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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

Kevin Rudd on today's Bolt Report, a teaser.

I would have thought that he would be looking for a bit more zip than that.

There is little doubt Rudd is starting to see the error of his ways but won't admit it by saying it may take months to stop the boats. So far his ranting and raving has no effect on boat arrivals.

On the Bolt Report yesterday morning Rudd could not give one straight answer on the total cost of his hare brain scheme or if he could gaurantee it would work.

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+ 1. These are my sentiments also.
It seems Mr Rudd's PNG solution is meeting with less than full approval amongst our neighbours.

A few days ago Mr O'Neil suggested Australia was regarding PNG as its dumping ground.

Indonesia is offended that the proposition was not discussed with them first.

And now Fiji is berating Mr Rudd for his arrogance.

The statement from Fiji’s foreign minister can be summarized as ‘Rudd has used a monetary bribe to palm our refugee problem off on to one of our neighbors.’
This is, as we know, a totally accurate description of what actually happened.
Let’s not forget that it was Rudd who caused the problem in the first place – the problem wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for his stupidity in scrapping an effective border protection policy and replacing it with an unworkable model that effectively invited refugees to head south en masse to Australia.

I’d like to know how Rudd’s PNG ‘solution’ leaves us in respect of our obligations as a signatory to the United Nations Refugee Convention. Surely this means that we’re in breach of those obligations by shutting the door to genuine refugees.
Not that it worries me.....I’m dead against us being part of the UN Refugee Convention anyway – all it does is give somebody else the right to pressure us into doing what may not be in our best interests. I see no good reason why we should play nursemaid to people from around the world who are down on their luck due to war, famine, religious persecution, or any other reason.
Sure these people are going through a tough time, but so are many people in our own country who are desperately in need of help. I say our first priority should be to look after our own.
Think outside the square....with the money Australia spends, is there an island we could buy & build the basics & let them settle & become their own Boat People country? Then they can get third world aid from all countries around the world which will form the initial backbone of their economy.

Yes, it is an island called Tazmanya.
Sheezers I cannot believe the Coalition kicking own goals thought Labor had a mortgage on that side of political life

Coalition's 'tent city' trip funded by logistics company that provides tents

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On the Bolt Report yesterday morning Rudd could not give one straight answer on the total cost of his hare brain scheme or if he could gaurantee it would work.

Interesting take on the interview. I only watched it yesterday, but thought the answer was the best he could do. How long do you think Abbott's policy would take? There's no definite answer, and giving one is just setting yourself up to fail. Similar to promising a surplus in the midst of a global economic upheaval...

Overall I think the interview showed Bolt up as his usual one-eyed self, rather than scoring any direct hits against Rudd. It's a pity because Bolt has an incredible mind, and has in the past done some excellent work when the topic warrants such narrow-viewed opposition.

Yes I thought it was great how Rudd said it was the Public who wanted to shut down Howards Pacific solution.

Master of illusion, terrific used car salesman.
That's a really interesting suggestion, johenmo. I suppose there will be all sorts of reasons why not, but it sounds worth investigating to me.

Sheezers I cannot believe the Coalition kicking own goals thought Labor had a mortgage on that side of political life

Coalition's 'tent city' trip funded by logistics company that provides tents
Seems entirely sensible to me. Then when the next lot of arsonists burns them down, they will be much cheaper and faster to replace.
Why not accept Toll's passage up there? It's not as though it was supposed to be any sort of secret.
Yes I thought it was great how Rudd said it was the Public who wanted to shut down Howards Pacific solution.

Thought that was an incredible admission/spin myself.

The fact that it's true is noteworthy, as I posted recently that he did indeed have a mandate from myself, and I would guess a large majority of his voters, to abolish the Howard's solution.

But for a politician, let alone the leader of the country, to come out and effectively deny responsibility because "the people made me do it" was interesting to say the least.
Yes, it is an island called Tazmanya.

Don't worry noco they are here already, walking down the outer suburb streets in the hundreds .Families with 5 kids in tow, lining up for free medical , dental and eyewear. When they don't like the circumstances they hunger strike or self harm till they get their way. It's the perfect place run by a Labor Green Coalition that has bankrupted the place and has the unemployment rate running over 8%.

Tony Burke is just as big a hypocrite as Rudd. Ethics and morality take a back seat to political skulduggery..

Dripping with sincerity in 2007, Burke wrote to the "Buddies Refugee Support Group" : "The Howard government's use of Nauru as an immigration detention centre is not only a waste of money, it is inhumane
Seems entirely sensible to me.

From a purely business angle yes but from a government or future government minister angle super major conflict of interest. If Morrison or his future department were to issue Toll with a contract you might as well call them NSW Labor.
From a purely business angle yes but from a government or future government minister angle super major conflict of interest. If Morrison or his future department were to issue Toll with a contract you might as well call them NSW Labor.
That's just silly.
Where do you think the opposition is supposed to source funds for this sort of travel?

They have been completely open about it, and have done nothing more than Rudd has done on multiple occasions before having access to the government jet.
From a purely business angle yes but from a government or future government minister angle super major conflict of interest. If Morrison or his future department were to issue Toll with a contract you might as well call them NSW Labor.

You should check who were on the board of directors of insulation companies.
It's made the rounds for some time, but it's false. On both sides.
And has been raised and discredited about half a dozen times on this forum.

At the same time, if one were to take into account the value of medical, psychological, optical, legal services, accommodation and provision of meals by the charities, then it might actually come close to being correct.
While Australians are rarely able to access legal aid, some of the country's top barristers are providing their services to asylum seekers either pro bono or via legal aid funds.

Again, with the exception of the Legal Aid aspect, the argument carries only limited weight:
Pensioners have the same access to medical, psychological, optical, etc. resources.
The Charities don't discriminate whether those seeking a free meal are Australian Nationals or refugees.
Similarly, needy Australians are just as entitled to Public Housing as other homeless people.

The only argument that could be raised here is: the influx of queue jumpers smuggled in by boats adds to the strain on the available resources and affects "True Blue Aussies", who now have to stand in the same queue that grows longer and longer. Not to mention the Billions of Tax Dollars we are forced to waste on verifying, who those new arrivals are; on bribing our neighbours to accept the human cargo that try to force their way in by blackmail and threats; on paying for watch and support personnel on Christmas Island, for charter flights, for additional camps; ...

All that on top of our commitments to fund and support UN camps and facilities, from where we could provide asylum for many more genuine refugees.
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