I’m trying to understand the S&P/ASX 200 CFD/ETO Long Protection Strategy.
Say I buy 10 S&P/ASX 200 CFDs (ie IQs) @ 4,381.6
1 S&P/ASX 200 CFD has a value of A$1 per point so the total contract value is $43,816
The initial margin is 10 x $305 = $3,050
The equivalent S&P/ASX 200 ETO has a value of A$10 per point.
Therefore a 10 long ASX S&P/ASX 200 CFD position would require 1 S&P/ASX 200 ETO put option for protection.
I decide to buy 1 XJOXI Sep09 4300 put option.
According to the CommSec website, the premium for the XJOXI is “1.050” (not 1,050) and the Contract Size is “10”, so does that mean the put option only costs me $10.50? Somehow I don’t think so!
Can someone please explain how to calculate the cost of a XJOXI using CommSec’s figures or is there an error somewhere?
Say I buy 10 S&P/ASX 200 CFDs (ie IQs) @ 4,381.6
1 S&P/ASX 200 CFD has a value of A$1 per point so the total contract value is $43,816
The initial margin is 10 x $305 = $3,050
The equivalent S&P/ASX 200 ETO has a value of A$10 per point.
Therefore a 10 long ASX S&P/ASX 200 CFD position would require 1 S&P/ASX 200 ETO put option for protection.
I decide to buy 1 XJOXI Sep09 4300 put option.
According to the CommSec website, the premium for the XJOXI is “1.050” (not 1,050) and the Contract Size is “10”, so does that mean the put option only costs me $10.50? Somehow I don’t think so!
Can someone please explain how to calculate the cost of a XJOXI using CommSec’s figures or is there an error somewhere?