Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!


No offence meant, but you may be the most one eyed person i have ever come across. I'm sure if Obama launched a war against Aus you would find a way to justify it.:2twocents
How do you know these new troops, added to 36,000 there, don't know what to do when they get there? :rolleyes:

Has it been decided what they will do? No it hasn't :rolleyes: The ones who are there now don't know what they are doing. The Taliban can't be defeated with rockets, tanks, bombs and artillery. But the Americans know no other way. The Russians found that out.
If it becomes 'too hard' do you give up? In this case do you succumb to blackmail?
Or work out a solution... they can rail supplies through other countries. (and save $17 million a year)

If they can't work out a way to fight the Taliban and learn to protect he civilians from Taliban revenge when they assist the Americans, they will have no choice but to bail out. They never worked out how to combat the Viet Cong.
$17 million! They spend that in five minutes:rolleyes:

Will The Bear extend its power lust and have designs on Pakistan too and try to destroy The Eagle?

Bears and eagles. :D Are you away with the fairies?
A rational person knows the solutions to US (world) problems will not happen overnight! Obama is rational.
Have patience, patient.

Ah. Now we have got to the economy. Obama obviously consults with you (as part of his think tank) on military strategy, so I am sure you must have some insider knowledge on where he is going with the economy. As our resident Obama expert I think you should share this knowledge with us.

I know this places a big weight on your slender shoulders, but all your fairweather friends on this thread, who were sucked in by your glowing faith in this young Messiah, have now fled like stars in the night.

That leaves only you to explain to us how your Barack intends to dig himself out of this massive hole he has dug for himself. As for patience, that wears thin when you get scared. I know that you are not worried. But you are still running on an adrenalin high.
Did anyone check out the Rick Santelli of CNBC video today? Check it out.

I'm sure many of you have already seen it, but some of you may not have. This is the buzz of America today - and I can tell you, 80% of Americans are in agreement with Santelli's tirade.

Santelli was awesome! I posted it in another thread and I was hooting in my cave as I was listening (Missus was wondering WTF was going on LOL).

America (and Australia and UK) needs more opnions such as that, expressed freely and passionately, such as that.... a lot more.

Just don't let Cramer say it, all credibility will be destroyed.
There would appear to be apoplexy amongst the left commentariat about the "monkey cartoon".

Obama has been depicted as "Travis" the recent deceased chimpanzee who decided the good friend of his owner would never appear on Facebook.

Obama supporters need to harden up and stop whingeing.

George W Bush who history will record as one of the greater Presidents, had consistently been portrayed as a monkey due to his simian face.

Obama supporters need to quit the race card in argument with those who do not see him as a godlike figure.

He's the President and if you start attempting to smother comment it reflects on the value of the message he delivers.



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There would appear to be apoplexy amongst the left commentariat about the "monkey cartoon".


It is a ridiculous sideshow! If you had the smallest acorn of intellegence you would understand the link between a chimpanzee and the farcical machinations of the Obama/Geithner malarchy to date. It will indeed be a long four-years if the race card is reached for for every perceived double entendre.

I mean - who is the racist here? The cartoonist, who was drawing an obvious parallel between the pop culture antics of a chimpanzee and the circus that is Obamanomics at its infancy, or the hysterical civil libertarians who are trying to shut down political debate because they equate a monkey with a black man. UFB.

Sleepy - my apologies for the 'NFI' comment. It had been a long-week (there is life in the commercial property markets all of a sudden as interest rates plummet) and I must say I am becoming increasingly frustrated with bi-partisanship. This guy will take 12-18 months to get into the swing of things because, as Clinton said, he just ain't ready. But you, and due to the perversion of globalisation, us need the Yanks to get behind your leader and help pull us out of the mire. However I understand your frustration as it has been a case of Curly, Mo and Larry so far. No more thoughtful than Bush and Paulson.
It was a popular pastime with our cartoonists to use every expression on John Howard's face to exploit his often simian looks. One Brisbane cartoonist loved to portray him as a rat...complete with tail.

I don't remember any Civil Rights protesters picketing the Courier-Mail. Keating copped nasty treatment too. And Latham. But then, of course if you are a white politician it's open slather.
Another of Obama's great Cabinet picks:

Chu jumps in 'deep end of the pool'
From NBC’s John Yang

Energy Secretary Steven Chu may be a Nobel laureate Ph.D. in physics, but his first forays into energy policy suggest he's a neophyte when it comes to the ways of Washington.

At a forum with reporters on Thursday, the head of the department that has traditionally taken the lead on global oil-market policy, was asked what message the Obama administration had for the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries at its meeting next month.

"I'm not the administration," the Cabinet secretary replied. "I will be speaking and learning more about this in order to figure out what the U.S. position should be and what the president's position is."

Chu, who is still without a deputy, said he feels "like I've been dumped into the deep end of the pool" on oil policy.

The day before, reporters asked him about OPEC output levels after a speech to a group of utility regulators. He responded that the issue was "not in my domain."

Later, in a conference call to reporters, he said his answer reflected "more of my naiveté than anything else."

NOT IN MY DOMAIN? LOL (if it weren't so serious)
I suppose sending hundreds of thousands more troops to Afghanistan may help the unemployment problem.
In due course, the American and Allied troops will stand on the borders of Pakistan, and this may well be towards the end of Barak Obama's second term of office. Then what?
Has it been decided what they will do? No it hasn't The ones who are there now don't know what they are doing. The Taliban can't be defeated with rockets, tanks, bombs and artillery. But the Americans know no other way. The Russians found that out.

Calliope my man, this is why I put the 'picture link' and an :eek: with this.
I was being facetious to your claim that Obama was sending them without knowing what they will do!
That is... the commanders DID know they needed more fighting and logistical troops months ago.

You are so right of course! Look at the terrain and the climate in that 'picture story'! :confused:
Not a level 'playing' field. ;)
- made me wonder if air missile threats from the Manas base was the only motivation for Russia's $2 billion of 'aid'. :rolleyes:
The paltry saving of US$17 million/year in Manas base rent to Kyrgyzstan was also facetiousness.

Of course it is hard... and will hit us hard downunder too, although most of us feel we're far away from it.

The global economy tanked near the end of the campaign so now Obama's platforms have to be modified. Just as well he is flexible! He can't use tax penalties on companies that resource foreign labour as they'll face liquidation... more layoffs, not to mention layoffs in that foreign country as the domino effect escalates into the vicious circle.

Donald Trump was astute on Letterman Thursday night when he stressed that unemployment is a third of what it was in the Great Depression... 'it will get much worse before it starts to get better'. He gave no glimmer of hope nor did he brandish ludicrous judgments on those who are fighting to turn the tide.

All we can do is be frugal and look after our own debt. Even if it means we won't get the pest control man in for the spiders but use Mortein... and as a consequence he can't pay his bills.
But wouldn't it be wonderful if people didn't pile up their trolleys with coke and chips? Buy food for actual nutrients?

BTW... why would a rational person build a new home when there are so many cheap foreclosed houses?
Why would they upgrade their car when they may become unemployed and have to pay their mortgage?

This link was posted on 28 December .It is taken terribly out of context when it is considered that it finishes with an adominition to the audience to read their Bibles (THE FAITH OF BARACK OBAMA by Stephen Mansfield p88).It is also inconsistent with his often repeated statement that it is impossible for him or anyone else to separate their faith from their public role
donald Trump isnt he unemployed at the moment

lol... pacestick you are so right! :D

He actually went on the show to promote his new 'Celebrity Apprentice' which is starting in the US next week.

... and he's employing his daughter on it. ;)

btw... He has no money in those casinos bearing his name, which went into liquidation this week.
I was watching a show on SBS about Poppy growing over there for the drug trade and how poor farmers get about 100 buck a yr, the Yanks were digging up fields but left field's growing in other areas some times on the other side of the road, the USA excuse was they didn't have the authority to dig up certain fields. instead of giving each poppy farmer a few more buck each year to grow other crop and stemming the drug trade in USA they just continue doing the same thing each year. Is it any wonder the locals look towards the Taliban?
I was watching a show on SBS about Poppy growing over there for the drug trade and how poor farmers get about 100 buck a yr, the Yanks were digging up fields but left field's growing in other areas some times on the other side of the road, the USA excuse was they didn't have the authority to dig up certain fields. instead of giving each poppy farmer a few more buck each year to grow other crop and stemming the drug trade in USA they just continue doing the same thing each year. Is it any wonder the locals look towards the Taliban?

Afghanistan was the world's largest producer of opium 1997 to 2000 and in 2002, the Taliban banned opium production around 2001 when they took control of Afghanistan they started destroying poppy crops. Output of opium from Afghanistan went down 94% from around 3276 tonnes to 185 tonnes but when US invaded production went back to normal in 2002 :cautious:

It is also inconsistent with his often repeated statement that it is impossible for him or anyone else to separate their faith from their public role

Obama was playing politics and trying to unite factions in 2006 when this was recorded... :eek:

Without faith you have no hope. The source of your faith is your own choice... well for the lucky ones.

It seemed to me that the mayors at the White House gathering had faith that Obama meant what he was saying:

The American people are watching. They need this plan to work.

And they expect to see the money they worked so hard to earn spent in its intended purpose without waste, inefficiency, or fraud.

If a federal agency proposes a project that will waste that money, I will not hesitate to call them out on it, and put a stop to it.

I want everyone here to be on notice that if a local government does the same, I will call them out on it as well, and use the full power of my office and our administration to stop it.

I can still hear the warning tone of his voice as Obama said those words.
And that look in his eyes! :eek:
They know he will go through every item!
... And who predicted he would be a wimp? :rolleyes:

After asking for economic help from the federal government for more than a year, mayors of both political parties are among the strongest supporters of Obama's stimulus package.

"We don't mind getting called out. ... We welcome that kind of accountability.
We're going to help get the job done," said Trenton, New Jersey, Mayor Douglas Palmer.

So now he has the mayors working to oversee spending efficacy.

Monday: Obama is hosting lawmakers, economists and representatives of business and labor groups at the White House for a "Fiscal Responsibility Summit" to rein in the budget deficit - expected to be about $1.5 trillion.
This includes the $700billion from the bank rescue plan but not Obama's stimulus plan.

Thursday: The White House is expected to unveil its budget proposal.

... The deficit in the previous fiscal year was a record-high $455 billion.
From today's "Courier Mail":

President Barack Obama's job approval rating dipped in his first month in office amid ongoing economic woes and partisan battles over government spending plans, new polls show.

A CNN and Opinion Research Corporation survey conducted over February 18-19 said 67 percent of Americans approved of his handling of the job.

The approval is down nine points from 76 percent 11 days earlier.

Almost one third of those polled disapproved of the President's handling of the job, while 23 percent said he had fallen short of expectations.

Another poll by Fox News and Opinion Dynamics showed that Mr Obama's job approval rating stood at 60 percent on February 17-18, down from 65% three weeks earlier.
I'm confused :confused:

A day or two ago, BO and his henchmen are saying "we don't want to nationalize our banks".

Today, rumour has it the US gummint is about to take a massive 40% stake in Citibank.

Excuse me Mr BO, but if that is not part-nationalisation of what was once a 100% FREE MARKET bank, I don't know what is.

Please explain.

PS: Will be interesting to see how the Great American Free Market views this tonight - the first big step by the US towards the winding up of free market capitalism?