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Australian Politics General...

This new issue highlights one of the problems, with the strong left wing self deprecating ideologies, that demand that perpetrators receive more consideration than possible victims.
Life is about choices, but others shouldn't always have to suffer, before those who force the choices accept they have made a mistake.
It isn't about racism, it is about making rational decisions on who you invite into your home IMO.

The federal government has been under sustained criticism over the last fortnight, after revelations a direction issued by the immigration minister in January last year had resulted in convicted criminals being allowed to stay in Australia.

The direction had insisted immigration officials and tribunals take into account an individual's ties to the community and their time spent living in Australia when considering whether to revoke or reinstate their visa.

One individual whose visa was reinstated now stands accused of murder in Brisbane.

Immigration Minister Andrew Giles has since cancelled that visa and ordered an urgent review of dozens of others.

"The only effective way of ensuring the tribunal members are making better decisions is to issue a new revised direction, which the minister will be doing," Mr Albanese told Question Time.

"The new directive will ensure that the protection of the community outweighs any other consideration."

IMO, that is the root cause of a lot of the problems, the protection of the community should have always outweighed any other consideration.
Unfortunately as with the current domestic violence problem, the community safety has come a distant last, to all other considerations.
Benevolence for perpetrators, seems to far outway concern and empathy for victims, in today's world IMO.
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Do you have a link to her actual words?
Of course. If you are looking for something where Tingle says I hate white people, well, she is not that stupid.

Ask yourself what it means when she says Australia is a racist country? Who are the dominant racial group? Who then is she implying are they racists?

Is this true? Vis a vis, are you as a white fella racist? Am I a racist?

Is our DEI program racist? Think about that.

Which races are being disadvantaged? Peruse employment ads. Who are the racists?

Now to be clear, I am what you might call a Civic Nationalist. I really don't care where you were born, what color you are, what sex you are, what gender you purport to be (so long as you don't f*** with underage people). If you want to be here and adopt our values and way of life (and yes you can certainly maintain aspects of your own culture if they don't clash with Australian values), then you are welcome here as an Australian as far as I am concerned.

Example, I had an eye test a few days ago. The owner of the business was an Indian lady and the optometrist a young Chinese heritage fellow. Their communication, way of doing business, courtesies and whatnot, despite being delivered with their respective accents, were very much with Australian values.... lovely people.

I can't think of anyone in my circle of friends that would think any differently, they would just be fully accepted, as they should in the context of how we see ourselves as a society.

So I ask again, apart from a very few examples (yes they are certainly individuals who are racists, whether they be white, black, yellow, or green with purple polka dots).

Are we a racist country?
Maybe someone should ask her, what has racism got to do with protecting the living standards and opportunities of our children.

Why should that come second, to allowing overseas people into Australia, when we don't have the services to cater to our own population.

It isn't race based, it is people from any nationality, race or religion, until we can accomodate our own why compound the problem.

They turn around and say we have a lack of workers, yet we have an oversupply of unemployed university based graduates and drop outs, maybe we should fix our education and training systems before we bring in more people to overload it.
Are we a racist country?
I don't think so. I was interested if Tingle provided some data to support her view. I can't find any.

We have a low tolerance to people who come here and bludge on the system and us, or use us for their criminal enterprises. That's quite normal and understandable.

If that is what Tingle thinks is racism, then she is wrong.
@wayneL Good post Wayne.
Generally, the crowd I mix with are much the same as you have mentioned.
The odd-ball out there is always the exception of course and that will never change.
There have been a few articles from the Rugby League fraternity about this proposal which most likely have not made it into WA media.

This is very much a diplomatic move to counteract China's expansion of influence in the Pacific area.

PNG is fanatical about Rugby League, even worse than QLDers are at State of Origin time, and for us to offer them the chance to be in the NRL is just about the best thing we can do to retain influence in the area.

It is the second most violent country in the world so to create a team based in PNG the NRL would have to build a village with very high security, fences topped with razor wire are standard fencing up there. It would need to have guards patrolling ALL the time

The team would have to have housing, training facilities, schools, shops, medical facilities and any other normal suburban need all enclosed within the fenced village.

They would need to be escorted by armed guards Everywhere they go outside of the village.

In the past the crowds have rioted when trying to touch the visiting players and shots have been fired to control the crowds, they are Manic ! so the precautions will be necessary.

It will be a huge undertaking and the next problem is if/when they are flogged 40-0 do guns get produced and a few players shot?

Now, consider how much they will need to pay players to take their families to a place like that.

It may end up being a complete disaster with the team getting lapped every week and the whole village being burnt to the ground

A very risky proposal indeed

ABC says Laura Tingle's Sydney Writers' Festival comments did not meet editorial standards
ABC News director Justin Stevens says comments made by political journalist Laura Tingle at Sydney Writers' Festival did not meet the organisation's editorial standards.

Tingle, the chief political correspondent for 730, made the remarks last weekend when she appeared in her capacity as a writer in a panel discussion at the festival with other political journalists.

"We are a racist country, let's face it. We always have been, and it's very depressing," she said during the panel.

She made the comments as the panel discussed Opposition Leader Peter Dutton's budget reply, which included coalition policy measures on migration and the economy.

Mr Stevens said Tingle's remarks "lacked the context, balance and supporting information of her work for the ABC and would not have met the ABC's editorial standards".

"Although the remarks were conversational, and not made in her work capacity, the ABC and its employees have unique obligations in the Australian media," Mr Stevens said.

"Today she has explained her remarks in more detail to ensure there is a factual record of the relevant context and detail.

"The ABC's editorial standards serve a vital role. Laura has been reminded of their application at external events as well as in her work and I have counselled her over the remarks."

Mr Stevens went on to say that Tingle was one of Australia's most experienced, knowledgeable and accomplished journalists.

Tingle laid out in a statement on the ABC website how she came to make the comment.

"I did indeed make the observation on Sunday that we are a racist country, in the context of a discussion about the political prospects ahead," she said.

"I wasn't saying every Australian is a racist. But we clearly have an issue with racism.

"For some months now, for example, The Australian newspaper has been devoting considerable space to its alarm about a rise in anti-Semitism in Australia."

Tingle said she regretted that when she was "making these observations at the writers' festival that the nature of the free-flowing panel discussion meant they were not surrounded by every quote substantiating them, which would have – and had – been included in what I had said earlier on the ABC".

She went on to say that she was "proud of my work as a journalist at the ABC, on all its platforms, and I let that work speak for itself".
If that is what Tingle thinks is racism,
of course she does , she is a modern journalist ( no time to understand the facts any more just create a catchy headline and trigger , trigger trigger so the boss gets the ad hits and profits )

Is 'The Great Australian Dream' a sham?​

not a sham , an election bribe , they just put a different shade of lipstick on the pig , every time they have an election
So with China involved in the area, it is at the whim of whoever the despot ruler of the time is, which way the wind blows. I still reckon this is money wasted.

Tingle was commenting on the politicalization of immigration by Dutton and the real fear of blaming immigrants for all of Australia's woes setting off dog whistles of racist overtones you know like Howard did.

Are Australians racist?

Strange that no one here quoting the foreign owned click bait News Corp (let's face it run a foreign owned government interference propaganda agenda) brimming with real elittes (calling a senior journalist from the ABC an elite is ridiculous IMHO )failed to also quote an Aboriginal lady present who also commented on the fact Australians were racists don't mention the Voice.

Carry on.
Calling out facts isn't racist. Calling someone racial slurs or excluding them because of race is a different matter.
The Voice was just a bad idea that made a bunch more public servants.

There is a fine line between calling out a groups actions and disliking a group purely for race reasons. My comments on the Jewish faith must look close to being a nazi. But it's addressing a history of behaviour that no one can talk about and that keeps repeating. It's obviously not all of them but those with a particular ideological mindset or religious outlook.

The catch phrase "Racist" shuts down debate on glaring problems. It's at the point that children are getting raped in London, or massacred in Palestine. But don't say anything or you are a "racist".
But yes it's nuanced because there's a difference between hating the entire group or addressing problems within the community.

My FOB Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese friends will absolutely not work with certain cultures. Yes it would be classed as racism. But they simply put it down to repeatedly bad behaviour from certain groups that rip them off.
Aussies would get cancelled over the same behaviour.

What happens when Australians go overseas and act like drunk drongos?
It's a huge write up in that countries news lots of racist comments and you get a pile on with "RESPECT THE CULTURE" blaring out.
Aussies at home call out the behaviour and people eventually modify behaviour. No one says anything about that nations obvious racist efforts.

When it happens in Australia and you teach foreign cultures everythingis "racism" they have a get out of jail card that whole communities then accept. There's no modifying bad behaviour as you then have an excuse.

How about feminists "not all men" sarcasm. No they blame all men regardless generally of the white skin kind. Would they apply the same to any specific other race?
As far as I can see the white guys modified their behaviours. They actually applaud some of the other cultures that are outright sexist.

As I said before I'm offending one particular group at the moment and a guy on the right is calling me out. A white right-winger. And I'd expect someone to say something and debate a position. But does that make all the left posters racist, or do they see the problems emanating from one group that needs to be addressed?

I prefer just keeping it short and saying "Elitist snob". I'm not articulating thoughts well lately and forget being concise, it's a ramblefest.
Calling out facts isn't racist.

Totally agree.

However my generation and older are absolutely racist I include myself in that. I remember vividly the absolute hammering Italian, Greek, Slav etc kids got at school thankfully I didn't participate but then I didn't stand up and defend either.

I won't talk about Aboriginals as that's a given, still is.

The undertones of that era still exist albeit to a much lesser extent as the immigrants proved how wrong it was.

I can talk to many people my age now and elicit racist views out of them without even trying, this doesn't mean they want to or will do harm to anyone but like me as a kid many would standby and not call people out.

Classic line is "I am not racist...but"

The younger generation absouley are not the same, I get hammered by my kids if I ever do my very very good Billy Coke Bottle impersonations (WA members will know) complete with jokes repertoire that will reduce most my age to tears in laughter apparently its racist and I have to accept others judgement on that.

What Tingle said is true the problem is it triggers everyone particularly when such a respected ABC journalist says it as a personal opinion (Tingle wasn't speaking as an ABC journalist).

The elitist foreign owned News Corp has run repeatedly the Australian antisemitism line (elitist RW politics I know loving the terms foreign owned and elitist ) but then says Tingle is very bad for saying we are racist

Racism will always exist to an extent and for many reasons what's interesting is the outrage when its raised and yet acts of racism go past with less than a whimper.
Re Billy Coke Bottle of that bygone era.
When I was an apprentice, we had 3 Aboriginal apprentices spread over 3 years in a 5 year slog.
One in particular did an exact mimic of Billy Coke Bottle and he took no exception to it.
Thought it was classic.
He later joined the WA Police and became a Sgt based in his hometown of Bunbury.
Top bloke and could dish it out as well.
IMO the most accurate thing you have written @IFocus.

What makes me chuckle is, how the elite's are quick to take the moral high ground, yet what are they doing above and beyond what most other people are doing, that gives them the right to claim it.

Also it isn't only racism they take the high ground on, it is every social issue known to man, yet they live in their McMansions and drive past the homeless in their Mercs and BMW's, I personally don't know how they can not feel embarrassed.

But there you go only my opinion as usual, but I know I couldn't live in a McMansion while someone I care about was homeless, go figure.
Another option for people who care is fostering, a friend of mine is foster parent to two aboriginal kids and they love it, the kids go to school with my grandson.
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@sptrawler There are plenty of very good people out there who don't receive or want accolades but just do what they perceive to be the right thing.
More power to them
80s and prior I'd be saying something different. I copped it big time being a darkie.
Even from teachers.

I think branding everything as "racist" today is too shrill. It's a lazy engagement point. When everything is "racist" it simply loses all meaning.

Mashing groups together doesn't always work harmoniously.
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