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Australian Politics General...

Thank god we got a good deal with the fighter planes.....
Thank god we got a good deal with the fighter planes.....
That will end up being another contract cancellation, the way it is going, we will probably end up just buying off the shelf from China.

I just read this article, this is going to get very interesting IMO. As we always say the truth has a way of coming out.
From the article:
Australian officials insist there is much more to this story which would reflect poorly on France if made public. The French say much the same and note they also have texts from Morrison.

At this low point, full disclosure from all sides probably couldn’t make this already extraordinarily serious situation much worse.
Tony Abott, once again showing an appalling lack of judgement, has suggested that the dork Smith needs to be "saved".
From The OZ
Yes Mr Smith made a mistake, but its a bloody big one that can only occur if you are a complete idiot. It also says a lot about his so called 'friends" who let him drive home at 2.5 times over the limit.
Others have been fired for lesser things (Just ask Christine Holgate).
If the bloke has as much talent as his ego suggests, and people like Abbott think, he should have no problem about getting another job.
@mullokintyre it cost Troy Buswell in W.A his job, I'm sure there are others, I know during my working career having a drivers license was a prerequisite for holding a job and people were sacked for DD.
It is weird how politicians think they are something special and should be treated differently to those they represent.
I see the media is still trying to get Australia to roll on its back and pizz on itself.
I really can't understand the end game the media is trying for, do they want the Australian Government to reverse the decision and buy the diesel subs? When they at the same time argue to get rid of fossil fuel? Do they want the Government to give France extra dispensation for an agreed clause in a contract? Really what do they want to do, other than show a lot of support for another country over Australia?
It really is starting to look like the SMH is trolling Australia IMO.
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Those in WA must be heartened by the 900 km exec jet trip that the WA premier made to Carnarvon to get a photograph with Cleo Smith after she was found.
Bet the family were grateful for his phot op and the two police dolls as gifts.
Lets hope that Cleo grows up to lead a happy and normal life after her ordeal. (the kidnapping i men, not McGowans visit).
People do need to be careful what they post on social media.

From the article:

Friendlyjordies settles defamation suit with John Barilaro, must pay $100,000​

Mr Barilaro was suing Mr Shanks, better known as friendlyjordies, in the Federal Court over a series of videos published last year.

Mr Shanks's barrister, Matt Collins QC, today read out a statement on behalf of his client after the court heard the matter has been settled.

"Freedom of expression for political communication is important, but Mr Shanks accepts that some of the videos posted were offensive to Mr Barilaro," he said.

"Mr Shanks understands that Mr Barilaro has been hurt and apologises to him for that hurt."
The comedian and satirist was not ordered to pay Mr Barilaro's legal costs but will be liable for about $100,000 in legal costs related to an application to have the case heard by a jury and an application to waive Mr Barilaro's parliamentary privilege, both of which were unsuccessful.

Barilaro just had the videos racist content removed. Didn't receive money
Thank god we got a good deal with the fighter planes.....
It sounds as though the Swiss have upset poor old Macron too, they bought U.S fighter planes and cancelled a French contract. Sounds as though Macron is on the nose with everyone, except the Australian media, who will side with anyone as long as it isn't Australia. ?

Just proves the muppets will believe any $hyte they read, in the Australian media, another shot in the foot media storm in a teacup.

Australian media, the trash of the South Pacific IMO. ?

Let's see if these article makes the front page of the SMH, Age or the Guardian, maybe Q & A can do a segment on why the French are having so much trouble with their diplomacy. ?
Rather than trying to force our Government to kiss their ar$e.
From the article:
Rabat - France has faced another setback with Switzerland’s decision to buy the F-35 fleet from the US instead of France’s Dassault Rafale fighter aircraft.
Reports from Swiss media suggested that Switzerland’s choice has led an “angry” Emmanuel Macron to cancel a meeting in Paris between the French president and his Swiss counterpart, President Guy Permlin.

The meeting was scheduled for November, but reports indicate France is no longer in the mood to discuss strategic questions after Switzerland’s decision to call off a military deal.

From the article:
France said it could stop UK boats landing in its ports if the row over licences was not resolved by Tuesday.
The UK government warned it could start "rigorous" checks on EU fishing activities in response.
Meanwhile, the French ambassador has left the Foreign Office after talks.
Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said she asked one of her ministers to summon ambassador Catherine Colonna to the Foreign Office "to explain the disappointing and disproportionate threats made against the UK and Channel Islands".
Ms Colonna left the building in Whitehall just over 20 minutes after she arrived.
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Sounds as though Macron is on the nose with everyone, except the Australian media, who will side with anyone as long as it isn't Australia. ?
Think it's more a case of the Aust media just jumping on the anti ScoMo bandwagon. The media loves reporting ScoMo upsetting foreign governments
Only because he does it so well.
Does he actually

Macron is carrying on like a spoilt little kid over the sub's--but the reality is the French have consistently failed to deliver on key milestones on the sub contract and the French contractors have a long history of being problematic on this project. I could not give a **** what side of politics you support on this, but I think ScoMo has done the right thing to terminate this contract given they have been a very unreliable partner. The way I see it ScoMo is acting in our interests and if he upset the French in doing so well then so be it.

Who else has he upset...ok, you can trot our China. But it will come as no surprise to hear me say say they have been a bully for a long time and about time we stood up to them. There is a conga line of countries that have upset China so ScoMo is in good company there. It is extremely ironic that China now wants in on the TPP despite their outrageous behavior on import tariffs.

So what other countries has ScoMo offended????

I think he was right to terminate the contract , but it was his side who ordered the wrong subs in the first place. He was in the Cabinet when the French deal was signed off, it should have been apparent that conventional subs were not going to cut it in 20 years, they should have been looking at other options in the meantime, like drones.

Releasing private texts without notice is indefensible , you just don't do that sort of thing and expect that other countries will continue to trust you. He could have threatened to release them unless he got an apology or justification by Macron of the 'liar' tag, but he went like a bull at a gate. No diplomatic savvy at all.

I don't care about China, you are correct that they are bullies, but they bully everyone so that one isn't ScoMo's fault.

As for offending other countries, what did Biden say about him regarding the sub deal ? "Badly handled". Morrison couldn't get a meeting with Biden at Glasgow even thought we are supposed to be their new best friend. Morrison is patently unfit to be dealing dealing with other countries he just talks first and thinks later.

I hear you on whether the deal with the French was right in the first place and yes that is a very good question, but to the issue of whether ScoMo is good at upsetting foreign powers that is not relevant.

I hear you on releasing the text messages, but you know Macron's idiotic dummy spit has been a little pathetic as well so I kind of like the fact that the text messages were released to actually show the public that Macron was being somewhat liberal with the facts. I guess we live in a era of "call out" culture and that is what has been done with the release of the text messages.

As for Biden, lets not get started there but I'm happy to raise the issue of the way he managed the abrupt exit from Afghanistan. As you can tell I'm no expert on international diplomacy but I think it is fair to say the way Biden managed the withdrawal from Afghanistan as "badly handled", but did ScoMo publicly comment on that? What's that saying...let he who is free of sin cast the first stone.

I think it was not an option to remain in Afghanistan indefinitely. The only choice really was to hand the country back to the civilian government. It certainly went pear shaped, but blaming Biden for the cowardice of the Afghan national army is stretching things a bit imo.
Agree...not an option to remain indefinitely...but to exit so abruptly like Biden did...irresponsible, stupid and in his own words, badly handled. Even Trump wasn't so stupid as to exit as abruptly as Biden did. Trump wanted out, but even he knew a phased exit over time was probably wise.
I think Macron has done a lot more damage to the French reputation, than Morrison has to Australias reputation.
The only ones who are trashing Australia's reputation is the australian press.
Macron left Morrison with little option, when he called Morrison a liar.
Since the spat the Swiss have pulled the pin on France and the U.K as I posted are now pushing back.
The only friend Macron has is Turnbull and they deserve each other IMO.
I said a long time back, the only ones who can stuff up this election for Labor, is the media and I think they are actually on the brink of doing it. Lol
Attached is a video on youtube from a speech by Joe Biden in 2008,
In defending not gertting out of Afghanistan. He says that it would take a year at least to get out of Afghanistan. He then says you could get out in a few months, but you would have to leave all the infrastructure and weapons behind. And then it would be used against "us", meaning the American people.
So in 2021 he does just that and leaves behind the weapons and infrastructure, as well as few people who worked for the Americans.
With so much media storage around now, just about anything you say will come back and bite you on the ar$e in the future.
The bloke is either poorly advised or just plain senile, or a bit of both.
Unbelievable....the stench of hypocrisy is unbearable
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