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Bible Verse of the Day

Adam lived 930 years eh? Impressive. Just goes to show that exercise is good for you and promotes longevity. Adam must have got plenty of exercise in building the ark, catching all those millions of pairs of every living creature on Earth, loading them on to his boat, gathering 6 weeks supply of food for them, feeding them every day, cleaning up after them, and generally keeping them in good health so they could repopulate the world with their respective species after the flood was over and Adam deposited them back on Terra Firma.

All this time I've been wondering why Adam, despite being an intrepid man of considerable fortitude, didn't drop dead from exhaustion, when in fact all that hard work had the opposite effect and he lived to the ripe old age of 930!

I'm just about to head off on my daily 1 hour walk. Except that after reading about Adam and his 930 year lifespan, I'm going to crank it up to 2 hours a day from now on. Maybe even 3 hours.

Oops....I was thinking of Noah, not Adam.
Wonder how long Noah lived then....did he replicate the example set by Adam, and live 900 years or so, or did he die of burnout after the ark campaign was over.

And I wonder what was the secret of Adam's longevity. Lots of exercise perhaps - he must have fathered lots of children in his 930 years - you don't get much rest when your kids have always got you out and about, doing something with them.
Simple, healthy food McDonalds back in those days.
In any event, I don't think I want to live 900 years...I'll be happy with 100, and good health all the way through.
Last weekend I went to a rock concert that featured some of the biggest rock 'n roll names from the sixties....Little Patti, Johnny Young, The Delltones, Normie Rowe, among others.
It was sensational....those performers have lost none of their ability.
One of the songs performed by Normie Rowe was 'It Ain't Necessarily So'. The words go something like this.....

It ain't necessarily so
It ain't necessarily so
The things that you're liable
To read in the bible
They ain't necessarily so

It ain't necessarily so
It ain't necessarily so
The things that your preacher
Is likely to teach ya
They ain't necessarily so

When Normie Rowe first released this song back in the sixties there was a storm of outrage from Christians who labelled the song 'blasphemy, disgusting', and called for it to be banned.
Although I was a practicing Christian at the time, I thought it was pretty damn weak, arrogant and immature of Christians to attempt to deny someone the right to question their beliefs and their book.
Even today there are Christians who childishly get hot under the collar when anyone questions their views.
bunyip, yep no doubt the Gershwin's had a few windows broken as well ;)
ARTIST: George and Ira Gershwin
TITLE: It Ain't Necessarily So
(Porgy and Bess]

It ain't necessarily so
It ain't necessarily so
De things dat yo' liable to read in de Bible
It ain't necessarily so

Li'l David was small but oh my
Li'l David was small but oh my
He fought big Goliath who lay down and dieth
Li'l David was small but oh my

Oh Jonah he lived in de whale
Oh Jonah he lived in de whale
For he made his home in dat fish's abdomen
Oh Jonah he lived in de whale

Li'l Moses was found in a stream
Li'l Moses was found in a stream
He floated on water 'til ole Pharaoh's daughter
She fished him she says from that stream

It ain't necessarily so
It ain't necessarily so
Dey tell all you chillun de debble's a villain
But 'taint necessarily so

To get into Hebben don' snap for a sebben
Live clean, don' have no fault
Oh I takes dat gospel whenever it's pos'ble
But wid a grain of salt

Methus'lah lived nine hundred years
Methus'lah lived nine hundred years
But who calls dat livin' when no gal'll give in
To no man what's nine hundred years

I'm preachin' dis sermon to show
It ain't nessa, ain't nessa
Ain't nessa, ain't nessa
It ain't necessarily so
Geez I love that last bit!

Yep , you wonder if
a) they lived 900 odd years each, or
b) that they went gar-gar and forgot what year it was, or
c) it just felt like 900 years ;)

by the way , here's the exact date of creation - to the day - if'n you're interested :2twocents

23 Oct 4004 BC !

ahhhh .... 4004 BC !!! mmm - you know sonny , mmm you don't get days that that any more.... mmm apples, mmm, figleafs, a good gust of wind , mmm - they were the days


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4:1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and
said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.

4:2 And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of
sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.

4:17 And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch:

4:25 And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his
name Seth:

Question then becomes, who amongst us "knew" his/her wife/husband before they were married :)

(the bloke next door reckons he doesn't know his to this day lol)

Then again my son reckons he knows hundreds of girls lol
"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones" Proverbs 17.22

Certainly does for me.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones" Proverbs 17.22

Certainly does for me.


Duckman....I like that one a lot. The bible contains many words of wisdom. Now, if we could just take all the rubbish out of it and leave the good stuff, we'd have a great book.
Jesus Christ through the money lenders (Banks) out of the temple...and there shall be a wailing and a gnashing of teeth.
- in the Bible somewhere
Did Lao Tzu opt out of life or did he achieve something in his meditations? I like to think he achieved great things. For in waiting upon the Lord He whispers to us, unlocking the secrets to successful living.
Jesus Christ through the money lenders (Banks) out of the temple​

Being the pedant that I am I can't let this through without comment - it should be threw, the past tense of throw.
Did Lao Tzu opt out of life or did he achieve something in his meditations? I like to think he achieved great things. For in waiting upon the Lord He whispers to us, unlocking the secrets to successful living.
I think Lao Tzu was a great observer.

I don't think he was a hermit in a cave, otherwise how could he observe? He was well known enough to have followers right across China and well known enough for Confucius to come and visit him.

No way was he an opter outer.

But fame was not his game, balance was. This contrasts with Confucius who was more widely known.

Great? Yes. But probably not in the way the western mind thinks of greatness.
Jesus Christ through the money lenders (Banks) out of the temple​

Being the pedant that I am I can't let this through without comment - it should be threw, the past tense of throw.
Should it not be "...past without comment". As it has already gone through and therefore has past.:p:

Anyway, I shall look carefully at my through, throws and threw in future, thanks.
A well known biblical quote is - 'The meek shall inherit the earth'.

I think most of us are well aware of how unrealistic that one is!
'If your son is a drunkard, you should take him outside the city gates and stone him to death'.

Geez, that one's a bit rugged! I would have been stoned to death a few times! Like most young blokes I got drunk with my mates on more than one occasion. Not that we ever did any harm to anyone or anything....bit different to today's drunks.
These days I hardly drink at all.

But getting back to that biblical quote, it's typical of the hypocrisy and double standards that are common in the bible.
On the one hand, one of the bible's commandments is 'Thou shall not kill'. On the other hand, it tells you to kill your son if he gets drunk.
'If your son is a drunkard, you should take him outside the city gates and stone him to death'.

Geez, that one's a bit rugged! I would have been stoned to death a few times! Like most young blokes I got drunk with my mates on more than one occasion. Not that we ever did any harm to anyone or anything....bit different to today's drunks.
These days I hardly drink at all.

But getting back to that biblical quote, it's typical of the hypocrisy and double standards that are common in the bible.
On the one hand, one of the bible's commandments is 'Thou shall not kill'. On the other hand, it tells you to kill your son if he gets drunk.

Because you don't understand the bible, you are quick to call God a hypocrite.

The modern day equivalent of what you are calling hypocrisy is like calling the guy that flicks the switch on the electric chair a murderer.
Because you don't understand the bible, you are quick to call God a hypocrite.

The modern day equivalent of what you are calling hypocrisy is like calling the guy that flicks the switch on the electric chair a murderer.

Greg.....Can you show me where my post made mention of God?

Are you disagreeing that it's hypocritical for the bible to say 'Thou shall not kill', then a bit further into the book, to give a directive to kill your son if he gets drunk?
Can you honestly not see the hypocrisy in that? Yes or no, Greg. No airy fairy answers, no comparing to present day situations. Sure there's plenty of hypocrisy in today's world. But this is the bible we're discussing, not the world of today.
So I ask you view of the bible commanding us 'Thou shalt not kill, is it or is it not gross hypocrisy for it to then say 'Kill your drunkard son'? Yes or no?
Bear in mind also that the Bible was written by humans, the worst hypocrites in the world. :eek: