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Australian Politics General...

Ill do your homework for you

I am from Victoria, so the cesspool of NSW politics has somewhat less interest for me than the cesspool of Victorian politics.
And if you read the reports of the time, he was forced to resign after denying he had received a bottle of grange for his birthday from a lobbyist, then the lobbyist showed ICAC a piece of paper where BOF thanked said lobbyist for the wine.
Whether he was too close to the hotel industry is not something I am in a position to comment on.

It also put an end to the careers of 2 pretty corrupt individuals, Obeid and MacDonald so it was worth it to get rid of them.
It also put an end to the careers of 2 pretty corrupt individuals, Obeid and MacDonald so it was worth it to get rid of them.
So the ends justify the means?
Would not the careers of Obeid and Macdonald been ended without the ICAC?
THE DPP may well have charged them both without the ICAC star chambers.
Oral and Physical evidence taken at ICAC hearings are sometimes not allowed to be used in a court of law simply because of the way they are gathered.
Unlike bodies such as ICAC, evidence gathered due to coercion, lack of search warrants etc are inadmissible.
There is no reason why Police cannot ask courts for listening warrants on comms devices, get a judge approved search warrant, conduct recorded interviews with a lawyer present etc.
The liberties we have are too important to be given away for convenience.
There is no reason why Police cannot ask courts for listening warrants on comms devices, get a judge approved search warrant, conduct recorded interviews with a lawyer present etc.

Police could be reluctant to investigate their political bosses, it could be a career ending move , or they may be in on it themselves.

The I in ICAC means Independent, the police are not necessarily that.
I do feel a bit sorry for Gladys though.
Dodgy boyfriend realluy. I think she is pretty honest. Unfortunately, easy to slightly twist a grant.
Congrats on the Libs for normalizing corruption.....poor ol Glad hasnt got a blind trust even....
Congrats on the Libs for normalizing corruption.....poor ol Glad hasnt got a blind trust even....

Wont be a problem in the future the Liberals will defund ICAC next budget, meanwhile wonder why the current federal government wont come good on their promise to install a federal ICAC.... seems no trust there hmmm
View attachment 130989I wonder how true this is
The argument will be in the interpretation of the wording.
Is it saying that she loses the pension if found guilty, but only if she was still in office when charged, or does it say she loses the pension if charged and found guilty while still in office.
If its the former, she will lose her pension if found guilty.
If its the latter, she will not because she will have left office before a verdict is returned.
Worth a read IMHO

NSW must do better than Dominic Perrottet as premier​

Too young? Too narrow in life experience and perspective? Yes, to those. But most crucially, if this growing representation of highly conservative Christians in positions of great power is to be contained in Australia, NSW needs to do better. Far better.

Yet, within a day, it is possible that NSW, self-described as the most progressive state in the federation, may have, in Dominic Perrottet, a premier not only living under a cloud for mismanagement of the state’s workers’ compensation scheme, iCare, but who is also a highly conservative Catholic with views that represent the most extreme end of a rigidly male-dominated institutional church.

So being a Catholic conservative should debar one from Public office??
Would there be a problem if the person was a Muslim conservative?
Or maybe an agnostic conservative?
All those people decrying the discrimination against women, or Aboriginal people, or people with disability etc etc are quite happy for the negativity around a white a male catholic conservative to be trotted out as the party line.
Hypocrisy rears its ugly head again.
How long before Cathilophobia becomes a thing?
Wrong choice for nsw
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