It's a fine juggling political speech. He walked his way through rather well.
Yes, daring at times regarding female education - they clapped I hope they follow up with action.
From: President Barack Obama []
Sent: Wednesday, 27 May 2009 8:05 AM
To: Doris *******
Subject: My Supreme Court nominee
Doris --
I am proud to announce my nominee for the next Justice of the United States Supreme Court: Judge Sonia Sotomayor.
This decision affects us all -- and so it must involve us all. I've recorded a special message to personally introduce Judge Sotomayor and explain why I'm so confident she will make an excellent Justice.
Judge Sotomayor has lived the America Dream. Born and raised in a South Bronx housing project, she distinguished herself in academia and then as a hard-charging New York District Attorney.
Judge Sotomayor has gone on to earn bipartisan acclaim as one of America's finest legal minds. As a Supreme Court Justice, she would bring more federal judicial experience to the Supreme Court than any Justice in 100 years. Judge Sotomayor would show fidelity to our Constitution and draw on a common-sense understanding of how the law affects our day-to-day lives.
A nomination for a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land is one of the most important decisions a President can make. And the discussions that follow will be among the most important we have as a nation. You can begin the conversation today by watching this special message and then passing it on:
Thank you,
President Barack Obama
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee --
430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003.
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
When did Bush string more than 4 words coherently together, let alone pages of speech.
Bush either had the worse speech writer in history or he couldn't read. My money is on the fact he had both detriments. Bush created a new class of idiot.
Yes... He is not an egotist who sets out to show "I am the greatest".
Muslim women believe in their head-dress, which Barack justified as their choice, but they also believe in education which should give the Taliban a run!
Yes he gives acknowledgement and credit where it is due. I think people generally are still mystified about his personality, charism, charm, intellect.
He is new, refreshing and stands for many who have been ignored for too long.
Mind you he is a dam better representative than Rudd.
If you listen to Barack's video on Sotomayor, you'll see he's setting up models for young Americans to emulate:
By the way, this list is just a small compilation of the gaffes out there that this great speaker has uttered. I'll put some more up if challenged.
IT must have been the viewing angle: The despots who run Iran somehow missed the halo gracing President Obama during his recent sermon to the Muslim world.
The ruling mullahs' contemptuous handling of Iran's presidential election was their response to "the Cairo effect" announced a tad prematurely by the White House.
The administration appears stunned, still unable to believe that its self-abasement towards the Middle East didn't inaugurate the Age of Aquarius. Well, consider the view from Tehran.
The rulers in Tehran need us as an enemy (along with Israel). A demonised foe is essential to their grip on power. And all that rhetoric about the impending end of time and the return of the Hidden Imam? A key faction -- which includes President Ahmadinejad -- believes it.
Ahmadinejad believes that his faith alone will rule after the any-day-now apocalypse. Obama believes in ... Obama.
This is not an even match, folks.,21985,25759792-5005961,00.htmlSIX months into his presidency, Barack Obama's honeymoon with the US public may be coming to an end, with a new poll showing a marked decline in his job approval numbers.
The survey conducted by CNN and Opinion Research Corporation put President Obama's overall job approval rating at 61 per cent, down from February, when he had a 76 per cent approval level.
Thirty-seven per cent of respondents, who were polled between June 26 and June 28, said they disapprove of how the new US leader is doing his job.
Seventy per cent said Mr Obama is a "a strong and decisive leader," down from 80 per cent in February, while just 53 per cent said Mr Obama has a "clear plan" for solving the nation's problems, down from 64 per cent.
The telephone survey of 1026 adults had a sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points. [/b]
Obama takes a sneaky look at the assets of Brazil's junior G8 delegate Mayora Tavares while Nicolas Sarcozy looks on.
I'm not sure what I could say here that wouldnt be deleted by the mods
Obama takes a sneaky look at the assets of Brazil's junior G8 delegate Mayora Tavares while Nicolas Sarcozy looks on.
At least the value of some assets are constant :casanova:
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