Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Acts like this are disgusting, but surely they would be a very small minority - otherwise Obama would not have been voted in. When you combine all races, Obama won 66% of the votes.

43% of white people voted for Obama
69% of Hispanics voted for Obama
63% of Asians voted for Obama
Yet 96% of black people vote for Obama. Why is that?

But I guess "you have to be white to be racist" :rolleyes:

The Ethnic Vote Goes to Obama in a Landslide
Age may also have come into the equation as George Bush managed to build on middle age voters to win his second term.

Where you list the ethnicity is of course quite correct but how the average age works out in each group I'm unsure?

Voters aged 65 or over voted for John McCain and the younger group, up to age 34, voted 66% to 31% in favour of Barack Obama. This meant that John McCain needed a big majority in the middle ground which he failed to achieve.
Today should see a healthy rebound here if we follow the US, which MUST rise after Obama said yesterday:

Profit and earning ratios are starting to get to the point where buying stocks is a potentially good deal if you've got a long-term perspective on it.

I'm absolutely confident that credit's going to be flowing again, that businesses are going to start seeing opportunities for investment, they're going to start hiring again. People are going to be put back to work.

The stock market "bobs up and down day to day", and anyone who worries about the market all day will probably get the long-term strategy wrong.

The banking system has been dealt a heavy blow. It's not surprising that the market is hurting as a consequence.

We dug a very deep hole for ourselves. There were a lot of bad decisions that were made. We are cleaning up that mess. It's going to be sort of full of fits and starts, in terms of getting the mess cleaned up, but it's going to get cleaned up.

Trouble is, how many people will wait to see it rise before they feel like risk taking? Institutions should be prescient.

Short-term traders will wet their feet but I can't see Mums and Dads getting wet when PE's are past and not future results. And 20% of mortgages are 'under water' now in the US. But it will be interesting to see how much his optimism will influence confidence. He's holding a beacon.
Today should see a healthy rebound here if we follow the US, which MUST rise after Obama said yesterday:

Profit and earning ratios are starting to get to the point where buying stocks is a potentially good deal.

Could you explain how the Great One calculates his profit and earnings ratio?
Obama is fiddling while the stock market burns. He doesn't care about the stock market - no socialist does. Trillions of dollars of wealth are being destroyed every week. No relief for at least 4 years.
Very tricky all this for President Obama as he has to smile and look to agree with foreign leaders, because he needs their support on President Bush's old policies that he's saddled with.
When you've got no bucks it's time to smile and agree with almost everyone. Especially PM Kevin Rudd who has the ear of Chinese leaders, and they understand him.
Obama is fiddling while the stock market burns. He doesn't care about the stock market - no socialist does. Trillions of dollars of wealth are being destroyed every week. No relief for at least 4 years.

ZZZ I'm finding you comments and others like it shortsighted and annoying.

The guy has only been in less than 2 months. Becoming President on day one does not mean you start a run on the markets.

Face the facts - If you have to Blame anyone it should be BUSH and his mob. But I've heard very little blame directed towards him in the USA. Or any legal action which should be following them for many problems you have.

You've had the worst reporting results across the board with the results pertaining before he was President. If you have companies cooking books from years ago with the disasterous results bearing now.

I've seen alot of blame, tears and "poor me" but very little self ownership of the greed from wall street to main street on conning each other and abusing credit. THAT responsibilty is on the individual and the faster you admit and work with it the better. Shoud be a basic rule. Borrow anything and know that you're the one on hook to pay it back.

On Bush's reign there was none of this antagonism or fury. Then you had no real idea of whole big a whole you had put yourself in.

Everyone says they have never seen anything like it.
Many have theories to fix it.
None have experience of this magnitude to hand a simple answer

Like new parents - the child didn't come with a book on how to raise it!!

Be grateful you have an intelligent, proactive (despite want you want to acknowledge) and vocal President. If it was McCain and Palin - this would have been a 3 ring circus.
Green - sorry to annoy you - not my intent.

Obama has made all the wrong moves so far. His budget - with over 9,000 earmarks, already breaking his promise to get all earmarks out of legislation. His appointments have been a disaster - Tim Geithner was a horrendous pick. EVERY time Obama and Geithner are on tv, the market tanks. You can watch the ticker.

He wants to raise taxes in a recession, something so stupid, it boggles the mind.

The market has been straight down since inauguration day. The stock market is forward looking and it does not like what Obama has planned.

Obama needs to have a more pragmatic approach. He is too much of an ideologue. He needs to look at the situation as it is now and adapt. Unfortunately, he is not willing to do that.

Despite what the media claims, the natives are starting to get restless.

Take care.
Today should see a healthy rebound here if we follow the US, which MUST rise after Obama said yesterday:

Trouble is, how many people will wait to see it rise before they feel like risk taking? Institutions should be prescient.

Short-term traders will wet their feet but I can't see Mums and Dads getting wet when PE's are past and not future results. And 20% of mortgages are 'under water' now in the US. But it will be interesting to see how much his optimism will influence confidence. He's holding a beacon.

That dead cat bounce must have disappointed you, Dorry.

BO's beacon is sputtering in a torrential downpour and he has run out of Redheads! :D
Obama has made all the wrong moves so far. His budget - with over 9,000 earmarks, already breaking his promise to get all earmarks out of legislation.

Who was the idiot that voted not to have hundreds of $million dedicated to finding the indivudials involved with any fraud pertaining to this crisis removed from the Stimulus?

Senate and House conferees removed a controversial provision from the economic stimulus package that would have required companies to verify the immigration status of their workers.
ie keeping the jobs in citizens hands.

The Republicans are also looking to reduce funding for public transportation by about $3.4 billion and school construction by about $60 billion. Instead, they believe a portion of the money saved through the cuts and reductions would be better spent on job creating activities such as defense operations and recruitment, state and tribal assistance grants and brownfield recovery USA is paranoid and so it should be now. Always military, always war, always better than.

He wants to raise taxes in a recession, something so stupid, it boggles the mind.

Raising taxes on the rich is fine with me. It is a small percentage of your economy and more than likely the wealthier they are the more involved with scams, fraud etc they are. Warren Buffet vocally said he pays less tax his secretary.

The market has been straight down since inauguration day. The stock market is forward looking and it does not like what Obama has planned.

You've had jobless figures, corporate reporting and logically layoffs from companies in the gutter before he was president. Of course the market is going to fall of its perch, it was ALWAYS going anyway. Would you be this upset if it had happened on a Republicians watch? You don't think the natural washing out of excess spending by people who can't afford it needs to be curtailed? The result unemployment.

Despite what the media claims, the natives are starting to get restless.

Don't worry the GLOBAL natives are ardent for blood too. My Focus is on the cause not the symptom. Fixing the symptom is crucial and always slower and riskier. ie, eat high cholestrol foods your whole life - easy. Major triple bypass expensive and life threatening. We are going down with your ship.

It is a matter of when China looses patience with the USA.
Hi Guys

I heard an interesting opinion the other day about Obama and would love to know what you think.

"Obama was elected with the purpose of convincing the US public to accept a North American Union"

We all know Obama is an incredible orator (especially when compared to his predecessor) :) It definitely makes sense - The US economy is in so much trouble and debt that perhaps the only solution would be to 'start again'?

The public out cry would be huge so he would need to build up his national army - Better get those soldiers home quick :)

Love to know what you guys think - Is it just a silly conspiracy theory or could there be some truth?



2008 Stock Market Crash? What Happened
Re: The Obama Deception

i could only bare about 5mins of that video,
and 5mins into this "documentary" (in inverted commas) i still didnt have a clue what the main thesis was, not a good sign

but what i did get was a strong impression of the conspiracy genre, . . . . X files type nonsense

the yanks love a conspiracy, always struggling with reality
What a great nostalgic trip tonight's Boston Legal was!

- Denny Crane and Alan Shore shooting paint balls at each other as they yelled out a summary of all the McCain/Palin versus Obama arguments. Poor Biden didn't get written into the script.

Loved Denny crying out 'Yes we can, Yes we can...' whilst Alan countered with 'maverick, maverick...' Lovedit!

It would have been a cliff-hanger end to mid-season as the balcony scene pondered waking up to a new president. Denny, who changed his vote at the booth, actually pondered 'a new America'. Love David E Kelly. And his wife!
banjosmyth this movie, on an extension of your query, was released on March 15: New World Order.

This is a serious movie GumbyLearner - - well worth watching... especially the last 30 minutes!

Alex Jones puts a comprehensive case although there are aspects I'd question. He looks credibly at a conspiracy theory that has been around for decades but the pattern in this movie, with Obama being the 'chosen one' for a New World Order, needs to be out there now - to open up minds with open minds.

The 'Human Crossroads' that he contends, ties in with the Mayan calendar's prophecy, when it ends its cycle (5126 years), seven weeks after the next US election - after Obama's first term.

I sensed shades of Al Gore's movie as I watched it, then Alex Jones named Gore as one of the conspirators!

Jones warns that Obama is the puppet of a power behind the throne that orchestrated "GWB clearly stealing two elections" then used 9/11 to take liberties within the US... presenting the need for this 'saviour'.

Another conspiracy theory purported that 9/11 was orchestrated by the US SS to enable these 'liberties'! :eek:

My friend in OC voted 'against Bush' rather than 'for Obama' even though she was a staunch Republican. She has always maintained the similarity between the frenzy whipped up by Hitler when no-one knew of his agenda for years later, and was deeply concerned with Obama's 'possible hidden agenda' for the future.

I have to say I'd wondered about the 'citizen corps' of Obama's platform but it was optional with community service and he had linked this to inspiring homeless/unemployed youth to take responsibility for their own lives. Bait and switch?

Jones urges to watch, look and be aware. Is it all just coincidence that GWB was so lame then their economy crashes, and a potentially fragile 72 year old man joins with a novice nutcase no-one would want running the country so there would be a landslide victory for Obama? After all - she was chosen for him!

As Prince Charles said about Climate Change yesterday, 'We are boiled frogs'.,27574,25198765-401,00.html



TRAILER #2 - This gives a good precise to want to know more:

Re: The Obama Deception

i could only bare about 5mins of that video,
and 5mins into this "documentary" (in inverted commas) i still didnt have a clue what the main thesis was, not a good sign

but what i did get was a strong impression of the conspiracy genre, . . . . X files type nonsense

the yanks love a conspiracy, always struggling with reality

Yes you take this kind of thing with a grain of salt. But I think you should persist and watch the whole thing and then think about it. I had the same thought as you 5minutes in in.

But holy crap, some of the things discussed in that film warrent further investigation by me. I can't even believe it. But wow.

I'm at the stage where I don't know if it is true. But it has made me want to think more critically of this information in addition to geopolitical events and economic events about what is going on now.

Some of the things in that film IF accurate are truly damning.

You know it's easy to say ahh yes this is conspiracy crap therefore it must be bs BUT I've watched the news long enough to know that the news itself is BS a lot of the time and politicans are full of the most bs.

I think the thing to be careful about with this film and any other film, is to be mindful of the editing, and to think about why the film was crafted and put together in the way that it was done. For example you notice certain things the speaker say is repeated several times.

THis whole film is another kind of propaganda. And I just wonder what the vested interest is for those that created it.

You are right really is xfiles type nonsense and I can already see some flaws in it but that's the thing....IS there a grain of truth to it?

Having said all of that I do tend to agree with you that a lot of people can't face up to reality so they create all these conspiracy theories and distractions. I definitely see where you are coming from.:)
Re: The Obama Deception

if you watch it throught the director guy implore people not to believe him and be suspicious of his motives and to go out and do further research... which i intend to do...

interesting how the federal reserve is a private bank..
Re: The Obama Deception

The author of the movie makes money from DVD sales and stuff like that. For the effort of investigation and production that seems like a sensible way to recoup costs and earn a living. To say the author is a loony is loony in itself. The author displays all that is good for a person concerned for his country's future. There are many who know many things and a greater amount who know nothing and then attack anyone who speaks out about conspiracies.

It is interesting to see that the people interviewed in the movie are credible. Mr Celente to name just one. I didn't see Michael Moore in it.

And why is Russia posturing? Basing bombers in Cuba and Venezuela could happen and ask yourself "why"? Preserving national identity and sovereignty should be allowed.