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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

DrSmith, you go on as if no boats ever arrived at all under John Howard.

What annoys me is when people fiegn compassion for asylum seekers who perish at sea, when they really couldn't give a rats ars*.

Smith, your mate Ben Fordham is a classic example.

From that interview with Sara Hanson Young, Fordham says

Spare us the crocodile tears Fordham, you are a fraud.

Or your mate With his " don't let an asylum seeker, get in the way of an election win" what a goose.
DrSmith, you go on as if no boats ever arrived at all under John Howard.
You are avoiding the point in your response. I didn't make any comparison with John Howard's policies but as you know, it was very few under his government once the Pacific Solution was in full swing.

As for compassion, we can have that and secure borders at the same time or is this a basic principal you disagree with ?
Some numbers.

Week ending Friday July 26: 1068 arrivals on 13 boats.
Week ending Friday Aug 02: 619 arrivals on 8 boats.
Week ending Friday Aug 09: 552 arrivals on 8 boats (excludes one boat arrival containing 2 PNG nationals).
Week ending Friday Aug 16: 282 arrivals on 5 boats (also includes 2 arrivals from Boigu Island in the Torres Strait).
So far this week: 386 arrivals on 3 boats.

That's a total of 2907 arrivals and all are since the announcement of the new PNG arrangements.

There have been no further announcements of transfers to Manus Island under the new arrangements so that still stands at around 320 from eight transfers.
Another boat today which sank. 106 rescued from the water and another 5 unaccounted for, presumed lost with the vessel.

The count from one of the boats over the weekend was also increased from 209 to 220. This takes the arrivals since last Friday to 503 and the total now subject to Kevin Rudd's new arrangements to 3024.

No further transfers to Manus Island today under the new arrangement which is now subject to a court challenge.
An offshore transfer of 26 from Xmas Island, not to Manus but to Nauru.

Michael Smith was on to this last night.
Another group of 40 have been sent to Manus Island. That makes about 360 out of the 3000-odd that have arrived since the commencement of the arrangement.
Another group of 40 have been sent to Manus Island. That makes about 360 out of the 3000-odd that have arrived since the commencement of the arrangement.

Doc, I will call "RUDNEY RUDE" and ask him when the rest will be sent and as to what they are doing with the 2,400 plus the next boat load tomorrow and Saturday in the meantime.

What a joke this Rudd and Bourke are. Just another unholy mess for the coalition to sort out after September 7
The more I see of the UN, the more they look like a bunch of idealistic, unrealistic fools who are out of touch with the real world.

The latest example of their stupidity comes in the form of them calling on Australia to stop the ‘cruelty’ of keeping asylum seekers in detention.
They have about as much brains as the pathetically unintelligent twits who march down the street, ranting at the top of their voices and waving placards saying ‘FREE THE REFUGEES’, and ‘REFUGEES ARE FINE BY ME’.

Neither these twits nor the twits at the UN appear to have any understanding of the immense problems that would arise from freeing refugees without first verifying who they are, where they came from, whether they have any infectious diseases, whether they’d be a security risk to Australia, and whether they really are genuine refugees.
Gathering all this information is enormously difficult and time-consuming, made even more so by the fact that many of these people arrive without papers, or deliberately destroy them before being taken off the boats.

The UN ought to butt out – they lack the intelligence and practical thinking ability to make constructive comments on the issue of illegal boat people arrivals in Australian waters.

Banki-Ki- Moon ( UN Secretary General) is an avowed Greenie. Sarah Hanson-Young just loves him. He is also a good mate of Rudney Rude who is on the UN Climate change committee.
Ben Fordham serves it up to Sarah Hanson-Young and judging by her reaction at the end, she didn't like it.

On the topic of numbers, Jason Clare in a media interview has advised 300 this week (ABC radio).

Loved it! Ben Fordham tells it how it is.....this bloke is the next Ray Hadley or Alan Jones or John Laws.
It was great hearing Hanson-Young, idealistic and unrealistic as per usual for the Greens, squirming and ducking as she reeled under the truth of what Fordham was saying about her.

And how exactly would you know that, eh Macquak? What makes you an authority on whether or not Ben Fordham feels compassion for the boat people who perish at sea?

Fordham is clearly dead against droves of people arriving here illegally by boat. And he’s justifiably critical of the dumb-arsed Labor and Greens policy that has allowed it to happen. But that doesn’t mean Fordham is a hard-hearted bastard who couldn’t care less when he sees the footage of people getting smashed against rocks.
Maybe he’s full of compassion for them, or maybe he feels no compassion at all. I don’t know. And neither do you. So I don’t think you’re in any position to pass judgment on Ben Fordham’s level of compassion.

If you want to pass harsh judgment, fella, then I suggest you take aim at the ALP who caused the boat people debacle that has been so costly both in money and human life.

The PNG Solution was never intended to work. It was designed to hoodwink the voter until the election. Now that the wheels have fallen off, it can join the rest of Rudd's hastily thought out, ill-conceived and hugely wasteful disasters; NBN, Pink Bats, BER etc. Rudd and Burke can now sneer on the other side of their faces.

Calliope, can you believe it. I heard Tony Bourke on Radio at 9am this morning stating that everything has been sorted out with PNG....No problem........lies........lies........and more lies.

Labor should cut...cut...cut...the lies and the BS.
Rudd is showing he’s a slow learner by repeating the same mistakes that ALP Premier Anna Bligh made in the QLD election campaign. Like Rudd, Bligh had nothing but a record of incompetence to offer voters, so in desperation she embarked on a character assassination campaign against Campbell Newman. It was delightful to watch it all blow up in her face as she went down in the biggest landslide defeat in Australian political history.
Rudd’s character assassination tactics against Abbot appear to be having no more success than Bligh’s character assassination of Newman. I’m starting to think the election result won’t even be close – Abbot is on track to win comfortably. In fact if Rudd continues trying to pull the wool over our eyes with his constant lies and hypocrisy, the election result could end up being an absolute rout against the Labor Party.
Calliope, can you believe it. I heard Tony Bourke on Radio at 9am this morning stating that everything has been sorted out with PNG....No problem........lies........lies........and more lies.

Labor should cut...cut...cut...the lies and the BS.
A thick plaster is constantly having to be applied to the ever widening cracks on this one.

This incident perhaps explains why only one plane load of 40 was transferred to Manus this week as opposed to five last week.


Another 11 today.

At least the brought a change of clothes.
I don't envy any government having to deal with the government of PNG.
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