Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2008!

bit of nonsense from the mid terms (or whatever) in 2006 (or whenever)
Hillary and Barak feature on #6 of this set of 10.

PTV'S TOP 10: The Greatest Political Web Videos of All Time
Re: Barack 2008!

you should be going for his 2IC doris ;)

Do you think so 2020? :cool:

All we can do is what we can do...

Yes. We. Can!

It's 3.9 cents a minute to call the US from Aus... using a Say G'Day card... no flagfall!

And yes... it's so fun and worth the time!

From: Chris Hughes, []
Sent: Monday, 11 February 2008 10:00 AM
To: Doris *******
Subject: Special invitation: Join the National Call Team

Dear Doris,

Thanks for stepping up and helping to call thousands of supporters before the crucial February 5th primaries and caucuses!

Your calls made a big difference for Barack in close races like Connecticut and widened our margin in others like Colorado.

With additional contests coming up in the next few days and weeks, we'd like to extend a special invitation to you.

Join our National Call Team, a small group of Obama supporters committed to making at least 100 calls per week.

You already know that making calls from home can be fun, but it's also one of the most effective ways to reach out to voters across the country.

By signing up for the National Call Team, you'll get:
• Invitations to weekly conference calls with special guests and calling tips
• Daily updates on which calling campaigns are the most important
• Immediate notification when new campaigns are opened

You've been one of our most dedicated supporters, and with the race for the Democratic nomination still extremely close, now's the time to take the next step for Barack.

Join the National Call Team today.

Thank you,


Chris Hughes

Paid for by Obama for America
This email was sent to: doris.*******

Reminds me - we have "Clean UP Australia Day" coming up .... (Ian Kiernan) - (Yes. He. Can. Also!!)
After which we give him a tika tape parade . :D


Hillary says it took a Clinton to clean up after the first Bush and it needs another Clinton to clean up after the second Bush! :)

Daje vu for Ian Kiernan in Aus too?
Re: Barack 2008!


Looking forward to some answers to my questions... or are you happy to dwell in the realms of aforementioned and meaningless rhetoric.

Re: Barack 2008!

... lol
well keep it up - just 310 days to go ;) (very approx)


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Re: Barack 2008!

Is this a Barak Obama "last chance coral" or is it the new guy on the block taking "the bull by the horns" and blasting his way to the Presidency??

Worth a look, me thinks, at the remaining caucuses. If Obama was a Republican, under, the winner takes all system, I'd back him for the nomination. BUT, do the figures for the remaining States really give him much of a chance?

It's easy to bluster and post information but, what is the State by State situation ahead?
Re: Barack 2008!

I must admit that I've had this thought in the back of my mind, that if Obama wins, some right wing, rednecked nut-case would be incensed enough at the though of a black muslim president, to go and try to take him out.

NB: I know he's not muslim, but try telling the ignorant red necks that after the viral mudslinging campaign.

PS: Doris, still waiting for answers love.

Re: Barack 2008!

Back there, (#165) Doris went to the trouble of posting a heap of stuff on his alternative energy policies. I'm guessing he's more into that stuff that mcCain is anyway.

But you're right - I just wish they could harness the energy generated by the wagging of the collective tongues of all the politicians this year. :2twocents

(Just seems to be the way you gotta do things in the USA :eek: )

As for the assassination thingo - unhealthy to speculate imo, and certainly shouldn't affect anyone's "how to vote" - well - sad day if it does. BTW, We are all reeling here )unrealing here?) from the news on Jose Ramos Horte mate.
Re: Barack 2008!

I think XX no , Some would say ( lol) that some of his speeches are pretty damned clever in the use of "generalities" ..

I mean, if JFK is remembered for his brother's eulogy .. "'Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say why not"

Apart from that fact (I think) that it was a GBShaw quote originally, but it is arguably pretty nebulous in itself. I guess the stateman is hardly likely to say "Some saw the interest rate at 8%, and asked why not 7.75% etc":2twocents

PS I'm just having a bit of fun with this ok?

On June 8th, 1968, the day of Bobby's funeral, another Kennedy brother, U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy, eulogized:

"My brother need not be idealized, or enlarged in death beyond what he was in life, to be remembered simply as a good decent man, who saw wrong and tried to right it, saw suffering and tried to heal it, saw war and tried to stop it.

"Those of us, who loved him and who take him to his rest today pray that what he was to us and what he wished for others will someday come to pass for all the world.

"As he said many times, in many parts of this nation, to those he touched and who sought to touch him: 'Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say why not.'"
Re: Barack 2008!

In the eighties the yanks had a president who consulted his astrologer before major decisions were made. The incumbent is seriously stupid, and if Huckabee were to get up, they'd have a president who believes life, the universe and everything was created a few thousand years ago. Scary.
Re: Barack 2008!

Back there, (#165) Doris went to the trouble of posting a heap of stuff on his alternative energy policies. I'm guessing he's more into that stuff that mcCain is anyway.

More rhetoric. In practice, this is nonsense unless there is a concrete plan.

Doris thinks Obama will make a difference to MY life.

He won't, it will be the same ol' same ol'.

Re: Barack 2008!

Doris thinks Obama will make a difference to MY life.

He won't, it will be the same ol' same ol'.

How true.

Even the politicians here in Aus dont make a difference to my life, because ultimately they do what they want without the public stopping them anyway. So there is no way my vote has any actual outcome. Especially when it is always a 2 horse race, here as in America.

Doris, I too am interested in how Obama will be so different and will not give in to the inefficient political system if he wins.

Reals answers, not words spouted from politicians
Re: Barack 2008!

How true.

Even the politicians here in Aus dont make a difference to my life, because ultimately they do what they want without the public stopping them anyway. So there is no way my vote has any actual outcome. Especially when it is always a 2 horse race, here as in America.

Doris, I too am interested in how Obama will be so different and will not give in to the inefficient political system if he wins.

Reals answers, not words spouted from politicians
Yep. My sentiments also echo those from Wayne and Prawn.

We are just into the beginning of the new parliamentary year here and already there is friction in both parties, the Libs because of dissension about the Sorry issue, and Labor because some of the darling pollies are aghast at their fearless leader's suggestion of reining in their pay increases.

Same old, indeed.
Re: Barack 2008!

well I'm finding it interesting.
and lol if anyone suggests that we should elect our president by this system, I'll definitely vote "no way".

btw wayne, Doris likes Obama - you don't like McCain.
Do you have to match her in the explanation department? ;)
Re: Barack 2008!

I agree. As they say "only the good die young" and maybe Obama is too good to be president and too young to die.

I must admit that I've had this thought in the back of my mind, that if Obama wins, some right wing, rednecked nut-case would be incensed enough at the though of a black muslim president, to go and try to take him out.

NB: I know he's not muslim, but try telling the ignorant red necks that after the viral mudslinging campaign.

PS: Doris, still waiting for answers love.

Re: Barack 2008!

One of my favourite songs atm is ‘Broke on a Wheel’ by Plug in City:

“It doesn’t matter what you want… it matters that you get what you want”

Too many people complain about their lot but don’t make the effort to shift the focus to what they want.

Such a waste of time and effort with no functional outcome!

When they do know what they want it doesn’t matter to do something about getting what they want because basically some people are like elephants!

They say an elephant never forgets. The basis of this cliché is that if you chain a baby elephant to the ground, it will pull at it and pull at it until it eventually realizes it can’t do anything to free itself, so it acquiesces and lives its life within the parameters it knows. It grows. It becomes big and strong but it does not forget that when it tried to break free it couldn’t… so it doesn’t try. An adult elephant can pull out the chain peg but it doesn’t know this. It remembers it couldn’t. So it doesn’t try.

Being cynical about politicians is a predisposition based on past experience. Like elephants, we never forget.
Prospective politicians promise what people want so they can get their votes and have the power to rule, then renege for a myriad of reasons.

In the 1939 movie, Abraham Lincoln fare-welled his townsfolk, (after winning the presidency) and as he boarded a train to Washington said, “I must go now and do what they have paid for.” The lobbyists were alive and well in 1860. And they have thrived ever since. If you had the money, you could buy influence and own the figure-head politician. Barack is a maverick in refusing money from lobbyists and financing his campaign with individual donations of $25 to $2300 which, in effect, has created the groundswell of grassroot support turning this snowball into an avalanche. Each supporter becomes part of the team. This is unifying. A champion team will defeat a team of champions any time. A politician is historically divisive and a bully. Obama is neither!

I was so frustrated and bewildered, three years ago, when I visited friends in Orange County. They were not interested in politics nor would attempt to assuage my frustration about how over half their countrymen/women could glibly put their heads in the sand and blindly enable the re-election of Bush when his lobbyists provoked previous-non-voting religious extremists to come out of the woodwork to “prevent Democrats from legalising gay marriages and abortion”. They sidestepped their cynicism of politics by renouncing its very existence! Now… people are getting out and voting!

For me, the greatest promise, of daring to imagine things could be different, is personified in Barack Obama. When I watched an interview with Senator Obama and his wife on Oprah, in Calgary, in December 2006, my intuition and instincts were ignited. There was no talk of his vying for president but I sat there shaking my head in awe and thinking that this man’s attitudes and aptitudes were unique and could make a difference by uniting all races and creeds. When I read his book, The Audacity of Hope, I was inspired. This was not rhetoric, this was written from his heart and soul and life’s experiences, as his wife and daughters slept at night. When I read his book, Dreams from My Father, my instincts were justified as I read his efforts to comprehend where he fitted in the world. His penchant for considering the situation and the plight of others was extraordinary. He listens to people and gathers their concerns in his repertoire. He listens and he hears. He represents their hopes for a better future. I fully believe his influence will extend far beyond the borders of the US and have a profound effect on the world for the better.

What the poll results don’t overtly advertise, are the numbers of people who actually turn up to vote in proportion to the population of the states! So, despite the huge turnouts, they are still a mere fraction. The votes are percentages of the turnout… not the population! Too many are cynical about politics and feel any effort is inept. Why should they bother when the delegates’ votes don’t necessarily reflect their choices? Why should they make the effort and forego their lunch break or upset their after-work schedules, especially in freezing weather? They are helpless. They don’t count.

Obama and Hillary have both made historic inroads into cracking and disintegrating the nonchalance and apathy. They have both stimulated people to think it does matter that they want what they want. The young turned up at earlier rallies for entertainment and announced their preferences to the press but failed to turn up at the voting booths. This is changing. They queue for kilometres now to vote! Obama has confronted the freedom of voter inaction which has allowed the economy, health and the global reputation of the US suffer. Obama has proven what I suspected he could accomplish by putting his hand up. Obama has proven he is a leader and like moths to a flame, people with experience and proven contributions have rallied around him. He listens and has a critical intelligence to involve people as part of a team. He is not out there issuing rhetoric except for those who read only the headlines and have not bothered to analyse and dissect his record and his philosophies. They see the iceberg and don’t even know it’s just the tip of it.

For those who choose to have a look below the surface and make up their own minds about Obama on 20 issues:

There are three kinds of people in this world:
Those who make things happen, those who watch things happen… and those who wonder what happened!

There are three more kinds of people in the world:
Those who see the light, those who see it when it’s shown to them… and those who never see it.

Too many people complain about their lot but don’t make the effort to shift the focus to what they want.

Such a waste of time and effort with no functional outcome!

Another of my current favourite songs is ‘Touched by Love’ by Eran James- video clip: Lovitt!

If you’ve been touched by love
Then you know exactly how I feel ... (in awe, inspired, excited, motivated, star struck)
At the point of giving up- your words
pull my heart clear …. (he gives a belief that real change is possible. He speaks the voters' language.)

…You turn a half chance into one
you’ve waited your whole life for … (his life has prepared him well to be a creditable leader of a population he has united)
You feel as strong as superman
You take the world on ’cause you can ... ( He is articulate, confident, passionate, genuine, with the wind behind his back)

And in all my dreams
Never once did I
Ever dare to imagine you by my side ... (imagine a man who could inspire and unite all races and creeds… to work side by side)
Every breath I breathe
Tastes sweet for sure ... ( no more divisiveness nor ill-thought decisions, no more capitulations to lobbyists)
I found me a reason to live and die for ... (a reason to go out and vote… grassroots support to make life the way they want it to be)

If you’ve been all strung out
Then you know exactly how I feel ... ( US economy in tatters… Iraq…)
At the point of losing faith- your words
pull my heart clear … (It’s time to turn the page and write a new, different future)

…The wonder of it all
Spells the fears I’ve had before. … ( cynicism/fears that all politicians are merely rhetoric)

… but the functional cynic dares to imagine HOPE, remembering why an elephant never forgets.

A bully uses actions or words to make the victim feel uncomfortable, belittled or afraid.
Such a waste of time and effort with no functional outcome! Divisive. Dysfunctional. Destructive, Belligerent.
There is too much of this in politics and in everyday life.
Should we sidestep this by renouncing its very existence? Turn around and walk away?
I read Rev Jesse Jackson did this in his second attempt at nomination in 1988 due to his wife’s fears of an assassination attempt on his life.
Bhutto knew the risks she faced but kept on for what she believed she could do for her country.

Long Live Obama!
Re: Barack 2008!

OK now we're getting somewhere. Obama certainly has an admirable platform for America. Like I said earlier I sincerely hope Hillary or Obama will give McCain a whopping at the polls. It remains to be seen if it's achievable.

I'm still not clear how Obama will affect MY life and why I and others outside of the evil empire should give a toss.

The reality is that US and multinational corporations have the most profound effect on my life, not their politicians (except in involving sycophantic gu'mints in illegal wars). How will Obama stop the insidious and profane export of American culture to other countries? How will Obama extricate us all from Iraq? How will Obama halt the Federal Reserve's economic hegemony over other other western central banks and their perverse Keynesian meddling?

How is he going stop stupid advertisers inflicting American accents in advertisemsnts on me as I watch TV?

Until there are answers to these questions, you or I or 2020 shouldn't give a fat rat's @rse. We should be taking notice of our own politics.

Like I said before, I'm more interested in seeing Gordon Brown's head on a stick, than what's happening across the pond. **** 'em, I'm not interested in Mexico's or Guatemala's politics either. We can't vote, we can only be passive amused or bemused observers.