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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
Does it scare you that this is probably where we end up
Depresses me more than anything.

To be honest, I'm quite looking forward to the boogaloo. Whenever I hear some vegan cyclist soyboy male feminist arts degree cuck come out with some hilarity like "I only punch nazi's because it isn't legal to publicly execute them yet" all I do (aside from laugh) is think "don't threaten me with a good time".
It is a pity they don't live in Utter Pradesh in India,

Population of over 200m people, total 280 new cases in the past month, total of 8 deaths in the past month, vaccinated less than 30%.

Obviously, cutting edge medicine is now based in Asia
It is a pity they don't live in Utter Pradesh in India,

Yes, for them it may be a pity. It may also be a pity for them that they don't live in Perth or lots of other places. But the fact is that long covid is a serious issue for many who catch covid.
Yes, for them it may be a pity. It may also be a pity for them that they don't live in Perth or lots of other places. But the fact is that long covid is a serious issue for many who catch covid.

The problem is no early intervention, in Utter Pradesh when you test positive you given a pack of meds and supps to use at home.

The whole family is also supplied with treatment to stop the spread

In western countries you are sent home with the instruction to suck it and see, coughing up blood is considered "acceptable"

Kind of like "gee, you have high blood pressure, just ignore it, when you have a stroke give us a ring"

We ain't never going to beat Covid until we actually treat it early while still incubating in the sinus, mouth and throat
Turn over kills skill levels also any time I visit hospitals staff no matter who all seem under pressure and not enough of them.

Yep, and when the number of 1.8 Full-time Equivalent (as not all work full-time) per 100,000 population for nursing are considered not all of them work in hospitals or major Metropolitan areas. Brings the available numbers down for hospital staffing. As well there could still be a number (probably not many) who are still registered but not working at all.

Been a vexed issue for many years.
I believe "refusenik" is the new word from the politburo.


Been talking to more mining guys plenty up in arms re mandate and pulling the pin, work these days for bigger company's is pretty draconian (no unions) tow the line or get shot the mandate is just the final straw in many of the cases if you dig deeper.
There is tons of work around, probably just an excuse to change the fifo situation, for a lot.
My kids have all had their first shot, now that a border opening date has been set.
Looks like NSW will see what Omicron can do with a full head of steam. The pressure on COVID test sites in Newcastle is now overwhelming the staff. Given the location of the people already identified the spread of the infection is guaranteed.

Newcastle Argyle House nightclub COVID outbreak could become one of the 'highest-transmission events' in the world

ABC Newcastle
/ By Carly Cook and Madeline Lewis
Posted 1h ago1 hours ago, updated 3m ago3 minutes ago

The Argyle House nightclub cluster has continued to rise, with more than 100 new cases recorded for Newcastle overnight.(ABC Newcastle: Bindi Bryce)
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A Hunter public health controller is predicting a 1970s-themed prom night at a Newcastle nightclub could become one of the highest COVID-19 transmission events in the world.

Key points:​

  • COVID cases soar in nightclub cluster, with more than 200 recorded in the health district today
  • Health officials say it could become one of the biggest super spreader events in the world
  • Many of the cases are likely to be the new Omicron variant
More than 100 new cases were recorded across Newcastle today, as numbers in the city rapidly rise after the event at Argyle House last Wednesday.

Health officials said of the 650 people checked into the event, 150 people have so far tested positive to COVID-19, most likely with the new Omicron variant.

In the 24 hours to 8pm last night, the Hunter New England health district recorded 224 new cases of coronavirus.
Of the new cases, 216 are from the Hunter alone, with 116 from Newcastle, 48 from Lake Macquarie, 28 from Maitland, 11 from Port Stephens, seven from Cessnock, five from Singleton and one from Dungog.

There is tons of work around, probably just an excuse to change the fifo situation, for a lot.
My kids have all had their first shot, now that a border opening date has been set.

Yes also some big opportunities for some, mates son-in-law just moved mines for an extra $40k so the whole thing could raise salary's as a consequence.
Omicron is still being reported as mild.
Looks like the vaccinated are the super spreaders of this variant. Young (under 40) and vaccinated to be exact. So the angst against the antivaxxers giving it to you proved to be bunk up to now.

Allegedly the symptoms are only slightly more severe if unvaccinated. But it's super easy to catch. Symptoms seem to be mild. Mixed reports of symptoms- as mild as a cold to that of a strong flu. Talks of getting a third shot to yearly shots. No thanks

No masks tomorrow in nsw thank fck.

My guess is they will try to crowd out delta with Omicron by letting it rip.
Yes also some big opportunities for some, mates son-in-law just moved mines for an extra $40k so the whole thing could raise salary's as a consequence.
Yes my son has been getting pay rises, without asking for them, they seem keen to hang on to quality workers, or they have heard of his father the legend. ?

perhaps the powers that be are sick of copping flak and have decided that Ok let us see what happens.

Given the Vax mania they really have painted themselves into a corner, either it works or they are fools, so let the people decide.

SA Docs are still reporting mild symptoms for healthy people with Omicron so I guess we wait and see.

We will go out but not to crowded places, I prefer a quiet lunch somewhere anyway
I think it was always wait till a weaker virus took over. Sars and mers were deadlier but weakened over mutations.

Covid 19 was a very big risk. It lessened with delta. And now omicron will probably be allowed to outpace delta.

Realistically the authorities had it about right originally. Then they went stupid with it and affected to many people with idiot authoritarian measures.

The hardliners now are just political.

Take care Macca not quite out of the woods yet
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