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Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2008!

Al Gore endorses Barack Obama

DETROIT - Al Gore made his debut in the 2008 presidential campaign Monday night, encouraging voters to back Barack Obama because "take it from me, elections matter."

The former vice president's speech was part endorsement and part blistering attack on the man who denied him the White House eight years ago.

"After eight years of incompetence, neglect and failure, we need change," Gore said. "After eight years when our Constitution has been dishonored and disrespected, we need changes.
... McCain's 'age and experience' aren't the same as Obama's judgment."

In 2000, Gore won the popular vote but lost the disputed election to George W. Bush, who captured Florida and its electoral votes after a divided Supreme Court ended the re-count of ballots. Since then, Gore has made combatting global warming his signature issue, and has been recognized worldwide for his effort — from an Academy Award to the Nobel Prize.

Obama stoked lasting Democratic anger over the 2000 outcome when he recognized Gore as "the winner of the popular vote for president."

"You remember that," Obama said as the crowd of 20,000 erupted in raucous applause.

It's the second time Obama has rolled out a major endorsement in Michigan, where he did not campaign during the primary because its election violated the party rules. Obama is counting on a win in Michigan in November, but brought Gore and 2004 vice presidential nominee John Edwards to help validate him among Democrats in the state after skipping their primary.
Re: Barack 2008!

Who really gives a hairy rats a**e? Hillary, Barack or John? Black, white, man or woman? Does it really matter? Are any of these three potential US presidents going to correct the two biggest lies the world is currently being fed? I don’t think so.

Lie no 1 – The firmly entrenched myth of the US Federal Reserve Bank and the concept known as “Fractional Reserve Banking”. Ever come across this quote? “Permit me to issue and control the money of the nation and I care not who makes its laws.” ”” M.A. Rothschild

Lie no 2 - The staggering inconsistencies surrounding the official version of the 11 September, attacks in the USA. The large majority of US citizens now believe that the official story is false. So what is the US Government hiding?

Forget Watergate, Contra’s, & JFK. These two stories will dwarf any before. Take Fractional Reserve Banking. By itself, it has indirectly contributed to incalculable deaths, poverty, misery, and human rights violations. Mostly through unnecessary wars and conflict. Meanwhile the Halliburtons, Lockheeds and Rockerfellers of the world just keep getting wealthier and wealthier.

So why is the world not outraged by these lies? Probably because they are not aware of, or refuse to believe them. But more astonishing (if anything could possibly be) is the blatant refusal by the worlds media to fully investigate them. There is enough “underground” evidence out there already to, at the very least, arouse media curiosity to see if there is any basis for investigation. Both of these lies are well documented on the internet, and a quick glance into any search engine will keep you reading for months. Just Google some of these words: Fractional Reserve, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, 911 truth, PNAC. Unfortunately for those of us seeking the truth, these stories can be easily dismissed by the media as “crackpot conspiracy theories”. Behind the scenes back scratching between media owners, politicians (of both parties), top level business and other interested parties, means they may never be correctly investigated and corrected. So who cares who goes into the white house? Not much will change. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Re: Barack 2008!

The UK Telegraph said:
President Barack Obama would be bad for Britain

By Irwin Stelzer
Last Updated: 12:01am BST 18/06/2008

And equally so for the rest of the western world.

If this country's voters could vote in America, John McCain could take the summer off. So thorough would be his drubbing that no campaigning on his part could save him from an enforced return to the Senate.

President Barack Obama would be bad for Britain
Barack Obama has pledged to turn down new trade deals, on the general theory that free trade has cost America jobs

As British and most other foreign observers see it, Barack Obama is the second coming. Perhaps not of you-know-who, although in his victory speech Obama did describe his triumph in the primaries as "the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal".

Moses made the waters recede, but he had help. So Obama must be the second coming of JFK. Never mind that Kennedy sent troops to Vietnam, backed an abortive invasion of Cuba, and conveyed such a sense of inexperience and weakness at his summit with Kruschev that we almost stumbled into a nuclear war when the Russian leader decided he could get away with putting some missiles in Cuba.

Like Kennedy, Obama is handsome, thin, stylish. Better still, he's black, and so eloquent that he persuaded "racist" America, or at least its Democrats, to have him lead the party in its quest to recapture the most powerful office in the world.

Many Brits can't wait for his first visit, and the French are agog at the prospect of Michelle (sounds French, doesn't it?) Obama strolling arm in arm with their very own Carla, both clad in the latest French frocks.
Click to learn more...

Small problem. Obama is a dyed-in-the-silk protectionist....FULL ARTICLE

I don't necessarily agree with the article, but up for discussion.

... It would be nice to have discussion actually, rather than one eyed cheerleading. :rolleyes:
Re: Barack 2008!

Will the US economy go downhill with the Democrats?
Is it going downhill as we speak (under the Republicans)?
What are the chances they will have a recession?
What are the chances they are already in recession (but are in denial and/or hiding the facts with bogus statistics)?

The Economy

History of recessions, then & now

At the 6 minute mark, they virtually admit that the US is virtually in recession as we speak :2twocents.

btw in January, Stelzer said that the US was not in recession - but he went on to claim there was a 50-50 chance of a recession irrespective of who was in (although, true, he prefers the Republicans to the Democrats )

Irwin Stelzer discussing Fed
Re: Barack 2008!

Jim Webb moves up to favourite for VP position -
probably (guessing here) the more that McCain hammers the "military general" leadership role - where he considers himself superior to Obama - the more likely Webb is to get the VP candidate position :2twocents

But no change to the odds for the outcome
Obama 4/7
McCain 7/4


  • VP odds 20080619.jpg
    VP odds 20080619.jpg
    14.1 KB · Views: 95
Re: Barack 2008!

Pretty risky decision... but what's a mere $80 million... to say 'no thanks' to and give the "power to the people"!

It seems to me that if he raises the money, he's got the ticket as the people in the street again feel they 'own' their piece of the campaign.

From: David Plouffe, []
Sent: Friday, 20 June 2008 7:23 AM

Barack announced an important decision for our campaign today.

We have made a crucial decision that will impact how we compete in the general election, and it's important that you understand the decision, its implications, and the challenge ahead.

I want to add a little context to the video message you received earlier announcing that we will not participate in the public financing system for the general election.

Even though we stood to receive more than $80 million in taxpayer funding for our campaign, the system has been so gamed and exploited by our opponents that it is effectively broken.

John McCain, the Republican National Committee, and their allies in so-called 527 groups that raise and spend unlimited contributions are dedicated to manipulating this broken system to raise as much money as possible -- and they've proven that they're very good at it.

A top McCain adviser told MSNBC earlier this month, "now that we're in the general election, the RNC money counts, the DNC money counts. So the truth is today, John McCain has more cash on hand and more money than Barack Obama does."

In April alone, they raised nearly $45 million. That's more than our campaign and the Democratic National Committee combined. And that doesn't include the plans of 527 groups like the one called "Freedom's Watch," which has said it will spend as much as $250 million under Karl Rove's direction to attack and defeat Barack Obama.

To compete, Barack has put his faith in ordinary people giving only what they can afford. That's been the strategy of this campaign from the beginning, and more than 1,500,000 supporters like you have gotten us this far.

We have an historic opportunity to prove that a movement of ordinary people has the power to change the way political campaigns are funded. And we have a clear goal as we begin this new challenge: 50,000 people declaring their independence by making a donation before July 4th.

Opting out of public matching funds was an extremely difficult decision, and frankly we are at a disadvantage when it comes to raising money. Unlike John McCain, this campaign has never accepted donations from Washington lobbyists or special interest PACs.

While McCain has built his fundraising strategy around high-dollar donors giving huge checks to the RNC, you are creating a new model for publicly financed campaigns.

Thank you for your support and for taking on the masters of a broken system,


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America
Re: Barack 2008!

Obama donates $4,600 to Clinton's debt relief ....(6 hrs ago)

WASHINGTON (AP) ”” Barack Obama announced Thursday that he will help pay off Hillary Rodham Clinton's more than $20 million debt, personally writing a check in a gesture meant to win over her top financial backers.

Obama received a standing ovation from the crowd of more than 200 when he said he would enlist his supporters to help pay off her debt.

In a symbolic gesture, Obama delivered a personal check for $4,600, for himself and his wife, Michelle.
The maximum individual donation allowed by law is $2,300.

Clinton's debt includes $12 million of her own money. She has said she is not asking for help paying that back.

She told her donors they must make electing Obama a priority, as she acknowledged that hard feelings remain on both sides.

An Associated Press-Yahoo News poll out Thursday shows Obama has won over slightly more than half of Clinton's former supporters. About a quarter of Clinton's backers say they will support McCain over Obama.
Re: Barack 2008!

An Associated Press-Yahoo News poll out Thursday shows Obama has won over slightly more than half of Clinton's former supporters. About a quarter of Clinton's backers say they will support McCain over Obama.

Bludy turncoates! :eek:

Who needs friends like that eh! :rolleyes:
Re: Barack 2008!

[/B]About a quarter of Clinton's backers say they will support McCain over Obama.

These people are idiots.

Mind you, after hearing Obama's foreign affairs agenda, there will be no difference in practice.

Both are Christian Zionists.

Both are trouble for the world.
Re: Barack 2008!

Obama 8 / 15 = $1.53 (in a whisker from 4 / 7 = $1.57)
McCain 7/ 4 = $2.75 (steady)
As for VP Democrat Candidate

Jim Webb 7/2 (tightening)
Hillary Clinton 5/1
Kathleen Sebelius 6/1

Hey 2020... you be careful you don't slander my name... or I'll have you up for copy right or animal vilification or sompthin. ;)
Re: Barack 2008!

Bludy turncoates! :eek:

Who needs friends like that eh! :rolleyes:

Makes you wonder what political party some Americans believe in eh!

But the groupies from Hillary's bandwagon might just join the new trend:

Hannah Simone, a Washington energy lobbyist and top Clinton donor, said she entered the meeting undecided but is now ready to help. She can't donate herself because Obama does not accept lobbyists' money, but she said she'll start raising from others.

"It was a big step forward for some of us who were very passionate about her campaign," she said.

From the AP item I quoted above
Re: Barack 2008!

Hey , it could be worse , Hank or Ben could be running , even worse again Martha , Letterman or eek heaven forbid Murdock or aaaargh Bloomberg .
Re: Barack 2008!

Hey , it could be worse , Hank or Ben could be running , even worse again Martha , Letterman or eek heaven forbid Murdock or aaaargh Bloomberg .

:(:( When you look at the US political landscape in toto... they're ####ed.

Re: Barack 2008!

Buffett Will Be Main Draw at Fundraisers for Obama Next Week

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett will be a main draw at two $28,500 per-person fundraisers for Barack Obama in Chicago next week.

Buffett will be part of an economic panel discussion on July 2 at Ariel Capital Management LLC, a Chicago-based money manager with more than $11 billion in assets. The firm's chief executive, John Rogers Jr., is the Obama campaign's co-chairman in Illinois.

Buffett will help host a dinner later the same day at the Chicago home of Penny Pritzker, the Hyatt hotel chain heiress who is Obama's finance chief.

Buffett, chairman of Omaha, Nebraska-based Berkshire Hathaway Inc., is backing Obama over McCain.

"He will have more concern for the people who don't get the lucky breaks in life like I've gotten,'' Buffett, the world's richest man according to Forbes magazine, said yesterday in an interview with Bloomberg Television.

Well, they do say it's not what you know but who you know...
Barack has come a long way as an organiser!
Strangely... I thought Buffet made his own luck!
Re: Barack 2008!

Clinton, Obama try being allies for a change

Clinton -- who, with her husband, sent the Obama campaign a pair of $2,300 checks, reciprocating a donation made Thursday by the Obamas to ease her campaign debt -- stressed that her mission is now Obama's. And she urged her supporters to join her in helping put a Democrat in the White House.

More have joined the bandwagon... up from 'just over half' for Obama and 25% to McCain:

The latest Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll found that only two-thirds of Clinton's supporters said they would support Obama;
11% said they would choose McCain and the rest were undecided or supporting other candidates.,0,1938678.story
Re: Barack 2008!

Buffett Will Be Main Draw at Fundraisers for Obama Next Week

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett will be a main draw at two $28,500 per-person fundraisers for Barack Obama in Chicago next week.

Buffett will be part of an economic panel discussion on July 2

......backing Obama over McCain.

..."He will have more concern for the people who don't get the lucky breaks in life like I've gotten,'' Buffett, the world's richest man ...

....Strangely... I thought Buffet made his own luck!

Good to see the Clintonophiles coming round.. illogical not to you'd think.

PS As for Buffet, I'm guessing you can be rich with 'skill' (and a bit of ruthlessness).
But to be the world's richest man, you probably need a whisker of luck (make that a fraction of luck - sorry whiskers :)) as well.

PS Barrie Cassidy in US today (like 2 or 3 minutes time) to cover the US political situation. Should be worth the watch. :2twocents

"takes the spin out of politics" - good luck m8.
TV guide
Time: Sunday, June 29, 9.02am
Channel: ABC1
Duration: 60 minutes
Type: Current Affairs
Barrie Cassidy gets behind the power plays, takes the spin out of politics and presents interviews, discussions and analysis of the week's political news.
Re: Barack 2008!

Good to see the Clintonophiles coming round..

'cept ol' man Clinton himself:

Bill Clinton says Barack Obama must 'kiss my ass' for his support
By Tim Shipman in Washington and Philip Sherwell in New York
Last Updated: 11:23PM BST 28/06/2008
Bill Clinton is so bitter about Barack Obama's victory over his wife Hillary that he has told friends the Democratic nominee will have to beg for his wholehearted support.'kiss-my-ass'-for-his-support.html