Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: The Obama Deception

if you watch it throught the director guy implore people not to believe him and be suspicious of his motives and to go out and do further research... which i intend to do...

interesting how the federal reserve is a private bank..

More interesting to hear the comments of Ron Paul's brother in the movie.
banjosmyth this movie, on an extension of your query, was released on March 15: New World Order.

This is a serious movie GumbyLearner - - well worth watching... especially the last 30 minutes!

Alex Jones puts a comprehensive case although there are aspects I'd question. He looks credibly at a conspiracy theory that has been around for decades but the pattern in this movie, with Obama being the 'chosen one' for a New World Order, needs to be out there now - to open up minds with open minds.

The 'Human Crossroads' that he contends, ties in with the Mayan calendar's prophecy, when it ends its cycle (5126 years), seven weeks after the next US election - after Obama's first term.

I sensed shades of Al Gore's movie as I watched it, then Alex Jones named Gore as one of the conspirators!

Jones warns that Obama is the puppet of a power behind the throne that orchestrated "GWB clearly stealing two elections" then used 9/11 to take liberties within the US... presenting the need for this 'saviour'.

Another conspiracy theory purported that 9/11 was orchestrated by the US SS to enable these 'liberties'! :eek:

My friend in OC voted 'against Bush' rather than 'for Obama' even though she was a staunch Republican. She has always maintained the similarity between the frenzy whipped up by Hitler when no-one knew of his agenda for years later, and was deeply concerned with Obama's 'possible hidden agenda' for the future.

I have to say I'd wondered about the 'citizen corps' of Obama's platform but it was optional with community service and he had linked this to inspiring homeless/unemployed youth to take responsibility for their own lives. Bait and switch?

Jones urges to watch, look and be aware. Is it all just coincidence that GWB was so lame then their economy crashes, and a potentially fragile 72 year old man joins with a novice nutcase no-one would want running the country so there would be a landslide victory for Obama? After all - she was chosen for him!

As Prince Charles said about Climate Change yesterday, 'We are boiled frogs'.,27574,25198765-401,00.html



TRAILER #2 - This gives a good precise to want to know more:


What absolute nonsense. No other comments needed.
What a great nostalgic trip tonight's Boston Legal was!

- Denny Crane and Alan Shore shooting paint balls at each other as they yelled out a summary of all the McCain/Palin versus Obama arguments. Poor Biden didn't get written into the script.

Loved Denny crying out 'Yes we can, Yes we can...' whilst Alan countered with 'maverick, maverick...' Lovedit!

It would have been a cliff-hanger end to mid-season as the balcony scene pondered waking up to a new president. Denny, who changed his vote at the booth, actually pondered 'a new America'. Love David E Kelly. And his wife!

hahaha, saw that episode

'maverick, maverick, maverick' :p:
Obama's "joke" about disabled people seems to have been ignored by his cheerleaders on this site.

From the National Review Online

Palin Hits Obama on 'Special Olympics' Joke

Gov. Sarah Palin responded to remarks made last night by President Obama related to the Special Olympics on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno":

“I was shocked to learn of the comment made by President Obama about Special Olympics,” Governor Palin said. “This was a degrading remark about our world’s most precious and unique people, coming from the most powerful position in the world.

The full article is here and worth reading. What a tasteless comment from the President.

gg, without his teleprompter, Obama is a stumbling, bumbling, inarticulate man. Give him a teleprompter, and his words (or I should say the teleprompter's words) soar. Doesn't seem to have a lick of common sense - can you imagine the frenzy the left would be in if Bush had uttered this "joke" about the special olympics? Double standard. Now, obviously Obama meant no harm by the joke - just a dumb mistake. But he should have known better.

I'll bet no one on this site knows that Obama's approval ratings are lower than Bush's at the same time (two months in) of their Presidencies. The media is ignoring that. Check Rasmussen if you don't believe it.
“I was shocked to learn of the comment made by President Obama about Special Olympics,” Governor Palin said. “This was a degrading remark about our world’s most precious and unique people, coming from the most powerful position in the world.

precious and unique people, ???

Give me a break, even they wouldn't go along with that toadying piece of grovelling crap.
I'll bet no one on this site knows that Obama's approval ratings are lower than Bush's at the same time (two months in) of their Presidencies. The media is ignoring that. Check Rasmussen if you don't believe it.

Tell you what if BS counted for anything he and KRudd could pull the entire planet out of recession in seconds flat and fix global warming after lunch break in time for dinner.
gg, without his teleprompter, Obama is a stumbling, bumbling, inarticulate man. Give him a teleprompter, and his words (or I should say the teleprompter's words) soar. Doesn't seem to have a lick of common sense - can you imagine the frenzy the left would be in if Bush had uttered this "joke" about the special olympics? Double standard. Now, obviously Obama meant no harm by the joke - just a dumb mistake. But he should have known better.

I'll bet no one on this site knows that Obama's approval ratings are lower than Bush's at the same time (two months in) of their Presidencies. The media is ignoring that. Check Rasmussen if you don't believe it.
Hard to believe the white folk from Nashville haven't got the KK back into top gear given the colour of their President.
precious and unique people, ???

Give me a break, even they wouldn't go along with that toadying piece of grovelling crap.

Burnsie, I think you have to look at it from the perspective of the mother of a handicapped child.

Hard to believe the white folk from Nashville haven't got the KK back into top gear given the colour of their President.

Red, thats a "godwin" if I ever heard one. Go to your corner.

The Silence of the Obams.

Q. From the Audience: Where have yez all gone.

A. From off stage : They've gone ateleprompting.

Curtain comes down.

end of thread

Burnsie, I think you have to look at it from the perspective of the mother of a handicapped child.

What about looking at it from the perspective of the handicapped person ?, do you really think they want people fawning over them with that sort of rubbish, they're handicapped not "special" for goodness sake.
What about looking at it from the perspective of the handicapped person ?, do you really think they want people fawning over them with that sort of rubbish, they're handicapped not "special" for goodness sake.

I can hear where you are coming from Burnsie but I still feel parents of handicapped children would not necessarily agree with you or Obama.

I can hear where you are coming from Burnsie but I still feel parents of handicapped children would not necessarily agree with you or Obama.


Linking my comments with what Obama said ? nice try, how manipulating of you.

The mothers of handicapped children would not want their kids to feel any more different than they already do and fawning labels like that don't help, it's demeaning and unnecessary, in my opinion.
Linking my comments with what Obama said ? nice try, how manipulating of you.

The mothers of handicapped children would not want their kids to feel any more different than they already do and fawning labels like that don't help, it's demeaning and unnecessary, in my opinion.

Jeez Burnsie, I didn't mean it that way.

What I meant was

1. That the joke would upset parents of handicapped children and that they see those children as precious and a lifelong commitment.

2. I can see that you are speaking from the point of view of empowerment of every individual whether handicapped or not.

I would never , ever, compare a great thinker such as yourself to an ex Harvard Law professor and President of the USA.

I apologise if I upset you.

Anyone who would like to see the full video of the Obama Deception DVD can view it Here.

You can see the complete list of all videos (1 - 12), on the information section (click on the more info link) of the youtube page. (find the subscribe button if you not sure were to look for more info link )
Hard to believe the white folk from Nashville haven't got the KK back into top gear given the colour of their President.

What an ignorant statement. In fact, Nashville voted for Obama - the rest of Tennessee didn't. It is funny how any criticism of Obama invokes a charge or implication of racism. Surely I'm not just against him because I don't believe in his policies, right?

I am in an interracial marriage myself, with interracial children. However, we don't think of it that way. We consider everyone equal. The only time race enters our thoughts (I'm talking about me and my family), is when a left winger brings up the subject.

At some point, the world needs to look at people for who they are, not what color their skin is. That is how I live my life.
What an ignorant statement.
It was as well informed as your comment on Obama.
Obama is as good as you get with a teleprompter, and not too bad without one.
Not only does he speak well in most situations, he is comfortable with the most difficult questions, indicating a level of thought that was missing in action for eight years. Here he is responding to the "Iraq" question before Bush's pre-emtive strike just over six years ago :
It was as well informed as your comment on Obama.
Obama is as good as you get with a teleprompter, and not too bad without one.
Not only does he speak well in most situations, he is comfortable with the most difficult questions, indicating a level of thought that was missing in action for eight years. Here he is responding to the "Iraq" question before Bush's pre-emtive strike just over six years ago :

You can't get away from it that easily. You directly implied that I was a racist because I criticized Obama. Anytime - in the U.S. or elsewhere - that Obama is criticized, it is charged that those people are racist and they are KKK or whatever. That is what you implied and you should admit it. This kind of tactic is used to stifle criticism of Obama, and I won't let it pass.

We can agree to disagree on Obama's speaking skills. I think he is a great speach reader, but not very good off the cuff. He has made many speaking mistakes since his election, the list is rivaling Bush's.

Here are some (along with Biden):

Top 10 gaffes by Barack Obama and Joe Biden

By the way, this list is just a small compilation of the gaffes out there that this great speaker has uttered. I'll put some more up if challenged.
You can't get away from it that easily. You directly implied that I was a racist because I criticized Obama. Anytime - in the U.S. or elsewhere - that Obama is criticized, it is charged that those people are racist and they are KKK or whatever. That is what you implied and you should admit it. This kind of tactic is used to stifle criticism of Obama, and I won't let it pass.

I'm sure I was talking about the Khudai Khidmatgar (KK) movement, and not the KKK. It was an intrinsically perverse statement about Obama being of non-white extraction - indeed, an American "Indian".
Given that, your responses were are bit testy.
Try not to read too much into what isn't actually there: I don't make many gaffes.