Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2008!


I didn't know they had telephones in Wisconsin. Do they speak English there? :D
Re: Barack 2008!


Pledged: 1096
Superdelegates: 157
Total: 1253


Pledged: 977
Superdelegates: 234
Total: 1211

Only 772 to go to get to the magic number of 2025!

Now y'all must think that is extraordinary given most people in Oz had not even heard of Barack Hussein Obama before 3 January in Iowa.

2020-- thought you might be interested:
The Iowa Caucuses also give Iowa an opportunity to showcase the state’s strengths on a world stage. Most Americans know that the state is ‘first in the nation’ in the presidential campaign but may not be aware of Iowa’s leadership role in renewable energy, manufacturing and biosciences, or the state's top ranking in quality of life. The caucuses help Iowa enhance its image as the "renewable energy capital of the nation" and reveal to all Americans why Iowa truly is a surprisingly life-changing place to visit, live, work, and play.

WayneL... just for you...
When I make calls to Wisconsin over the weekend... ahead of the primary there on Tuesday... I shall ask them your questions.
They are the voters.
Their opinions should be more relevant than a mere infatuated sheila eh?

Meanwhile, hear why Barack thinks someone in Hawaii should vote for him on Tuesday:
Thanks for this.
Your enthusiasm, like a smile, is somewhat infectious ;) - not that I really know the details, and I'm more interested in your enthusiasm lol.

Great to think there's a bit of discussion about renewable energy - coming as it is from the most energy greedy (and energy wasteful) nation on earth.

And if McCain is excessive in the "hawk" department (as Wayne mentioned), you'd think the people would have had enough of that.

Certainly I'd be willing to listen to Obama more than McCain (who is a loose cannon). And Hillary seems to be using the old "vote for experience" call that Howard used here - and look where it got him.

The concept of "another Clinton" ( after the mistake of "another Bush") has gotta be a negative for Hillary you'd think. (Think I heard that was becoming another factor).

I smiled at the comment by McCain (twigging to the fact that Obama is his most likely opponent) that "Obama is all spin" or words to that effect. I was reminded of the riddle "what does it mean when someone who is all spin tells you that someone else is all spin" ;)

or "that someone who is a liar tells you someone else is a liar" for that matter. - meaningless! or possibly means "the second person may or may not be a liar" I guess.

(Actually the correct "riddle" is "what does it mean when a politician tells you that all politicians are liars" - but I'm taking the concept and running with it)

PS How many delegates = a superdelegate I wonder.
He grew up in Hawaii yes? - certainly a multiracial corner of the US, should be kind to him you'd think (?) :2twocents

PS I hope you at least get a green card out of all your work ;)
Re: Barack 2008!

As Mitt Romney teams up with the McCain bandwagon it looks increasing like the following battle:
(Obama versus Clinton) versus McCain backed by Romney and Guiliani.
Re: Barack 2008!


George Burns:

Too bad that all the people who really know how to run the country are busy driving taxi cabs and cutting hair.
Re: Barack 2008!

Thanks for this.
Your enthusiasm, like a smile, is somewhat infectious ;) - not that I really know the details, and I'm more interested in your enthusiasm lol.

PS How many delegates = a superdelegate I wonder.

Hey 2020 --

The total number of elected (pledged) delegates is the actual progress report:

Obama has 1096, Clinton has 977.

So Obama has, in actual fact, a substantial and growing lead.

The superdelegate votes ONLY come into effect in August at the convention if either candidate has not garnered the 2025 votes required. (half the total of 4049 D's and SD's).

The only reason it seems to be a close is when the superdelegates are added NOW although this does give an overall picture:

Pledged: 1096
Superdelegates: 157
Total: 1253

Pledged: 977
Superdelegates: 234
Total: 1211

Some SD's bought into the inevitability of a Clinton win too early but their pledges do not really count until August:

The Democratic nomination likely will be decided by the roughly 800 superdelegates, which include party officers, elected officials and activists.

Obama's camp argues the superdelegates should support the candidate with the most popular support, as indicated by a majority of pledged delegates going into the convention.

Clinton's campaign, on the other hand, says the superdelegates should support the candidate they think will be the best nominee in the general election as well as the best president., an influential liberal activist group, on Thursday (14 Feb) said it would launch a petition drive calling on the superdelegates not to go against the popular vote.

"The worst thing for the party and democracy is if all these new voters feel like the nomination was brokered in a backroom somewhere. The superdelegates have got to let the voters decide," Executive Director Eli Pariser said in a statement."
Re: Barack 2008!

The battle of the Superdelegates is likely to run and run. The number of superdelegates is 795 (includes 76 unpledged add-ons who have not yet been announced, and superdelegates from abroad only count 1/2 a vote.) and that does not include Michigan and Florida.
Hillary Clinton has yet to exhaust the Democratic appeals process about failure to include these States. She has also indicated that the matter will be taken to the US Federal Court.

The following link gives a list of superdelegates for the Democratic Convention and whom they support:
Re: Barack 2008!

1. The superdelegate votes ONLY come into effect in August at the convention if either candidate has not garnered the 2025 votes required. (half the total of 4049 D's and SD's).

2. Some SD's bought into the inevitability of a Clinton win too early but their pledges do not really count until August:

3. The Democratic nomination likely will be decided by the roughly 800 superdelegates, which include party officers, elected officials and activists.

4. Obama's camp argues the superdelegates should support the candidate with the most popular support, as indicated by a majority of pledged delegates going into the convention.

5. Clinton's campaign, on the other hand, says the superdelegates should support the candidate they think will be the best nominee in the general election as well as the best president.

6., an influential liberal activist group, on Thursday (14 Feb) said it would launch a petition drive calling on the superdelegates not to go against the popular vote.

7. "The worst thing for the party and democracy is if all these new voters feel like the nomination was brokered in a backroom somewhere. The superdelegates have got to let the voters decide," Executive Director Eli Pariser said in a statement."

1. see 3. Unlikely that it wont go to 800 SDs for decision apparently. (?)

2. can they change their mind?

3. see 1.

4. translating from poly-speak to English.. Obama: "listen to the people" maybe ? versus..

5. Clinton "listen to the wise old men of the party" (?)

6. "a petition drive calling on the superdelegates not to go against the popular vote". wowo. a petition to suggest that the Democrats should be Democratic!?!?- crazy !! ;)

7. "The worst thing for the party and democracy is if all these new voters feel like the nomination was brokered in a backroom somewhere. The superdelegates have got to let the voters decide,"

Doris, we await news of how you helped make the US truly democratic :)
Re: Barack 2008!

doris, you'll enjoy this brief video on abc website ;)

You were correct again 2020!

To get people to listen you need to first get their attention and interest.

Our own Allan Pease has taught many this fact:

...then have them activate more than one nerve pathway by stimulating their mental senses to visualize what you are trying to communicate... then they'll enjoy listening... and if they like what they hear... and want to hear more!

Watch Allan Pease in action:

I like his philosophy of deciding 'what you're going to do and worry about the hows later'... "they will come".

Barack inspired people to want to get what they want.

Now people are listening, he is giving hows (the details) of what he will do.

Debbie compares him to Hitler who inspired his nation without their knowing what was to come. But she has a high powered job and hasn't been motivated yet to put her scarce free time to gathering facts about him. She will if he wins the nomination.
Re: Barack 2008!

It's ok mate - he didn't inhale ;)
Lol, someone shot this at me today. Not that I really care about US politics. Be interesting to see what happens if Obama gets in though. Not so much his policies more the reaction of the public to someone a little more peace driven.
Re: Barack 2008!

1. see 3. Unlikely that it wont go to 800 SDs for decision apparently. (?)

2020... do you know it's an Australian idiosyncrasy to use double negatives to assert a positive?
Debbie often picks me up on this... part of the different languages we speak despite our both speaking 'English'! ;)

It's expected there will be no clear winner after the Ohio and Texas primaries and that it will depend on the DNC. But who knows?

2. can they change their mind?
Superdelegates can change their minds any time until the Democratic National Convention in August.

4. translating from poly-speak to English.. Obama: "listen to the people" maybe ? versus..

5. Clinton "listen to the wise old men of the party" (?)

Will there be change if this is not changed?

6. "a petition drive calling on the superdelegates not to go against the popular vote". wowo. a petition to suggest that the Democrats should be Democratic!?!?- crazy !! ;)

lol... if only it weren't so serious!

7. "The worst thing for the party and democracy is if all these new voters feel like the nomination was brokered in a backroom somewhere. The superdelegates have got to let the voters decide,"

Yes... They are reveling in having people care to make the effort to get out and vote but if their voices are not heard, they'll be back to the reality that elections are an hypocrisy. And anger will soar. The LA County re-count this week sets a precedent for letting voters be heard.

Doris, we await news of how you helped make the US truly democratic
Where did this come from? :confused:
I'm just frustrated that in 1984 more than half did not voice an opinion. Maybe they had one but they did not make an effort to express it and look what they got!

I'm under no illusion of even contemplating making any hair-line scratch. The calls do not attempt to persuade, merely inspire people to think and subsequently act to want to get what they want. They could vote for Hillary. The hope is that they turn out to poll.

Re-read the script on #163 on page 9...
Re: Barack 2008!

Is it true Obama was a cocain user?

It's ok mate - he didn't inhale ;)

Confusing isn't it! ;)

I haven't dabbled but I don't think cocaine is inhaled! :)

NO... Barack admitted he'd tried marijuana...

Bill Clinton was the one who said he did not inhale! ...and did not have... ;)

Barack said 'this was the point'! He opened his closet and gained respect from those who had also dabbled out of curiosity. He was a kid at the time and we all know that teenage boys can't keep their hands off what is in front of them! :)
Re: Barack 2008!

Here's a suggested election slogan for the "Bill for First Lady" Campaign.

In response to Obama's "Yes We Can", ....

Bill might consider "say you will - say you will - give me one more chance" - at least gimme time to change your mind. time always seems to heal the wounds if I can't get you to dance".

Ahhh - so many interns :rolleyes:, so little time :eek:

Fleetwood Mac - Say You Will

Speaking of cocaine, Stevie Nicks got to the point where the divisions in her head between nasal cavity and brain were getting paper thin etc ... "one more snort and yu're dead" sor of thing ...

Fleetwood Mac's second album with their new lineup, Rumours, began recording in early 1976 and continued until late in the year. Sessions were dogged by faulty drum tracks, disintegrating tapes, and the tension between the band members, which influenced the songwriting. Nicks' contributions were the jaunty, tight harmony "I Don't Want to Know" (intended for a second Buckingham Nicks album in 1974); the dark, mystical "Gold Dust Woman," a diatribe about the dangers of cocaine and the rock and roll lifestyle; the dramatic "Silver Springs," a b-side about her relationship with Buckingham; and the atmospheric "Dreams," which became the band's only Billboard Hot 100 #1 hit single.

And speaking of whether or not it is inhaled - seems it doesn't have to be (next extract) :- ... (presumably if you had a flatulence problem, you'd exhale it as well :eek:

The high levels of Nicks's cocaine abuse at this time led to one of the more enduring rumours of her career when it was alleged that she favoured administering the drug anally with the assistance of a roadie employed for this purpose

Did Australia get her off drugs?
A solo outing with Tom Petty and Bob Dylan in Australia came after, but Nicks was threatened by Australian authorities with expulsion from the country for not carrying a work permit. The tour marked a striking point in Nicks' career. Although she had achieved significant critical acclaim, drugs were taking a toll on her performing, limiting her vocal range and pitch severely and changing her on-stage persona. It was at the end of the Australian tour that Nicks checked herself into the Betty Ford Center to recuperate and wean herself off of her all-consuming cocaine addiction.

Nicks' voice was more powerful and melodic than on her previous two recordings (solo and with Fleetwood Mac), but it also developed a nasal quality attributed to her cocaine abuse and subsequent dependence on tranquilizers.
Re: Barack 2008!

Report on Barack Obama's books and comments on cocaine use 11 years ago:

Aaah... Noirua. You had me thinking you meant he had done drugs 11 years ago!

"Senator Admitted Trying Cocaine in a Memoir Written 11 Years Ago"
(Wednesday, January 3, 2007)

... when the outing was '11 years ago'. His book came out in 1995.

Thanks for the edification!

In this post I read:

Obama writes extensively about his struggle to come to terms with being a black man whose African father returned to Kenya when he was 2, leaving him to be raised by his white Kansas-born mother and grandparents in Hawaii. He describes an identity crisis arising from his realization that his life was shaped by both a loving white family and a world that saw in him the negative stereotypes frequently ascribed to young black men.

... In the book, Obama acknowledges that he used cocaine as a high school student but rejected heroin. "Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack, though," he says.

Hmm... ignorance! Why didn't I know until now that: "Blow" is a street name for cocaine. "Smack" is slang for heroin.

... In an interview during his Senate race two years ago, Obama said he admitted using drugs because he thought it was important for "young people who are already in circumstances that are far more difficult than mine to know that you can make mistakes and still recover.

"I think that, at this stage, my life is an open book, literally and figuratively," he said. "Voters can make a judgment as to whether dumb things that I did when I was a teenager are relevant to the work that I've done since that time."

Obama's supporters said his admissions in the book could work to his advantage.

"I think it will be received as refreshing," said Sen. Richard J. Durbin, Obama's fellow Democrat from Illinois. "If you compare similar books, many of us in the political business tend to have selective memories."

Have a look at:

"I was a confused kid and was making a bunch of negative choices based on stereotypes of what I thought a tough young man should be," he said of the period depicted in that section of the book. "Those choices were misguided, a serious mistake.

"Growing up to be a man involves taking responsibility," he said. "By the time I was 20, I was no longer engaged in any of this stuff.

"A lot of us make mistakes when we're kids. Part of my campaign, I think, is to be as clear and honest about who I am and how I've grown as a person over time."

So... will potheads and junkies take Obama on as a role-model to get off it?

A few days after the WP item:
Obama's Cocaine Confessional Won't 'Blow' His Chances

George W. Bush refused to share specifics of his own drug experience beyond a general acknowledgment of a rowdy youth ("when I was young and stupid, I was young and stupid"). Still, he did little to contradict ubiquitous reports of his consumption of booze, marijuana and even cocaine.