Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Australian of the Year

I am much different than when I was 17, and although not succumbing to makeup or Bedford/Kertcher seminars, I quaff and dress appropriately to give the appearance of my underlying vigour.

I assume you mean coiff GG rather than quaff (or maybe you do mean quaff :alcohol: ;) )

shag said she is not outrightly PC, I'm not sure that Ita is very PC at all, I seem to recall recently that she criticised Gillard for her parliamentary rant on being a victim of sexism and misogony, saying effectively she should just shut up and get on with it.
I assume you mean coiff GG rather than quaff (or maybe you do mean quaff :alcohol: ;) )

shag said she is not outrightly PC, I'm not sure that Ita is very PC at all, I seem to recall recently that she criticised Gillard for her parliamentary rant on being a victim of sexism and misogony, saying effectively she should just shut up and get on with it.

Love the smileys MH.

See the post on hangovers and yes it should be coiff, though on my treatment today by the females in my small but precious kingdom, at risk from irate females, quaff may be the appropriate response.

Ita is a great Australian.

Actually Julia and Macquack, I have far more worries at the moment than petty squabbles. The rain is bucketing down, the wind is blowing a gale, a lot of power lines are down and BOM says that on the "Sunny" Coast that's just for starters. My rain gauge ran over last night at 200ml, and when I emptied it, it blew away, but the water rushing through gutters in my garden indicates very heavy and consistent rain.

As an old mariner, I am battening down the hatches. But I am one of the lucky ones, I have a sea view, but I am on the high ground.
I offer you my sympathy. I am three hours north of you. We have been through horrendous storms for the last three days. The rainfall has been in the several hundreds of mm.
It now finally seems to have moved south, save for the occasional persistent shower. My pool is a sickly shade of green, having overflowed and flooded the patio despite the pump being set to remove water to prevent this, much of the garden is devastated, the lawns will take many days to dry out, and there will be days of cleaning up, largely from a neighbour's massive gum tree.

It will all, however, be fixable, unlike the homes and gardens of many poor souls who have been evacuated from flooded homes, some rescued from the roof. The flood levels in this area are going to considerably exceed those experienced in the 2010/11 floods.

I'm on high ground, a few minutes walk downhill to the beach. This beach was unrecognisable this morning after the king tide. The high water has obviously washed with such force onto the parkland adjacent to the beach, it has actually pushed heaps of seagrass, debris and even large rocks about 50 metres up the hill. Many beachside trees have been torn out of the ground. This will cause ongoing erosion.

Just the force of the wind and rain over such a sustained period has been unnerving. I sincerely hope it loses some of its intensity as it travels south. Best of luck to anyone still to experience the awfulness of it.

shag said she is not outrightly PC, I'm not sure that Ita is very PC at all, I seem to recall recently that she criticised Gillard for her parliamentary rant on being a victim of sexism and misogony, saying effectively she should just shut up and get on with it.
Yes, she did indeed and good on her.
Would that more people would take on less than glamorous causes as she has done.
Such a great choice. Rosie put aside her grief at her son being battered to death at cricket practice by his father in order to marshall the courage to go on publicly raising awareness of family violence.

As she points out, such violence is ubiquitous across all types of people, shows no respect for class or affluence, and is usually well hidden from public view.

Helen Garner, Australian writer whose book "This House of Grief" depicted the similarly sad case of the Victorian father who drowned his three sons in a dam, said following an interview with Rosie Batty last November:

"It wasn’t so much what she said as her demeanour that stopped people in their tracks. There was something splendid about her, in her quiet devastation. Everyone who saw her was moved, and fascinated. People talked about her with a kind of awe."
Such a great choice. Rosie put aside her grief at her son being battered to death at cricket practice by his father in order to marshall the courage to go on publicly raising awareness of family violence.

As she points out, such violence is ubiquitous across all types of people, shows no respect for class or affluence, and is usually well hidden from public view.

Helen Garner, Australian writer whose book "This House of Grief" depicted the similarly sad case of the Victorian father who drowned his three sons in a dam, said following an interview with Rosie Batty last November:

"It wasn’t so much what she said as her demeanour that stopped people in their tracks. There was something splendid about her, in her quiet devastation. Everyone who saw her was moved, and fascinated. People talked about her with a kind of awe."

Yes, she makes a change from the usual sports personality.

A real person who had to face a terrible trauma and turned it into something positive.

I wish her and her cause all the best in the next year and beyond. She certainly needs to be listened to on the DV subject.
Domestic Violence: Is inherently evil

But exposing the extent and the rising incidence of this particular social cancer would make Australia take a good long look in the mirror and confront the fact that there is some thing systematic in the structure of socio/economic development of our society that is inherently malevolent .

Happy Aust/Invasion Day.....
Congratulations Rosie!

Happy Australia Day.

Travel overseas, if you get the chance, and you will realise that this is the best country in the world!

(bias view of course ............. but it really is the best)