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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
Omicron is a lot more widespread then official figures.

I know one lucky girl who is asymptomatic. At least 20- 30 of my sons friends have it.
Talking to one of them and he has had symptoms for 5 days and said that it still doesn't feel like it's getting better.
On the other end of the scale unvaccinated friend seems to be doing ok after 3 days. That's not an endorsement for anti vax. Simply that it's really random.

I'm just starting to get a stronger headache now. Kind of comes in waves. You cannot get comfortable with Omicron it's annoying as hell.
You cannot get comfortable with Omicron it's annoying as hell.

Sleeping is a huge issue for me normally, so I expect Omicron would make it next to impossible to sleep. Are sleeping pills out of the question when you get it?

MoXjo you do keep banging on - and trash talking. Seems to be your strong suit.

I was a little surprised at your dismissal of Aaron Collins story of which masks work and why. From what I have read, you have been very scathing of the capacity of most masks to offer effective protection against infection. Aaron reinforced that point and made clear that one needed far more sophisticated masks to substantially increase ones protection from catching COVID.

No one believes masks are a panacea. Good masks used well however have been proven to lessen the risk of COVID transmission. Highlighting that fact and explaining what to look for is not "idiotic" - regardless of your trash talking

In the current situation people will need to take every care if they are going to avoid catching Omicron and particularly with a big viral load. Your family and friends situation sounds like a challenge. Interesting to hear your reporting on the ongoing developments. Could be a case study.
Are you able to get out in the sunshine ?

I understand that may be too hard on the eyes but it seems to be a common thread through the treatments and recovery process, Vitamin D from the sun is best.

Hope you bounce back soon
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Are you able to get out in the sunshine ?

I understand that may be too hard on the eyes but it seem to be a common thread through the treatments and recovery process, Vitamin D from the sun is best.

Hope you bounce back soon
No shortage in Perth atm
Sleeping is a huge issue for me normally, so I expect Omicron would make it next to impossible to sleep. Are sleeping pills out of the question when you get it?
Sleeping is terrible. My sons have the same.

Apparently post covid sleep becomes worse.
I don't think it's all due to anxiety. If I had sleeping pills I'd probably pop some. And I very rarely use medication.

There's a study in there but it definitely feels like sleep patterns get messed up.
There was something about melatonin but this headache smooshed my ability to follow up and verify.
I'm just trash talking.

But watching 90% of the population use masks wrong is one of the reasons I don't put much weight in their ability to protect yourself.
You have to follow protocols for them to work. So even if you have 95% protective mask, take it off incorrectly, touch your face, touch inside your mask, or the dozens of other things you can do wrong. Then you may have an artificial assumption of safety.

If you wear a mask and everyone else isn't then you may also be under the assumption you are protected. But it's only true in specific circumstances.

No one seems to know the rules or have relaxed to the point they don't care.

So why it should just be judged that it stops you launching aerosols.
Are you able to get out in the sunshine ?

I understand that may be too hard on the eyes but it seems to be a common thread through the treatments and recovery process, Vitamin D from the sun is best.

Hope you bounce back soon
Yeah was out in the sun. Eyes are ok but this headache came on. Feels like bits of my brain exploding.

Didn't really have a sore throat but it feels a little funny now.

I was told these symptoms come first then the lung stuff in week two if you didn't fight it off.

@moXJO You do not want to just sit back and let this thing make its way into your lungs. That is when it becomes a problem.

Its possibly too late for Quercetin/Zinc/D3/C/Magnesium to have time to help a lot as it should be used as a prophylaxes but I'd still do it anyway.

There are some simple steps you can take however, but get on to them straight away

I would normally pull up some crazy data from an "anti-vax site just to prove I am obviously talking misinformation, but what the heck

I'll be normal this time and post similar information from a regular medical site just so it appears more trustworthy

Bear in mind a couple of very well credentialed "anti covid vaccine" Doctors have been telling us a similar story for over 18 months

(Puts soap box back in the cupboard, lol ......)

Iodine nasal spray, or something similar .... get someone to get you some immediately.

Get a bottle of Listerine and gargle the hell out of the back of your throat ...... get some immediately

If you know someone who has a nebuliser, borrow it now ...... A mixture of saline/small amount of hydrogen peroxide (in the correct ratio of course - see Dr Mercola or similar), and add1-2 drops of Lugols Iodine. You need to get something to fight the infection, down into your lungs before the virus has any chance of establishing itself there! Every 1-2 hours!

ps All the best with it.

Thyroid problems Dr?
Cant give financial advice on a stock forum but feel free with medical... lol
Oops, fair point. Hadn't thought about the advice thingy.

If I have broken protocol @Joe Blow please add some form of disclaimer to my above post if possible

"My suggestions are not meant to be advice, rather information gained from personal experience, please do your own research"

ps If I have broken protocol, but is helps stop someone from getting sicker than they may otherwise have ....

I'll happily take whatever fine/punishment is due on the chin
Please note in the link "Disclaimer"

"Once publications are selected for inclusion in a database, NLM does not review, evaluate, or judge the quality of individual articles and relies on the scientific publishing process to identify and address problems through published comments, corrections, and retractions (or, as in the case of preprints, withdrawal notices). The publisher is responsible for maintaining the currency of the scientific record and depositing all relevant updates to the appropriate NLM database."
Trying to sleep is painful. Headache and body pains. Slept with my arms folded at the elbows and elbow joints extremely painful. Feels like being put into an armbar and hyper-extending the joints. But it's the headache that is the real problem.

Appetite is gone.

Thanks for any tips.

Headache up to 6 on the pain scale. It's consistency is the real kicker

I am curious as to what the process is at this stage (in case I end up in the same boat when WA reopens or sooner). I presume you had symptoms and were tested for COVID and that is how you know you have Omicron. Obviously hoping you recover soon, but who is monitoring you to decide that you may need hospitalisation? Is it something you decide if you think you can no longer cope or is there someone monitoring your condition on a regular basis (your GP?) who then might decide hospitalisation is best?

Some positive news for those who have Omicron.

So there is a check list you go through to see if you need hospitalisation on your local state health website. You should contact your gp. As for me I was lucky enough that partner and kids took a short trip that now is a longer holiday.

I have friends and family that drop stuff off.

But I would recommend.

Stocking up on medication now. Visit the doctor to double check. But anything for headache, body aches, possibly sleeping pills (I know they are frowned upon.

Stock up on electrolytes, lots. I'm dehydrating like a slug in the sun.

At least 5 days of TV dinners. You definitely do not want to cook. Easy nutritious food you can literally just plonk on a plate.

I'd consider a wheat bag for back of neck and shoulders, as hot shower hitting those areas really brings relief.

Your favourite iceblock.

Non scratchy or wooly/ hairy sheets. Possibly a personal preference but I'm glad I've got over 1000 thread count sheets.

I use to use the Listerine method Barney mentioned and it did give relief in the past for the throat.

There was some nasal wash but I can't for the life of me verify it now with this stupid headache.

Stock up and be prepared and it will be less brutal.

My son did 3 rapid tests and the official one. I felt it come on as a 'funny throat'.
Panadol didn't work at first. That's the first time I've taken it in years. However the heat to the back of the neck definitely stopped the brain pain explosions I was having. They came back once I got out of the shower but 10 minutes after the Panadol seems to be finally kicking in.

I'm definitely thinking a neck and shoulder heat bag. The headaches are the worst. Mainly due to them just being non stop consistent.

The other thing is if you think you are going to catch up on a movie or the like, think again. For me, I don't want to do anything where I have to engage my brain or eyes. Laying in a semi lit room seems to be the most comfortable.

Even sht posting seems to much. Luckily Humid and Bas have put on kid gloves like I have cancer or something. Because I feel I'd be destroyed by moderate wit.

Actually not feeling too bad now. I found some of this crap in the cupboard. And I was desperate. Everything seems to be kicking in nicely.
While I'm only lying down. It feels a hundred times better without that damn headache. Energy levels ok as well.
Body aches gone.

I'm not one to abuse medication. It takes a lot for me to take it. Only because I figure when I do take it, it will feel like a giant relief from whatever pain I suffered through.

I'll let this panadol lose effect then when it feels like the symptoms come back I'll try a pain and flu tablet. Probably tomorrow.
Between those "voost energy" tablets and the Panadol I'm feeling awesome. I think the voost had caffeine in it. I'm not a coffee drinker.

But headaches and body aches are gone and while I still feel hot I'm feeling great and going to eat.

Was feeling really negative prior, but am now in great spirits. Feels like I can watch a movie and I'm now eating and moving about.

Talked to both sons Panadol didn't work for my younger one.

Typed this out at about 11 and still feeling good.
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