Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2008!

The joke was lame.

Having said that.... despite the professionally marketed slogans for the Obama campaign, the only change the Obama will bring to the white house is a racial one.

It is clear he is not willing to challenge the status quo of the US government putting the interest of the powerful before the interest of the public.
Re: Barack 2008!

II sent a msg to 'the moderator' stating that I had found the robot 'joke' to be offensively bigoted and racist.
I said I had thought it would have been pulled.

I was appalled that the calibre of this forum had been tainted and even more so to suppose that my msg was taken by wayne and his irreverent immaturity and lack of common decency prevailed.
He should be sacked poste haste from his role as moderator!

For the record, your message was sent to all moderators, so given the inaction we can conclude either that we agree with wayne or his assessment was reasonable.

For the record, I believe that a joke cannot be inherently racist. The people snickering in the corner thinking to themselves something along the lines of 'damn those thieving black scum' are the racist ones.

For me, the intent and context of the joke is important. If it was malicious, then yes, without doubt, it should be removed. But, I think it was quite cleverly used to point out that these stereotypes are still quite common and the race card is something that is very much in play here in this election.

One of my daughters married a Nigerian and my two grandchildren are thus half African. Their father has an MBA and a high status career. Their mother has a Masters in Accounting. They are wonderful, successful people.
No doubt they are and I don’t see anyone questioning that. Nor do I see how their race has in impact on their ability to be any of those things. It really sounds like you may have witnessed or been told of some very unfortunate events that have negatively impacted your family and that is horrible, but to be honest these are your issues to work through. Censorship is not the answer here.

It’s a shame you found the joke offensive to the point of calling for somebody’s head (merely for disagreeing with your point of view) rather than for seeing it in the context it was presented.

How dare they be inadvertently stereotyped as lazy, welfare bludgers and criminals on this forum!

These children deserve to live in this country without cowardly crass comments deriding their ethnic heritage.
How dare you infringe upon common decency in a public arena!

People make jokes about blondes, accountants, Aussies and the Dutch all the time... I'm a blonde dutch australian accountant and I still don't wind up crying myself to sleep at night. Why is it ok to make a joke at the expense of some groups not others?

Political correctness demands people be judged for who they are and not be denigrated by pathetic ignorant stereotyping that is illegal in this country!
Political correctness has had a recent thread of its own and many believe it’s gone too far.

In the mean time, take two of these and call me in the morning…



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Re: Barack 2008!

Can one actually be "sacked" from a volunteer role? I would have thought "let go" or "removed" would be the PC term

Prawn... your PC is PC!

Tell me...

Q1. How do you get a lawyer out of a tree?

Q2. How do you stop a lawyer from drowning?

One of my best friends is a lawyer and he laughed at these jokes.

But if I told that rancid robotic joke to my son-in-law he would not laugh!

Individuals are responsible and answerable for their own behaviour and consequences.

A1 Cut the rope...
A2 Take your foot off his head.
Re: Barack 2008!

Im sure there are some lawyers who if you told them those jokes would take offense.

Point is, it is up to the person who reads the jokes to decide their opinions of the person who posted it. A joke is a joke, and within reason, i see no need for them to be removed. Otherwise there would be no jokes whatsoever posted as every joke makes fun of something and/or someone.
Re: Barack 2008!

What are some examples of ‘racial hatred’?

The prohibited behaviour can be using speech, images or writing in public ”” for example:

writing racist graffiti in a public place ”” including school playgrounds or bus stop shelters
making racist speeches at a public rally or assemblies
placing racist posters or stickers in a public place
making a racially abusive comment, joke, song or gesture in a public place ”” including shops, workplaces, parks, public transport, and schools
offensive racist comments or drawings in a newspaper, leaflet, website or other publication..
Re: Barack 2008!

What are some examples of ‘racial hatred’?

The prohibited behaviour can be using speech, images or writing in public — for example:
You'll note this refers to the medium of communication, not what it actually said - clearly all material that refers to a particular race isn't 'racial hatred'. You'll have to try again.

Also, how do you account for the prominence of race-based material in stand-up comic routines, much of which is regularly broadcast on commercial television?
Re: Barack 2008!

You'll note this refers to the medium of communication, not what it actually said - clearly all material that refers to a particular race isn't 'racial hatred'. You'll have to try again.

Also, how do you account for the prominence of race-based material in stand-up comic routines?

its clear that the person who posted and the supporters who think its absolutely hilarious, would only have to ask themselves if this joke is so funny, would they go into a black neighbourhood and say that joke, post that joke on billboards, at public places, in the schools, in the newspapers with their names written and address available on it..

or is it only posted and supported in a forum where they cannot be identified!

clearly the answer is no one would go into a black district and repeat that joke..
Re: Barack 2008!

What are some examples of ‘racial hatred’?

The prohibited behaviour can be using speech, images or writing in public — for example:

writing racist graffiti in a public place — including school playgrounds or bus stop shelters
making racist speeches at a public rally or assemblies
placing racist posters or stickers in a public place
making a racially abusive comment, joke, song or gesture in a public place — including shops, workplaces, parks, public transport, and schools
offensive racist comments or drawings in a newspaper, leaflet, website or other publication..

You'll note this refers to the medium of communication, not what it actually said - clearly all material that refers to a particular race isn't 'racial hatred'. You'll have to try again.

No... Read AgentM's post again doctorj.

'Behaviour'! NOT merely the medium used!

I have zero tolerance for racist remarks or indeed bullying of any kind!

Doctorj... for your edification:

Racial vilification is a compendious term which has been used to describe “all acts, conduct, behaviour or activity involving the defamation of individuals and groups on the ground of their colour, race or ethnic or national origins, as well as those which constitute the incitement or stirring up of hatred or other emotions of hostility and enmity against these individuals and groups” (Gibson 1990, p. 709).

A broad spectrum of behaviour is included within this definition ranging from so-called “ethnic jokes” and offensive words, to stereotyping, inflammatory media reporting, historical “revisionism” and racist hate propaganda disseminated by poster campaigns, pamphlets, graffiti and public broadcasts.

The introduction of anti-racial vilification legislation both in Australia and overseas has furthered the debate over two apparently conflicting rights, namely: the right of all citizens to freedom of expression... and the right of all citizens to live free from harassment and discrimination.

The recent work of critical race theorists, in particular, suggests that such behaviour is harmful not only to individual victims but also to the specific ethnic community targeted and thereby society as a whole. The cumulative harm of racial vilification serves to silence and subordinate minority ethnic groups, minimising their participation in society, affecting educational outcomes, career choices and life chances (Stefanou-Haag 1994). Not only does racial vilification of itself cause substantial pain but many argue that it also creates a climate in which more serious racist violence is likely to be carried out...

The harm which may be caused through racial vilification has, however, been clearly demonstrated throughout the world. The use of education, particularly targeted public education campaigns, civil and criminal remedies all have a role to play in combating such undesirable conduct, and although Australia has taken some steps toward regulating racial vilification in a constructive way, only further evaluative research will show whether or not the steps taken so far have been truly effective in changing attitudes and reducing racist behaviour in the community.

Australian Institute of Criminology:
Re: Barack 2008!

Picking up on Doc's point:

All humour is something-ist. Humour pokes fun at human foibles, failings idiosyncrasies and customs. Blacks, Whites, Orientals, Indians, men, women, Aussies, Poms, Yanks, Germans, Russians, football players, old people, middle age people, teenagers, infants, lawyers, accountants, politicians, Muslims Christians, Jews, etec etc bloody etc are all the butt of jokes every single day of the week.

Moderate political correctness does have a place in my view. We shouldn't call black people "N*****s" for example, as they find it offensive and is usually delivered with derogation in mind.

Unfortunately, as evidenced by how this thread has turned out, it has gone way too far. One member feels, despite suggestions to the contrary, to bombard us with leftist American political propaganda, quoting in toto, emails issued to campaign supporters, yet calls for my "sacking" because I found a joke amusing.

So what's worse? Propaganda (basically, lies in order to get elected) or a joke about stereotypes?

Well let me tell you something Doris, Propaganda is a far darker influence in this world. Your precious Obama, as a Christian Zionist, inherently supports real racism. Support of Israel is support for racial and religious Apartheid. If you support Obama's foreign affairs policy, then you are inherently racist in a far more sinister way than anyone laughing at a joke.

This is how far we can draw the line, if you so desire.

Let me tell you an incontrovertible fact. We are all racist!!! You me 2020 everybody. We all treat members of different races differently, it may be positive, it may be negative, it may be both at different times. It's natural and you will never train it out of people.

Most of us, including me, are agin negative forms of racism. However some people aren't mature enough to handle multiculturalism properly (whether or not MC is a good or bad thing, we all must deal with it). Those on extreme left of politics, deal with this by oppressing the local native/dominant culture. Here in Britain, people are sick of it, sick of petty minded jobsworths cancelling Christmas, and any festive forms of white indigenous culture.

This is causing two things 1/ The complete obliteration of the Labour (with the u here) Party, and 2/ a shift of the working classes to the far right. Yes, in a recent by-election, the British National Party (basically neo-Nazis) got more votes than Labour. Why? Because of the most recent Labour Party legislation enshrining "positive" discrimination.

Push people one way to far, and they'll push back.

Doris, 2020, by labelling moderate folk who have a laugh at a joke, or celebrate Christmas in view of Muslims as racists, you push them in a way you never intended. People see it for precisely what it is - reverse racism.. or just plain racism when it all boils down.

In conclusion, save the "racist" tag for bona fide cases, of which their are many for you attention, including that of your own candidate.

Playing the racism card for such insignificant cases such as this is nothing more than petty political ammunition for debate, both counterproductive and as disgraceful as REAL racism.
Re: Barack 2008!

I thought you were having delusions. You must be to skewer yourself with your own example. If you reread the thread, my issue was with your incorrect use of the symbol "^" and nothing whatever to do with my ability, or lack thereof, in calculation compound interest. It was never at issue.

Once again, hoist by your own petard.

Once again, unbelievable!!!!

...and absolutely irrelevant to the current topic.
Re: Barack 2008!

I thought you were having delusions. You must be to skewer yourself with your own example. If you reread the thread, my issue was with your incorrect use of the symbol "^" and nothing whatever to do with my ability, or lack thereof, in calculation compound interest. It was never at issue.

Once again, hoist by your own petard.

Once again, unbelievable!!!!

...and absolutely irrelevant to the current topic.
perhaps you could explain why it's incorrect :confused:
(I post a jpeg of the examples of rule of 72. together with "^" and "*" etc )

I agree it's irrelevant to the current thread - except that you keep claiming to be the king of logic ...

At least this post of yours you were honest enough to ask what "^" meant :2twocents

OK, I getting confused!

What does "^" signify in these equations? It seems to metamorphose its function throughout this thread.



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Re: Barack 2008!

[exasperated sigh]

How tiresome. As you cannot argue on the actual issue at hand, we must go off at a completely irrelevant tangent, huh?

Defeated on one point, only to bring up another point to be defeated on. OK let's boogie.

You said:
I do know that you're a bit shakey on simple compound interest calculations
Insinuating mathematical deficiency. However, my question in the thread, as per your example, was the about the function of the symbol "^" whose function differed according to the poster. A completely logical question in the circumstances.

You used ^ to signify multiplication, whereas others used it to signify power. The usual convention is to use * as multiplication, as evidenced in Excel and various other softwares.

To use this to make the insinuations about my mathematical prowess, is absolutely illogical... and in fact shallow attempt to discredit by an intentionally inaccurate interpretation of the discussion in question. That is a disgrace and you should give yourself an uppercut.

Now, if you are at all capable, please keep to relevant factors in this discussion.
Re: Barack 2008!

[exasperated sigh]

Defeated on one point, only to bring up another point to be defeated on. OK let's boogie.

I'm not quite sure why, but I'm falling off my chair with laughter at the "let's boogie"!

Just reading the recent posts on this thread I just can't believe how damn precious some of us have become. For heaven's sake, just lighten up a bit.

Imo all this PC stuff ties in with the nanny state, all the endless rules, judgements and censorship. We are not free to say anything any more.
I just lost all respect for anything PC when a couple of Christmases ago, many shopping centres which for years and years had put on a Nativity Scene, declined to do so "because it might offend Muslims". Oh, fergawdsake!
How utterly submissive and stupid.

I hold no brief for religion of any kind, and would never pause to look at a Nativity Scene. But a lot of people really like it, it has been a tradition in our predominantly Christian country, and I'm damned if I find it acceptable that it should be wiped in case it might cause offence to a minority religion.

As Wayne has said, push too hard and eventually sane people will push back.
Re: Barack 2008!

Just reading the recent posts on this thread I just can't believe how damn precious some of us have become.
Here's an example: I wrote this in another forum some time ago.


My comment was a matter of fact and had no possible racist or derogative connotations. If there was a target, it was the companies who offshore everything possible these days.

But you guessed it, I was accused of being a racist. :eek:

The situation has turned into extreme farce.

Here's a true story:

A good friend of mine is a very dark skinned Indian who used to work at Merryl Lynch in Melbourne. When their Australian broking operations were closed down a few years ago, the message was delivered via video, by a person who happened to be an African American... basically informing them that they were all sacked.

My Indian friend who was sitting at the back shouted out - "Black b@stard!!"

The room fell about in laughter. So was that racist? Of course it was, but the situation of a very dark man shouting it out made it extremely funny. The whitefellas would never have gotten away with it. There are valid reasons for that of course, but there you go - harmless humour.

Thank God some petty left wing, quango inhabiting, humourless jobsworth wasn't there to prosecute him.


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Re: Barack 2008!

Just reading the recent posts on this thread I just can't believe how damn precious some of us have become. For heaven's sake, just lighten up a bit.

Imo all this PC stuff ties in with the nanny state, all the endless rules, judgements and censorship. We are not free to say anything any more.
It's actually law.

EXTRAORDINARY new powers will allow police to arrest and fine people for "causing annoyance" to World Youth Day participants and permit partial strip searches at hundreds of Sydney sites, beginning today.
The laws, which operate until the end of July, have the potential to make a crime of wearing a T-shirt with a message on it, undertaking a Chaser-style stunt, handing out condoms at protests, riding a skateboard or even playing music, critics say.
Full article -

Defenders of the laws say they don't actually expect the police to use the law - but then question is why have it.

What's next? Having to invite everyone to your birthday party so you don't offend anyone. Oh wait...
Re: Barack 2008!

Wayne if you want to defend racist jokes of ASF, then that’s your prerogative.

But equally, the majority of (serious) white collar crime is committed by whites – hence the reverse “joke” also applies.

(PS definition of white collar crime varies , and only 20% of complaints are even looked into btw)
Re: Barack 2008!

Wayne if you want to defend racist jokes of ASF, then that’s your prerogative.

But equally, the majority of (serious) white collar crime is committed by whites – hence the reverse “joke” also applies.

(PS definition of white collar crime varies , and only 20% of complaints are even looked into btw)
So if it's OK to label whites with stereotypes, then it's Ok to label blacks with stereotypes according to your rules.

...and if you have a joke about whites and white collar crime, tell it. We will laugh if it's funny.

Checkmate. ;)
Re: Barack 2008!

Just wondering if this joke is ok with you Doris...

For those of you who may not be completely aware of John Hinckley, who he is, what he did, and why, here's a little history.
John Hinckley was a seriously deranged young man who shot President Reagan many years back. John was absolutely obsessed with movie star Jodie Foster, and extremely jealous as well, and in his twisted mind, loved Jodie Foster to the point that to make himself known to her, attempted to assassinate President Reagan.

With that in mind...the staff at the mental facility treating John Hinckley reports intercepting the following letter from Bill Clinton.

To: John Hinckley

From: Bill Clinton

Dear John,

Hillary and I wanted to drop you a short note to tell you how
pleased we are with the great strides you are making in your
recovery. In our country's new spirit of understanding and
forgiveness, we want you to know there is a bilateral consensus of
compassion and forgiveness abroad throughout the land.

Hillary and I want you to know that no grudge is borne against you
for shooting President Reagan. We, above all, are aware of how the
mental stress and pain could have driven you to such an act of
desperation. Hillary and I are confident that you will soon make a
complete recovery and return to your family to join the world again
as a healthy and productive young man.

Best wishes,

Bill & Hillary Clinton

PS: Barack Obama is screwing Jodie Foster.