Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Australian of the Year

Can't believe nobody's posted this yet :D

Very happy to have Ita as Aussie of the Year. Pure class, no nonsense, great role model. The last 7 have been men, so good to balance the scales a little.

Sally Pearson for Young Australian also a good choice imo - she's a local Gold Coast girl, so no further reason necessary for me ;) Seriously though, she's an excellent role model for young women and girls, especially in these days when sport is seen as uncool by the majority of girls in high school, but dressing like burlesque performers and getting smashed every weekend is almost de rigueur. Locally she is well known for her excellent attitute, and nationally her dedication, focus and commitment to her chosen field, regardless that it is sport and not something loftier like medical research, is something to be admired and applauded. She's living proof that a kid from a bog-standard, single-parent family needn't be held back by lack of advantage. If the goal is to choose a young Australian who is actually recognised and relatable by the majority of the young population - Sally's your girl.
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To gratuitously denigrate Sally Pearson's performances simply because I admire her, is rather petty. She was the Queensland nomination for Young Australian of the Year.
You accord yourself too much importance, Calliope. I'm hardly likely to form a view simply because that view would be opposite to yours.
And I have not denigrated Ms Pearson's performance at all. Dock makes some good points about her.
Why? So she can run fast and jump over hurdles. How does that make her a role model for most Australians?

You may not know much about sports, there is a bit more to running fast and jumping over hurdles to win the world champs and Olympic gold medal.

Sally would have been a very worthy role model.
One for the anti boat mob

West Australian Akram Azimi is Young Australian of the Year

Now, 25-year-old Akram Azimi is the 2013 Young Australian of the Year.

Mr Azimi was born in Kabul in 1987

At first "an ostracised refugee kid with no prospects'', Mr Azimi excelled academically and rose to become head boy of the school.

He also graduated school dux, topping his tertiary entrance exam scores among his classmates, and went on to study a triple major in law, science and arts at the University of Western Australia.

But it was his philanthropic work with the disadvantaged in the community that piqued the interest of those tasked with choosing an inspirational young Australian to receive the annual honour.

For three years, Mr Azimi mentored young indigenous Australians in the remote community of Looma in the Kimberley region, and primary school students in a small farming community in the WA wheat belt.

In 2011, he co-founded a student-run initiative to raise awareness about indigenous issues in universities, and has also worked with the True Blue Dreaming, a youth mentoring network.

Mr Azimi is also mentoring a Special Olympics athlete to raise public awareness about disability issues.
You accord yourself too much importance, Calliope. I'm hardly likely to form a view simply because that view would be opposite to yours.
And I have not denigrated Ms Pearson's performance at all. Dock makes some good points about her.

Pull the other leg.:rolleyes:
Frankly I think they are far more derserving people , charity workers those who sacrifice for others that should be recognised.
Frankly I think they are far more derserving people , charity workers those who sacrifice for others that should be recognised.
Exactly so. And to clarify my earlier remarks:
The thread title is "Australian of the Year".
The worthy recipient is Ita Buttrose.
People have made their responses re her appointment.

Calliope posted:
Default Re: Australian of the Year

Sally Pearson is a standout.

It was therefore reasonable to assume that he was suggesting Sally Pearson was a 'standout' nominee for Australian of the year.

I responded accordingly, when comparing her with Ita Buttrose.

If someone wants to start a thread on the "Young Australian of the Year", they are welcome to do so.
It was therefore reasonable to assume that he was suggesting Sally Pearson was a 'standout' nominee for Australian of the year.

I responded accordingly, when comparing her with Ita Buttrose.

"Methinks the lady doth protest too much."
One for the anti boat mob

Agree iFocus.

We need more migrants of his calibre.

I still feel our northern borders are not being properly protected, and that desperate queue jumpers with money are getting in before poorer ones, perhaps ones with his abilities.

This bloke is an outstanding Australian.

Julia is not allowed an opinion unless it is the same as Calliope's. To offer a alternate view is considered a "protest".:banghead: an exception.
Thanks for keeping an eye out for my posts and keeping me in line... my faithful Macquack.

I hate that +1 annotation, but in this case I will make +1

Usually I regard headbanging as an inane and futile gesture which can cause brain damage. However I make an exception in your case, so go for it.:)
Actually Julia and Macquack, I have far more worries at the moment than petty squabbles. The rain is bucketing down, the wind is blowing a gale, a lot of power lines are down and BOM says that on the "Sunny" Coast that's just for starters. My rain gauge ran over last night at 200ml, and when I emptied it, it blew away, but the water rushing through gutters in my garden indicates very heavy and consistent rain.

As an old mariner, I am battening down the hatches. But I am one of the lucky ones, I have a sea view, but I am on the high ground.
Actually Julia and Macquack, I have far more worries at the moment than petty squabbles. The rain is bucketing down, the wind is blowing a gale, a lot of power lines are down and BOM says that on the "Sunny" Coast that's just for starters. My rain gauge ran over last night at 200ml, and when I emptied it, it blew away, but the water rushing through gutters in my garden indicates very heavy and consistent rain.

As an old mariner, I am battening down the hatches. But I am one of the lucky ones, I have a sea view, but I am on the high ground.

Good luck there:xyxthumbs
Actually Julia and Macquack, I have far more worries at the moment than petty squabbles. The rain is bucketing down, the wind is blowing a gale, a lot of power lines are down and BOM says that on the "Sunny" Coast that's just for starters. My rain gauge ran over last night at 200ml, and when I emptied it, it blew away, but the water rushing through gutters in my garden indicates very heavy and consistent rain.

As an old mariner, I am battening down the hatches. But I am one of the lucky ones, I have a sea view, but I am on the high ground.

Thinking of you Calliope.

Oswald was sharp and hard and short up here four days ago.

I would hope it will be the same for you, now that it has started.

Agree iFocus.

We need more migrants of his calibre.

I still feel our northern borders are not being properly protected, and that desperate queue jumpers with money are getting in before poorer ones, perhaps ones with his abilities.

This bloke is an outstanding Australian.


Coudn't agree more gg,heard an interview with him on the ABC ,a very special young man.Al
What has she done this year, any different from the past few?

I'm not sure if this award is an impact thing, but perhaps more likely an accumulative one.

Maybe this year tipped it off?

shes probably put on more warpaint than last year, and im sure the usage has accumulated sizeably.
im sus about old chooks who appear so vain re this, as grt she may have been for some issues.
also sus about her flogging and grouping hiv/aids along with the other less trendy and overdone matters re the elderly and vunerable.
hiv/aids has garnered far more attention and funding than probably is required to resolve all these issues put togeather in its short 30 odd years, and sadly the research funding pool is finite and not flexible. also hiv/aids is not a death scentence now and a choice re its risk. much more so than cancers, arthritis and dimensia anyway.
imagine a worlds sans these three, or any other the other really nasty jobs like MS and parkinsons say, that sadly garner little attention and funding.

shes not outrightly pc, but verging on it imo re comments and choice. a better pic than some of the others probably tho. to me its still pretty much not what you know and do, rather who you know and do.
shes not outrightly pc, but verging on it imo re comments and choice. a better pic than some of the others probably tho. to me its still pretty much not what you know and do, rather who you know and do.

She has enjoyed a life of privilege and power ever since Sir Frank Packer catapulted her into the editorship of the Australian Women's Weekly. As for her HIV support and awareness campaigns for the plight of the elderly, that is par for the course for ageing rich society women trying to remain relevant.

The cat that got the cream.:rolleyes:
shes probably put on more warpaint than last year, and im sure the usage has accumulated sizeably.
im sus about old chooks who appear so vain re this, as grt she may have been for some issues.
also sus about her flogging and grouping hiv/aids along with the other less trendy and overdone matters re the elderly and vunerable.
hiv/aids has garnered far more attention and funding than probably is required to resolve all these issues put togeather in its short 30 odd years, and sadly the research funding pool is finite and not flexible. also hiv/aids is not a death scentence now and a choice re its risk. much more so than cancers, arthritis and dimensia anyway.
imagine a worlds sans these three, or any other the other really nasty jobs like MS and parkinsons say, that sadly garner little attention and funding.

shes not outrightly pc, but verging on it imo re comments and choice. a better pic than some of the others probably tho. to me its still pretty much not what you know and do, rather who you know and do.

She has enjoyed a life of privilege and power ever since Sir Frank Packer catapulted her into the editorship of the Australian Women's Weekly. As for her HIV support and awareness campaigns for the plight of the elderly, that is par for the course for ageing rich society women trying to remain relevant.

The cat that got the cream.:rolleyes:
View attachment 50622

I feel we should all calm down otherwise nanny whip will appear.

In isolation many comments are true but to conflate them is wrong.

I am much different than when I was 17, and although not succumbing to makeup or Bedford/Kertcher seminars, I quaff and dress appropriately to give the appearance of my underlying vigour.

Aging is a constant and causes anxiety.

Ita has changed as we all have since the seventies.

Ita seems to me a very capable woman, unafraid, and proud to take on causes that are not "sexy".

HIV is a devastating illness.
Alzheimers destroys the person and the family
Ageing is a fact of life, which we need to face.

Ita is an excellent choice for Australian of the Year

Ita is an excellent choice for Australian of the Year

Indeed she is, for Ms Gillard! A real coup for Gillard's media adviser John McTernan, no doubt. Nobody could criticise the choice without being accused of sexism, misogyny, name it. The beauty of it is, that, when Roxon's Law comes in, anyone offended by the critic's remarks, can sue him (or her) in a kangaroo court.

If the law is retrospective then I am a dead duck!

I feel we should all calm down otherwise nanny whip will appear.
In isolation many comments are true but to conflate them is wrong.

Thanks for the timely advice GG.