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Australian Politics General...

I have not been a great fan of the lightweight single issue politics of the Teals, but for omn this occasionn the policy platform put up is something can heartily agree with. From SMH

Lobbying creates the impression that if you have enough money, you can get the ear of politicians.
Its a "for the wealthy" version of the voice.

I wish them luck with that. I will be interesting to see what proportion of politician's time the big money gets versus say community or welfare lobbyists.
I wish them luck with that. I will be interesting to see what proportion of politician's time the big money gets versus say community or welfare lobbyists.
Given that the political class are dead against lobbying when in opposition, it comes as o surprise that there is a complete volte-face when in government.
From ABC News
Who dreams up this crap, to think people are in office and get paid to come up with this nonsense, is beyond the pale,
We have failing health systems, failing education systems, failing housing policies, rampant crime and they spend time and taxpayers money on trying to undermine our national identity and respect for those who have given their lives at the request of previous Governments.
It just highlights how little respect politicians have for their own responsibilities, is there any wonder the public's respect for politicians is falling, they obviously deserve the same respect they show for those they sent to their deaths IMO.
It's a bloody disgrace.
Mr sp I have been pondering on this for a couple of days.
me Ufortunately my retort would have had been banned for for time by Joe Blow.
It is on the verge of a national disgrace.
This crowd in SA should be kicked out and a caretaker government put in place.
It's interesting when the very same State scream for the submarine maintenance facility, yet demean the very people they expect to man the subs they want to maintain, shows how shallow politicians are when they fall over their own hypocrisy.

If ANZAC day shouldn't be there as a public holiday, for people to reflect on the sacrifice those soldiers gave, well then S.A shouldn't have a public holiday at all see how that goes down. If it isn't ANZAC day, it should be just another work day, for them.

Have a referendum on that one FW's.
This crowd in SA should be kicked out and a caretaker government put in place.
I'm not at all keen on removing the name ANZAC but on the other hand, politically SA has the same trouble as the other states.

What's the alternative?

The Liberals locked people out of the entire state meanwhile the Greens are too narrowly focused for most. That leaves Labor.

Same problem as Victoria. No matter what anyone thinks of Labor, what alternative do they really have?

My view - scrap the Liberal party completely, burn it to the ground, and form a new party that's financially conservative, socially centrist, and which adopts the intended principle of small government - that's about government not interfering in peoples lives without good reason, it doesn't mean simply selling off assets and contracting out the public service indeed those aren't part of it.
They already have that party.
its called the Libertarian party.
Believes in small government, free speech, is not wedded to the Unions, big business or being told what to do by UN , the WEF, the G7 etc.
My view - scrap the Liberal party completely, burn it to the ground, and form a new party that's financially conservative, socially centrist, and which adopts the intended principle of small government

Totally agree that the Liberal Party should be wiped.

When we say "small" government, how small should it be ?

Believe me, I would like small government when it works, but when we see things like what the Banking Royal Commission uncovered , or what Qantas did/is doing to it's customers and staff, or the way corporations are making super profits from essential services like electricity and gas , or the ridiculous increases in house prices etc, etc then I would prefer that the government has the will to step in and solve these problems rather than leaving it to a "market" that has failed on many occasions.
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