Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

I'm sure I was talking about the Khudai Khidmatgar (KK) movement, and not the KKK. It was an intrinsically perverse statement about Obama being of non-white extraction - indeed, an American "Indian".
Given that, your responses were are bit testy.
Try not to read too much into what isn't actually there: I don't make many gaffes.
What has a Pakistani, Afghani movement got to do with America?
Did anyone see the Obama Rudd traditional White House get together in front of the cameras?

It looked like Rudd was going to fall asleep whilst Obama was talking very slowly. Perhaps there was no teleprompter in the room.

Bush spoke with conviction.
Bush spoke with conviction.
Ah, but he had God telling him what to do.

Seriously, Snake, aren't you looking for a quibble here? I doubt Obama will be able to save the USA, let alone the world, but he is mightily articulate, something to be immensely grateful for after George W's mangling of the language. After all those years on the world stage he still couldn't pronounce "nuclear"!!! Unreal!
What an ignorant statement. In fact, Nashville voted for Obama - the rest of Tennessee didn't. It is funny how any criticism of Obama invokes a charge or implication of racism. Surely I'm not just against him because I don't believe in his policies, right?

I am in an interracial marriage myself, with interracial children. However, we don't think of it that way. We consider everyone equal. The only time race enters our thoughts (I'm talking about me and my family), is when a left winger brings up the subject.

At some point, the world needs to look at people for who they are, not what color their skin is. That is how I live my life.

Fair comment.
I agree with you ZzzzDad.

It's total dog**** when people think you are playing the man and not the ball. This is a modern world and people will have to get used to the fact that people from all walks of life are going to be elected to positions of responsibility.

Regardless of their background they should still be held accountable. To argue otherwise is a fallacy!
I don't understand some people e.g snake, what is your problem with obama? The man is doing a good job so far considering the mess left for him to clean up. Why are people having a go at his speaking ability? It's just a joke.
I don't understand some people e.g snake, what is your problem with obama? The man is doing a good job so far considering the mess left for him to clean up. Why are people having a go at his speaking ability? It's just a joke.

Because he's helping his buddy Senator Chris Dodd collect AIG bailout money from AIG lobbyists prior to his election. These guys are all magnets for corporate sponsorships. Oh, but we all love the hard-working people! Oh really... :cautious:
There are now over 16 million who have joined the online Obama Support Group.

I'm wondering exactly how valid the current appeal is. How informed will callers be when they make their calls. Will they just blindly urge voters to tie up their members' phone lines or do they have a favourable, comprehensive knowledge of all the plans? This is what I've been concerned about in the past two months. It's one thing to try to get a favoured candidate elected but yet another to put pressure on members who were elected (and may be again) to cast their vote.

From: Jeremy Bird, []
Sent: Sunday, 29 March 2009 4:40 AM
To: Doris *******
Subject: Time to pick up the phone again

Doris --

During the election, you stepped up and made calls to potential supporters around the country. Your efforts built this movement from the ground up and elected a President.

But as President Obama said, that victory alone was not the change we seek, only the chance to make that change. I need you to take that leadership role once again.

We've asked supporters across the country to call their elected leaders in Washington and declare their support for President Obama's budget plan. The biggest way you can make an impact now is by calling supporters and reminding them to take that step and call their representatives.

We'll provide you with a script and a targeted list of people to call.

We can't afford to ignore the long-term challenges to our prosperity any longer. Addressing our challenges in energy, health care, and education is essential to achieving an economic recovery that lasts.

As Congress nears a vote on President Obama's budget next week, it's absolutely crucial that citizens make their voices heard and send that message to Washington.

Log on now and ask fellow supporters to contact their representatives:

Thank you,


Jeremy Bird
Deputy Director
Organizing for America

Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This email was sent to: doris.*******
Why does Organizing for America have an indemnity on their email yet the web site link is

The message when I logged on to my account:
You will be calling supporters across the country to ask them to call their members of Congress and express their support for President Obama's budget before the vote.

We will give you the names and phone numbers of each person's members of Congress so you can provide that information.

Below is part of the script. One can't see this unless they have an account and you must be in the US to do this.

Hello, is _______ there?

Hi, _________, my name is [YOUR NAME] and I’m a volunteer leader with Organizing for America. I’m calling to spread the word about and build support for President Obama’s plan to create jobs and renew and strengthen our economy. In the midst of these tough economic times, our country's success depends on people like you joining with President Obama to get America back on track.

I'm asking you to join President Obama and pledge your support for his proposed budget priorities, which will make America energy independent, health care more affordable, and education stronger for our children.

Will you pledge to support President Obama’s budget priorities and plan to rebuild the American economy? We will deliver a list of everyone who pledges their support to members of Congress.

If 'Yes. I will pledge my support.' is selected, then go to Yes to pledge. Will you call your members of Congress?
If 'No. I will not pledge my support. ' is selected, then go to No to pledge support
If 'Leave Message' is selected, then go to Leave Message

Yes to pledge. Will you call your members of Congress?
Great! The vote on the budget in Congress is coming up very soon and President Obama needs your help to let Congress know that the American people support this plan to renew the economy by investing in energy, health care, and education.

I have the names and phone numbers for your members of Congress right here. Do you think you could give them a call and let them know you support President Obama's budget and ask them to support it in the upcoming vote?

Give the names and phone numbers for their members of Congress, provided right below the callers name.
If 'Yes - I will call my Congress members' is selected, then go to Yes - I will call my members of Congress
If 'No - I can't call my Congress members ' is selected, then go to No - I won't call my members of Congress

Yes - I will call my members of Congress
Great! Thanks so much for your help. Once you have made your calls, you can report your results by going to

Thanks again and have a great day/night.

No - I won't call my members of Congress
I’m sorry to hear that – would you be interested in volunteering for Organizing for America in the future?

If 'Call complete' is selected, then go to Closing Script

Closing Script
Select "Done" to receive your next person to call.
Barack Obama gave Queen Elizabeth an IPOD - REAL classy guy.

What Does One Get a Queen?
April 01, 2009 1:57 PM

President and First Lady Obama gave Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II a video iPod with inscription, songs uploaded and accessories, plus a rare musical songbook signed by Richard Rodgers.

Uploaded onto the iPod:

Photos from the Queen's 2007 White House State Visit
Photos from the Queen's 2007 Jamestown, Va., Visit
Photos from the Queen's 2007 Richmond, Va., Visit
Video from the Queen's 1957 Jamestown Visit
Video from the Queen's 2007 Jamestown Visit
Video from the Queen's 2007 Richmond Visit
Photos from President Obama's Inauguration
Audio of then-state senator Obama's speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, and
Audio of President Obama 2009 Inauguration Address

Britain's Press Association reports that the Royal couple gave the Obamas "a silver-framed, signed photograph of themselves."

Thinks a lot of himself, doesn't he?
Re: The Obama Deception

I haven't seen this doco, but I have seen many of his other ones. Have you noticed how virtually all of his sources are internet based? i.e those clippings that come up onto the screen are always screenshots of websites.
Re: The Obama Deception

I haven't seen this doco, but I have seen many of his other ones. Have you noticed how virtually all of his sources are internet based? i.e those clippings that come up onto the screen are always screenshots of websites.

what...? like cnn, fox, cnbc, etc..?
Re: The Obama Deception

Should Dec 21 come to pass in the alignment that could be the next shazzam...complete shut down of electronics...:confused:back to the mail
Re: The Obama Deception

Anyone wnat to post a brief summary of the allegations of link to a text article with them, for those of us currently in countries without great internet connections?

Re: The Obama Deception

A summary of the vid is the suggestion that a global banking elite set the agenda and are trying to monopolise power. Sounds quite standard to me, and the only unique thing about it is the scale. If it seems ridiculous, take a look through the history books. Much of it is speculation, but none of it is unreasonable.

Can we deny that the controllers of powerful corporations control the government and media? Can we deny that they will naturally attempt to increase their power and influence? That much we should accept as fact.