and preparation for the Australian Open.”

The association strongly recommended vaccination for all players on tour, “which we believe is essential for our sport to navigate the pandemic”.
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The MSM seem to be glossing over the fact that Djokovic claimed that he was infected with COVID on December 16th, and that means he could not get vaccinated , and hence should have had an exemption.
The only problem is, there are numerous facebook pages and Serbian media reports showing him maskless on subsequent days playing tennis with kids, accepting an award, and even posing with government officials as a Serbian stamp was issued with his portrait. (must be the Serbian equivalent of the Queen). His family back in Serbia who have been most vocal up to this point, have remained remarkably silent when a few hard questions were asked about his public movements post Covid test.
This, plus his 'inadvisable" self promoted Tennis tournament in Serbia back in 2020 where a an unknown number of players got Covid, demonstrates a complete lack of care for anyone else.
The guy might be a great tennis player, maybe even the greatest, but he is still a selfish elitist areshole.
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