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Bitcoin and cryptocurrency trading thread

Sounds like your trying to convince yourself, there were many other flash in the pans that failed.

There is no doubt block chain will be around but it shouldn't be something that everybody bids on and its value increases, its meant to be a medium of exchange.

Up 2000% in a year, 20 year olds making 100k that are smart investors have heard it all. This is not going to end well, they are drawing everybody in like moths to a flame.
Seriously $10K on an opportunity---I need to convince myself!

If it falls to zero no biggy.

A 20 yr old who picks up $100k might be as Dumb as a Duck
But he's got $100k he didn't have before. Smart 20 yr old.
Up 2000% in a year, 20 year olds making 100k that are smart investors have heard it all. This is not going to end well, they are drawing everybody in like moths to a flame.

If you are convinced about this short it ! Could be the trade of the decade !

A couple of options are now available.
There's always a place for a speculative in a diverse asset portfolio....just adjust it's weighting to reflect the risk of total loss

I pulled $7300 out of the Melbourne Cup
4 yrs ago
Given $1000 back
Took $7880 out of a pokie a month ago
Given a $150 back

Sound investment?
Of course not
Stupid investment
Hell yes

Will I keep doing it

Packer played poker with millions
Sound investment—- of course not

Nothing wrong with a quantified gamble now and again
Bitcoin madness: Small-cap Longfin soars 2,000% after acquiring blockchain company
  • Longfin rose 230 percent Friday and was up more than fivefold at one point Monday, which brought its two-day surge to more than 2,000 percent.
  • The small-cap financial technology company said it was buying a blockchain company,, on Friday.
  • The company had its initial public offering on Nasdaq just last week.
  • Meridian Enterprises, which sold Ziddu to Longfin, is a private Singapore company that is 95 percent owned by Longfin's CEO and chairman Venkat Meenavalli.

The insane price surge noted by Bitcoins cofounder and CTO, Emil Oldenburg, has caused him to be extremely skeptical of bitcoin’s future.
“I would say an investment in bitcoin is right now the riskiest investment you can make. There’s an extremely high risk,”

You'd imagine he probably knows what he is talking about
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He suffers from fear of loss just like you and I

How much do you need?

Why didn’t he short it he could certainly afford to

His expertise may not be timing the irrational or rational exuberance
Of the crypto currency markets.
He’s got just as much chance of being wrong than right.
I doubt he will leave the crypto market entirely.

Murdoch just sold Fox off to Disney
Do you think he knows something
Does Disney know something.
Bitcoin madness:
“I would say an investment in bitcoin is right now the riskiest investment you can make. There’s an extremely high risk,”

You'd imagine he probably knows what he is talking about

"right now" ? Really?

Bitcoin never was, or will ever be, or is now, anymore or less riskier than the riskiest investment you can make. Its a Ponzi scheme with global reach that makes Bernard Madoff's $64.8 billion fraud look like small change. Instead of deceiving mere 5000 clients, Bitcoin has deceived millions of clients, and in spite of the clear warnings, no country has been able to move against Bitcoin because it operates outside the legal jurisdiction of any single country.

The deception is hidden in novelty of the technology, which lures investors into a false sense of trust. The focus on the strength of the cryptography distracts the investor from the Bitcoin having a fixed net value of absolute zero. Unlike conventional currencies that are based on the tangible assets of the country that owns it, Bitcoin is not underwritten by any assets whatsoever.

How is that possible?

The answer is that the "miners", who invest in the hardware necessary to generate the hash codes required for each Bitcoin transaction, participate in a winner takes all lottery for the next transaction that is paid in - you guessed it - Bitcoin. This creates an impression of a tangible asset underpinning Bitcoin, but the net value of this asset is negative, because the majority of miners are losing money (not being paid) and when they are paid it is in a massively overvalued currency. And because unsuccessful miners operate as individuals they never get to see mining for the pyramid scheme it is, proping up the ponzi scheme that is Bitcoin. And all other cryptocurrencies operate the same way.

Bitcoin has a long way to go before it exhausts the pool of 7billion potential suckers who cant recognise a ponzi scheme even when its right there hiding in plain sight.

It is believed Madoff ran his scheme for 30 years. The only thing keeping Bitcoin up is its ability to find more and more people stupid enough to invest in it. If you are so stupid as to knowingly invest in a pozi scheme, then you are going to be just as stupid in missing the point at which you should have sold it all - just before the whole scam bursts.

Crypto-currencies must be pegged to a tangible asset by linking it (eg) to an actual country where it can be regulated. Otherwise its fraud simple.
Don't " invest "" in bitcoin ,Trade it.
Get in, take profit get out. Get in , take profit get out...........
We know its a bubble ,but we don't know when it will pop.
If Governments decide that bitcoins etc can become taxable, traceable, registered with tax office etc
the bubble may pop then....... if they decide its illegal and somehow legislate it then POP
Where is The Lone Ranger.?.. I want more from possibly the best trader/investor in history . 80% win and 30% profits per month with no risk .......awesome
I guess the 20% losers aren't classed as "risk"
I guess you do this for the social aspets....from post 21
"and I drive uber about 5 hours a day for about 3 or 4 days a week,"
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Where is The Lone Ranger.?.. I want more from possibly the best trader/investor in history . 80% win and 30% profits per month with no risk .......awesome
Iron flys/condors are difficult to tame in a slow grind bull market. 80% win / 30% per month sounds like a load of baloney.
I'm amazed.

Here's another one

Litecoin founder Charlie Lee says he’s sold all his holdings in the cryptocurrency
  • Charlie Lee, who founded litecoin in 2011, "sold and donated" all of his litecoin tokens over the past few days.
  • The litecoin creator said there was a "conflict of interest" with him holding litecoin.
The fraud is over!
Now for the computer science valid reality check

- the Blockchain flaw married to Bitcoin that cannot be resolved, as Bitcoin's already out there.
Bitcoin will not be the great cripto currency of the future as pinpointed by a smart geek from google to the true believer -

This isn't even one of the Communist Party funded miners. Imagine how big the State one is!!! and how much of that 100% of bitcoin the Chines already own and are not telling!
So they can manipulate, when they want to make a buck like, at Christmas time when most of the world is not concentrating or in the mood to report or remember it. Like, I don't know - last nights 40% plunge after massive volume pick up?!!
Perhaps they already, recently, crossed the 51% holding.
There is no way of knowing!!

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The power of Fear
Blockchains are being used in all sorts of applications
There are many crypto currencies.

If you do some research yourself you’ll find their design is
To eliminate third parties like Govt regulation ( GFC )
Poor Economic Management —— Hyper inflation your money
Becomes worthless due to Govt policies

Banks and their power and regulation ( Greece ) banks
Close their doors freeze YOUR funds

Crypto is out of the bag
It wont be going back.

We are going to see a change in the way we do business as big as
The change from Batering and trading to money as we now know it.

If you don’t think Google has an agenda——
The biggest change in Economics that we will all see in our lifetimes.

You totaly missed the point. I was talking about BITCOINs blockchain. No fear my dear!!!
Just significant shorting profits arleady bagged and greater opportunities still there. The others are similar, so far (not all of em) - cant be bothered.
The agenda of the Google geek was that 'he^ could no longer mine, it was more a personal thing. There was 'no gotcha' display. I put together the consequence.
Like I have pointed out before the IMF will and is going to develop its own etc.
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The other telling thing you missed, Ducky, is the fact that the Chines are cashing out a significant amount of BITCOINs whilst they accumulate, a bit like constantly filling a bucket with a hole in it but outpacing the leak.
Why would they do that do you think?
To state the obvious - because they know it will eventually fail and will end up worthless so they have to make the money on the run.
The art now is to keep the game going and appreciating as long as possible.
It's notable that Ripple inventors have maintained more than 50%.
Plenty could have if 5hey were quick made a motza short
Plenty if they had the resources and the ability
Could have made a packet long.

There are still the three schools.
Have a great Xmas everyone
Blockchain = valuable, there seems little doubt about that.

But as for Bitcoin well I see it as much like those early internet companies whose stock price went to the moon but ended up worthless.

The internet was valuable but specialist companies selling dog food online sure weren’t.

Or you could say that shares as such are a valuable concept but shares in a company with no assets or ongoing business sure aren’t.

Once someone comes up with a relatively stable crypto currency and/or one that’s backed by something tangible or at least a central bank then that’s it for Bitcoin I expect.

In the meantime enjoy the ride. It’s an opportunity for speculation but it’s not a long term investment or sensible means of exchange for legitimate transactions in my view.
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