Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2008!

.... speculation has more to do with his religion than with his race. It represents a notably frightening development.

...Politics, ...., is a dirty business.

And it looks as though the beginnings of a sink-Obama Swiftboat ambush has started.

In 2004, the Swiftboat veterans countered claims that John Kerry was a Vietnam war hero and helped defeat him

This time -- naturally enough -- it begins again with those angry, middle-aged white guys who have run the United States and operate ultra-conservative mouthpieces like the Washington Times and Fox News.

The Times ran a piece in its Internet offshoot, called Insight, which claimed Obama was raised a Muslim and attended a radical Madrassa while a child in Indonesia.
Not true, said the Obama camp, as did CNN, which sent a team to Indonesia to investigate the school.

..... "If [Insight] or the staff at Fox had taken time to check their facts, or simply made a call to his office, they would have learned that Senator Obama was not educated in a Madrassa, was not raised as a Muslim, and was not raised by his father -- an atheist Obama met once in his life before he died."

Even so, it has all the earmarks of a smear job. It also raises another more important concern -- which has led to the dramatic increase in Secret Service protection. It would take only one crazed Islamicist to regard him as an "apostate," or fallen-away Muslim, which fanatics consider far, far worse than being an infidel.
oh my goodness - what an incredible story (or sadly too credible for USA :( ) the press should be seriously hauled over the coals for that one :banghead:

"angry, middle-aged white guys who have run the United States" - like these maybe ? :-


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Re: Barack 2008!

No - That's the ASF mod team. :D

Lol - you'd think they'd have an ASF flag somewhere - !? ;)

but off the record, I fear for his safety - don't trust those dudes and their spikey hats. :(

nor, obviously, the press - after an article like that - sheesh !

"If [Insight] or the staff at Fox had taken time to check their facts, or simply made a call to his office, they would have learned that Senator Obama was not educated in a Madrassa, was not raised as a Muslim, and was not raised by his father -- an atheist Obama met once in his life before he died."
Re: Barack 2008!

Thanks you guys! I NEEDED a laugh after cancelling my .044 sell on EXM seconds before it went through. Then consolidation happened!
Hope or greed? :(

Barack's attitude is gratitude that his cup is half full.

But of course he still wants to fill it!
I can hear his voice resonating with determination and belief.
His articulation continues to astound me. As in his books... his words are music.

From: Barack Obama []
Sent: Thursday, 10 January 2008 4:20 AM
To: Doris *******
Subject: We knew this would be hard

Doris --

There is something happening in America.

A week ago we were 14 points behind, and no one imagined that we'd accomplish what we did in New Hampshire last night.

There is something happening when Americans who have never participated in politics turn out in numbers we've never seen before.

There is something happening when people vote not just for the party they belong to but the hopes they hold in common.

Change is what's happening in America.

We are ready to take this country in a fundamentally new direction, but we need your help to make it happen.

We are about to enter the most decisive period of the campaign. We need to act immediately to build up our organization to compete in Nevada, South Carolina, and the 22 states that will hold their contests on February 5th.

We can lead this nation out of a long political darkness.

We can overcome the division and distraction that have clouded Washington.

Because when we challenge ourselves to reach for something better, there's no problem we can't solve -- no destiny we cannot fulfill.

Thank you,


Paid for by Obama for America
This email was sent to: doris.*******
Re: Barack 2008!

Barack Obama has the lack of experience tag on him and this is likely, to not stall his campaign, but make it highly unlikely that he will become the Democratic candidate. Many would like to see her, Hillary Clinton, back in the Whitehouse, this time as President, and the experienced Bill Clinton there as well.
Re: Barack 2008!


Are you American?

lol... no. I'm from Earth! ;)

This planet has been devastated by the consequences of the immoral voting frauds (IMO) of the past two elections. Both outcomes were highly controversial and still boil my blood. Bludy system! Bush should not have happened at all! (see posts on this thread)

Their system is so complicated. People do not bother to vote because the delegates decide for them! e.g. New Hampshire... both Hillary and Barack ended up with 9 delegate votes each. So they tied! People vote but all this does is give the delegates information with which to make their choice!

America sneezes and the rest of the world gets a cold!

So it matters that someone who could improve America's health can help this planet.
Re: Barack 2008!

Barack Obama has the lack of experience tag on him and this is likely, to not stall his campaign, but make it highly unlikely that he will become the Democratic candidate. Many would like to see her, Hillary Clinton, back in the Whitehouse, this time as President, and the experienced Bill Clinton there as well.

You are such a nice person Noirua. So objective. I enjoy all your posts!

After the upset occurred, the poll takers found Hillary won the popular vote in NH (but they tied where it counts... with the 9 delegate votes each) as a lot of 40+yo women changed their minds at the polls because of Hillary's ploy of softening her image and because the young did not bother to go to the booths. Usually 60+yo independents vote for her.

The young (under 25) now realize they have to walk the talk and get to the booths!

Barack has experience... look at his solid record so far. He has credibility with anyone who has been objective. Hillary had to change her focus from this tag, to copying Obama's need for change ploy. I grimaced last night when I heard her say "I listened to you and found my voice". People who don't like her say it's because she has a history of telling rather than listening! This is another example of her copying Obama's MO. He doesn't advertise listening... he just does it.

I was impressed when I saw on the ABC news (7:30 report?) last night: a man collapsed at a rally and Obama saw him and stopped his spiel to ask if someone had water. That was not planned. It's the nature of the man.

Do they really want: Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton? :(
Re: Barack 2008!

Do they want Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton? Well, with the financial backing Hillary has "Yes". It would be Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton and Clinton.

I worked for a while in the US and often Americans would say a foreigner got a raw deal. Then comment "long may it continue".
Barak having relations in Kenya makes good reading for little guy made good. However, he is sadly seen as a foreigner by many and he may well get a raw deal.

McCain is a great guy but needs a great running mate. If Romney stands with him, I doubt he will, then he could have a good chance.
Re: Barack 2008!

Do they want Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton? Well, with the financial backing Hillary has "Yes". It would be Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton and Clinton.

I worked for a while in the US and often Americans would say a foreigner got a raw deal. Then comment "long may it continue".
Barak having relations in Kenya makes good reading for little guy made good. However, he is sadly seen as a foreigner by many and he may well get a raw deal.

McCain is a great guy but needs a great running mate. If Romney stands with him, I doubt he will, then he could have a good chance.

One big concern is that Hillary would start with huge debt to the lobbyists and factions giving her the finance with their own agendas. Barack's money has come from non-affiliated sources. The hysteria and subsequent interest would increase private donations to his campaign.

I haven't heard of a 'foreigner' tag before.
I wonder if Barack's situation helped make an impact on that horrid Kibaki's ethnic cleansing spree in Kenya.

The international media reported that the killer weapons were acquired in advance, which suggests a premeditated plan. It is terrible that people were being asked whether they were Kikuyu and those who were identified as such were brutally murdered. Others were asked to speak a few words so as to be condemned to death by their accents.

7 hours ago:
The government of Kenya and the Orange Democratic Movement have agreed on a power sharing deal and the possibility of creating the post of prime minister. They, however, differed on whether the holder should be given executive or ceremonial roles.

This emerged as Ghanian President John Kufuor who held separate meetings with President Kibaki and ODM leader Raila Odinga shuttled between the two groups.

The developments came in the background of what was understood to be frank talks between President Kibaki on the one hand and US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Jandeyi Frazer and US ambassador Michael Rannebagger on the other.

It was understood that the Americans protested at the decision to name half of the members of the government ahead of Friday's meeting and the mediation effort.

Shortly after the meeting, State House issued a statement in which President Kibaki committed himself to achieve a political solution to "the serious problems facing our nation".

He committed himself to engage in constructive and inclusive dialogue.

"I remain committed to dialogue with all parties in order to achieve a political solution to the serious problems facing our nation," the statement read.

"When my government is fully constituted as a result of dialogue, it will be broad-based and represent the will of the people of Kenya. It is envisioned that this government will be established as a result of a constructive and inclusive dialogue. Nothing is ruled out in this process."

Knowing US methods of persuasion, they probably offered lots of financial incentives. Now that'd be a better use of China's loan money!
Re: Barack 2008!

What audacity! Obama is at work already and he is merely a candidate!

Didn't Oprah use a slogan, when she joined Obama at his rally, 'Now is the time'?

He said, during his campaign, Just because we disagree, this does not mean we have to be disagreeable... but he was referring to competitors in NH!

Is this one of the Obama 'fairytales' Bill Clinton warned NH about? :p:

January 8, 2008, 1:53 pm
Obama Reaches Out to Kenyan Leaders

By Jeff Zeleny

HANOVER, N.H. ”” As he campaigned for his presidential bid in the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, Senator Barack Obama was following developments in Kenya and was working with the U.S. State Department to speak with Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki.

Mr. Obama, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee whose father was Kenyan, spoke Monday with opposition leader Raila Odinga in Kenya. Mr. Obama asked Mr. Odinga to meet directly with the president without any pre-conditions, a spokesman for Mr. Obama’s spokesman said.

“He said the country would see the message that both you and Kibaki do not want chaos and that violence on all sides must stop,” said the spokesman, Robert Gibbs. “If the country sees you talking and a willingness to resolve this political situation peacefully, a powerful message will be sent to the people.”

For the last week, as he campaigns for the Democratic presidential nomination, Mr. Obama has been involved in talks between the United States and Kenyan leaders. He spoke to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice a week ago, aides said, and on Saturday he discussed the conditions with Mike Rannenberger, the U.S. ambassador to Kenya.

Mr. Obama, whose grandmother and other relatives live in Kenya, visited the country in August 2006. He held meetings with several government leaders. He spoke directly to the Kenyan people late last week in an interview on Voice of America radio.

“Despite irregularities in the vote tabulation, now is not the time to throw that strong democracy away,” Mr. Obama said. “Now is a time for President Kibaki, opposition leader Odinga, and all of Kenya’s leaders to call for calm, to come together, and to start a political process to address peacefully the controversies that divide them. Now is the time for this terrible violence to end.”
Re: Barack 2008!

Do they want Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton?

I worked for a while in the US and often Americans would say a foreigner got a raw deal. Barak having relations in Kenya

McCain is a great guy but needs a great running mate. If Romney stands with him, I doubt he will, then he could have a good chance.
1. interesting - one for the guiness book of records - it's called a bi-dynasty;)

2. I imagine you're right - the black vote would ignore it, but he'll have the job ahead of him (then again so will Hillary you'd think)

3. Romney is an interesting one - ran the 2002 Winter Olympics - Mormon and all that, looks pretty confident to me. - not sure what right he has to be confident though - you could be right with the 2IC ticket (the Republicans would need the combined forces of two candidates to win you'd think ) :2twocents
Re: Barack 2008!

bi-dynastySounds like a brand of washing powder , makes sense , each period took us to the cleaners .

Is America ready for a First Man ? :D

If anything .......... this is going to be good .
Re: Barack 2008!

itha - lol - taken to the cleaners indeed.

I loved hearing Bill Clinton badnaming Obama today, (not) - claiming he didn't vote against the war as he said ( during 2002- 2005 etc) - claiming he couldn't lie straight in bed etc - Immediately denied by Obama in a strong voice ( sounded like desperation tactics by Clinton, i.e. getting dirty)

a) you'd think the voting record was easy to prove or disprove :confused:

b) I just kept thinking of "I did NOT make love to that woman !" lol :2twocents


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Re: Barack 2008!

Can you just imagine it , the First Man is asked to comment on the Presidents blah , blah , ............

He'd book the Hilton and charge $1500.00 a head for the answer .

Lying in bed ...... got to agree , it took Bill years to master that .
Re: Barack 2008!

oh my goodness - what an incredible story (or sadly too credible for USA :( ) the press should be seriously hauled over the coals for that one :banghead:

"angry, middle-aged white guys who have run the United States" - like these maybe ? :-

Your KKK connection... Loveditt 2020!

As I've said... You are goooood! :D

I found this video hauling Fox News Network over the coals for their attacks on Obama.
It includes Obama in his swim suit, his smoking, his supposed Muslim heritage and upbringing and CNN's negation of this...

Have to say I thought one part was so clever:
"Osama's bin laden with a name that causes Al-Qaeda (all kinds of) problems".
You do have to laugh and give credit for this pun... :)

Obama's camp has frozen out Fox reporters and producers because of their smear campaign but the Nevada Democratic Party has lined up with Fox to host a democratic primary debate... Hmmm..

Jay Leno Slams Dems ( related to the debate on Fox News)

Also this one: Obama Co-Chair Jesse Jackson, Jr. Questions Hillary's Tears
Re: Barack 2008!

itha - lol - taken to the cleaners indeed.

I loved hearing Bill Clinton badnaming Obama today, (not) - claiming he didn't vote against the war as he said ( during 2002- 2005 etc) - claiming he couldn't lie straight in bed etc - Immediately denied by Obama in a strong voice ( sounded like desperation tactics by Clinton, i.e. getting dirty)

a) you'd think the voting record was easy to prove or disprove :confused:

b) I just kept thinking of "I did NOT make love to that woman !" lol :2twocents

Have a look at this 2020!

A prelude to your Clinton quote above! Gotta laugh!

John McCain is cute and lovable in this too...

Barack Obama "I inhaled frequently" "That was the point"

and a play on Clinton's denial again... on Jay Leno's show: (another laugh)

The difference between Obama and Clinton
Re: Barack 2008!

And it looks as though the beginnings of a sink-Obama Swiftboat ambush has started. In 2004, the Swiftboat veterans countered claims that John Kerry was a Vietnam war hero and helped defeat him.

oh my goodness - what an incredible story (or sadly too credible for USA :( ) the press should be seriously hauled over the coals for that one

What a man! If only...

I wonder if Americans deeply regret not letting this man lead them in 2004!

This is an awesome video! Six minutes long but worth every second.
Swiftboat references included...

Kerry endorses Obama over '04 running mate