Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Can Malcolm Turnbull rise from the ashes?

It seems no one will be happy until Turnbull is replaced.

My fear is not that Turnbull will be lost in the ashes, its more to do with the new piece of firewood that's going to replace him - the candidates are:

Robb the blob
The very Reverend Abbot
Laugh a minuite Hockey
Cone Head Pyne

How about as a rank outsider the Arch Bishop herself?

I wonder if I could emigrate to Antarctica - its about the only place that doesn't have politicians!:D

That's certainly how it appeared. I've always had respect for Kerry O'Brien and felt he has overall done a reasonable job of being fair to both sides, but he certainly appeared to have his own agenda last night.

A question for you Kerry,

When will yopu be leaving the ABC to take up a safe seat as a Member of the ALP ? and for how long have you been a mole for the ALP using your position at the ABC in an attempt to turn public opinion against the Liberals ?

I wonder if it is a case of kicking a man when he is down? Kerry getting his kicks (sorry) from doing so?

I just watched this show. Kerry O'Brien certainly makes no secret of his hatred of Turnbull and his bias against the Coalition. I just wish Turnbull would stop commencing answers to deliberately nasty and provocative questions with "Well Kerry...."

Julia, what else would expect from a Labor Party stooge. Rudd probably orchestrates the questions for O'Brien to ask. Would not be surprised if he had contact with Rudd every day.

Kerry O'Brien is and always has been very biased towards the Labor Party. I think Malcolm Turnbull has to reconsider his interviews with the ABC, just like Kevin Rudd picks and chooses who interviews him. Rudd will avoid interviewers whom he thinks may put him on the spot.




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Ok ... it's official .. the media has now branded Malcolm Turnbull as ... wait for it .... Malcolm Turncoat. The miserable journalistic hack jobs have been reading our stuff in ASF in here! I believe this phrase was used in here several weeks ago??? (can't be bothered looking for it either)
Ok ... it's official .. the media has now branded Malcolm Turnbull as ... wait for it .... Malcolm Turncoat. The miserable journalistic hack jobs have been reading our stuff in ASF in here! I believe this phrase was used in here several weeks ago??? (can't be bothered looking for it either)

The Labor Party are up to their old tricks again to discredit Malcolm Turnbull by falsely claiming he approached them to join the Labor Party. Six Labor Party hacks all have the same story to convince the public and the media that what they say is gospel. Turnbull has refuted their allegations but what chance does he have with six against one. Do they have any proof or records in writing or verbal? Why has it taken the Labor Party 10 years to come up with these allegations.

IMHO I believe the Labor Party set up Turnbull with the "fake E-Mail". It may have been the case whereby an E-Mail was sent to Godwin Gresch and ultimately deleted at both ends by Rudd's IT wizards. Gresch then tried to reconstruct the E-Mail from memory and this is the reason he stumbled in the senate inquiry with his statement it could sort of be false because he had nothing to back up his story. Whether that E-Mail was true or false we may never know. Nevertheless it had the desired affect the Labor Party wanted and that was to discredit Malcolm Turnbull and the Liberal Party to make way for an easy election win whenever that may be.

Malcolm Turnbull should visit China for some lessons on how to cut Rudd off at the ankles, for it did not take the Chinese long to wake up to Rudd's false and empty rhetoric.

I also believe Turnbull should follow the lead of the Nationl Party and many of his own Liberal MP'S and reject the ETS Bill outright. The Rockhampton cement works closure is the tip of the ICEBERG and should be exploited to the fullest and he has three months to do it.
Remembering his successfull merchant bank was setup with ex Labor Party honchos. Good chance that there is a modicum of truth to the rumour. Interesting to note that it is a bit late to close the gate after the horse has bolted.

Apologies to Banjo on this one:-

There was movement at the station, for the word had passed around
That the colt from old Regret had got away,
And had joined the wild bush horses - he was worth a thousand pound,
So all the cracks had gathered to the fray.
All the tried and noted riders from the stations near and far
Had mustered at the homestead overnight,
For the bushmen love hard riding where the wild bush horses are,
And the stockhorse snuffs the battle with delight.
I also believe Turnbull should follow the lead of the Nationl Party and many of his own Liberal MP'S and reject the ETS Bill outright. The Rockhampton cement works closure is the tip of the ICEBERG and should be exploited to the fullest and he has three months to do it.
Ideally he should delay passing the legislation, but as we all know this puts him at risk of facing a double dissolution election which the Libs would not win.

If it were possible to delay the ETS decision until at least after Copenhagen I suspect (unless there is an unexpected unanimous decision to take definite action globally) Australian voter opinion will have turned even more negative towards an ETS. I understand there is considerably less support for it now than a few months ago, as people become more conscious of the added cost of living it will imply.

If public opinion continues to go against this ETS, the government will be more likely to take the time to consider some of the objections to it.
Clark runout as well. Oh dear. Goodnight Malcolm.

Yes Julia the general population is starting to wake up to the reality of the proposed scheme and it's hidden costs to the scale of living. Like three blind mice we will only wake up after the trap has been snared by our illustrious leaders.


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They seek him here...they seek him there... he's he's he's definitely right...well, maybe he's left...oh no he's absolutely right! Well...perhaps not.:)
Malcolm Turnbull's stocks are up today, a slight improvement from last week.
Maybe the smear campaign by the Laobr Party may have back fired.
IMHO he could lift his ratings 10 points if only he would go along with the Nationals and many of his own party and reject that stupid Labor Party ETS.
The ETS is purely a TAX GRAB and will do nothing to reduce CO2 emmisions.
The SCEPTICS are gaining momentum. Lets keep it on the move!
Have to give Malcolm Turnbull credit for his tenacity after listening to him together with Joe Hockey on Sky News at 9am this morning.

With all the pressure being applied to this fellow from both within his own party and outside as well, most leaders would have thrown their hands in the air and quit.

He is not quite out of the fire yet, however, with a few more media performances like this morning, who knows he might yet rise from the ashes.The big test will be getting his ETS ammendments past the back bench disparity.

You have to give to the man, he 's got GUTZ.
The thread title should read "Does Turnball inspire confidence?" ...

an alternating thread to the Rudd one. ;)