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Can Malcolm Turnbull rise from the ashes?

i think malcolm turncoat needs to stay in the seat of power,

he is hilarious, makes a buffoon of himself and no one takes him serious at all.

imagine life without him.......

the longer he stays the better for all
I don't know why they have to persist with all this rubbish in the public domain.
Wilson Tuckey is the most vociferous white ant.

Obviously Turnbull's stand on the ETS is completely at odds with that of the Nationals and some Liberals but wouldn't you think they'd all have the sense to sort it out in private!

No point in replacing Turnbull with Joe Hockey imo and will just make them look more unstable than ever.

It's difficult to imagine that this public dirty washing will not see them further diminished in the next opinion polls.

What a gift to the government who, in contrast, appear to together and disciplined.
Turnbull is bit arrogant in my books.

I fear that Pyne bloke and will have to stop following Australian politics if he gets any higher up the ranks.

If true, little excerpt from link to show Pyne's colours:

response to my question of why he joined the Liberal Party, the MP blithely responded "I live in a Liberal seat so I had to be a member of the Liberal Party to get into Parliament. If I lived in a Labor seat I would have joined the Labor Party". Frankly I was aghast at this response. Where was the conviction, the beliefs, the values that I believe should motivate our political leaders? Several follow up questions disclosed that the only motivation for his own political involvement was for him to become Prime Minister
I don't know why they have to persist with all this rubbish in the public domain.
Wilson Tuckey is the most vociferous white ant.

Obviously Turnbull's stand on the ETS is completely at odds with that of the Nationals and some Liberals but wouldn't you think they'd all have the sense to sort it out in private!

No point in replacing Turnbull with Joe Hockey imo and will just make them look more unstable than ever.

It's difficult to imagine that this public dirty washing will not see them further diminished in the next opinion polls.

What a gift to the government who, in contrast, appear to together and disciplined.

Yes Julia you are right when you quote "APPEAR together and disciplined", however, it is a known fact that there are dissidents in the Labor Party who are not in agreement with Rudd on the ETS. They are mere puppets on a string and if they don't dance the right way, they will be dropped over the side when the party machine cuts the string. They toe the line or get kicked out.
Whilst the Coalition appear in disarray, at least the members are allowed to speak their minds. Whether that is good or bad, is a matter of opinion Iguess.
After watching Rudd and Hockey on sunrise years ago I quite like Joe Hockey not as a politician but his character in general, that said he is not the Leadership answer for the Liberals imho, Turnbull should have gone by now but really who do they have to replace him with, its quite typical of the Libs to be infighting publically when they should keep things in house, its about time they cut the deadwood and start looking to the next generation of Politicians who are a bit younger and a bit more dynamic, not for the next election because I think they are doing a good job of screwing any chance they have in that regardless, but for the following election. Its a bit like rebuilding a football side when players are past their best and its time to persevere with younger ones coming through to set up future years, different scenarios but when politicians have fallen from grace in the eyes of the public what use are they when public perception affects weather they win or loss an election, the ones with real value who know their stuff yes, they are needed and kept on that basis, but the ones in it for their own fame and gain, put them in the draft....
I'm having a great time watching the Liberals self this rate labor will be in power for over a decade.

Wilson Tuckey for PM :)
So you support Fabian socialism?

I'm a socialist...but lets keep this thread on track.

The liberals don't do opposition well, Turnbull is prob to close to the centre
to be a liberal prime minister...has there ever been a centrist liberal PM?
I'm a socialist...but lets keep this thread on track.

The liberals don't do opposition well, Turnbull is prob to close to the centre
to be a liberal prime minister...has there ever been a centrist liberal PM?

yep that's what i thought...but hes the only one i can think of...and he came to power in strange circumstances.

The point im getting at is that Turnbull is an unlikely PM but then so is Hockey, come to think of it...i now have a better idea of why Costello never had the numbers, he was to centrist as well.
Turnbull's poularity is down to 18%. So was John Howard's back in the mid

Given time and some possible adverse happenings to Rudd down the line, and let's face it, it is impossible for Rudd to maintain his popularity for ever and a day. He will come unstuck sooner or later and then Australians will eventually wake up to his spin and rhetoric.

The ETS could well be his undoing.
Well, let's hope that by the time Mr Rudd's political skills desert him, Mr Turnbull will have developed some of his own.
He is at present sadly lacking in political savvy imo. The first thing he needs to understand is the need to take your back bench with you, rather than make unilateral decisions.
All the Libs have to do is wait until the bubble goes pop and win hands down in the biggest land slide in history, sit back no one will vote labor for years and years.
Well, let's hope that by the time Mr Rudd's political skills desert him, Mr Turnbull will have developed some of his own.
He is at present sadly lacking in political savvy imo. The first thing he needs to understand is the need to take your back bench with you, rather than make unilateral decisions.

Yeah he should take his lead from Krudd, as Krudd is not an egotistical, self-centred dictator who demands his party toes the line.

Australians have been conned, they love the handouts, and only when housing goes up the duff ( gearing has nowhere to go, interest rates rising, taxes rising, incomes stabilising ) then people will start to question him, as he has no more money to buy votes with.
I'm a socialist...

Do we have a thread for discussion of political and economic systems? Also, just using 'socialist' is pretty vague.

Glen48 said:
All the Libs have to do is wait until the bubble goes pop and win hands down in the biggest land slide in history, sit back no one will vote labor for years and years.

I hope you're right, but I'd be lying if I said I was optimistic. We vote by emotion and with opinions that are feeded to us. Unfortunately, many of us do not seem to stop and think hard about the issues. Instead, we just adopt those we read and see on tv. I think it will take too long for people to come around.
Kevin and cohorts have the Liberal rabble on the ropes. They are disfunctional and are about as useful as a bicycle is to a fish. The great unwashed masses are lapping up the media savvy grunt coming from Canberra like a fat kid in an icecream shop. Reminds me of cows being fattened prior to slaughter. When the excreta hits the spinning blades we will be hit with "Don't blame me, I warned you with the 6000 word essay as to the pain that was coming". Where has Kevin gone of late? The man who used to know an awful lot about just about everything – and was pleased to pass it on – is now comparatively mute and unseen. One reason for this is Rudd does not want to be pressed uncomfortably on a range of issues on which he doesn't have answers, such as sections of industrial relations policy. Further, he wants to be seen as a positive, productive contender for the prime ministership and not the usual carping, negative Opposition Leader. He is a political genius OR he has very good handlers and advisers coaching his every move. (parts of this post have been stolen from the Daily Telegraph) :eek:


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Kevin and cohorts have the Liberal rabble on the ropes. They are disfunctional and are about as useful as a bicycle is to a fish. The great unwashed masses are lapping up the media savvy grunt coming from Canberra like a fat kid in an icecream shop. Reminds me of cows being fattened prior to slaughter. When the excreta hits the spinning blades we will be hit with "Don't blame me, I warned you with the 6000 word essay as to the pain that was coming". Where has Kevin gone of late? The man who used to know an awful lot about just about everything – and was pleased to pass it on – is now comparatively mute and unseen. One reason for this is Rudd does not want to be pressed uncomfortably on a range of issues on which he doesn't have answers, such as sections of industrial relations policy. Further, he wants to be seen as a positive, productive contender for the prime ministership and not the usual carping, negative Opposition Leader. He is a political genius OR he has very good handlers and advisers coaching his every move. (parts of this post have been stolen from the Daily Telegraph) :eek:

From the Courier Mail September 26-27.

Rudd has a simple message : "I have the answers to all your problems and you'd be stupid not to take notice."

This bloke has an ego as high as Mt. Everest.