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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

I'm not sure why you would have any expectations of Ms Gillard acting in the best interests of Australia?
She has only ever acted in her own political self interest. At present that is served by stringing her tenure out in the hope something will happen to either stuff up the Libs or elevate her own miserable situation.
Yes and all will be Muslims. We need more of these like a hole in the head.

Why don't we have a religious quota?
% Non-believers
% Christians
% Hindu
% ...

We have the latest Census and the fastest growing religion was not hard to guess, that effectively displaces other religions.
It will be interesting to see how our "Border Protection" taxi service, manages to escort these illegals to Christmas Island.

(My bolds)
If we have anything to do with the taxi service to a boat that is north of Indonesia then we are the biggest mugs around.

If this happens then Julia should resign!
If we have anything to do with the taxi service to a boat that is north of Indonesia then we are the biggest mugs around.

If this happens then Julia should resign!

It's crazy.

Forget the Navy, Gillard and Co are looking at the problem from this angle....

It will be interesting to see how our "Border Protection" taxi service, manages to escort these illegals to Christmas Island.

(My bolds)

This boat was taken back to Indonesia by Indonesian search and rescue despite a crew member contacting Australian authorities. So much for saying the boats can't go back to Indonesia:

Sutrisno, the chief of the East Java search and rescue agency, said the group would be taken to Surabaya in East Java on Friday and handed over to immigration authorities.

Read more from the West Australian: Boat in distress found near Bali
Sutrisno, the chief of the East Java search and rescue agency, said the group would be taken to Surabaya in East Java on Friday and handed over to immigration authorities.
Exactly what the people on the boat didn't want. Might be a small deterrent, or maybe just a warning to all those following that they should not sound the distress call whilst still so close to Indonesia.
Liberal Anti immigrant rhetoric is solely aimed at grabbing the bogan vote... More people = more money, pretty basic economic principle.

The title of this thread is ridiculous - if you don't know the difference between an immigrant and an asylum seeker, then you probably shouldn't be discussing the issue in public. The definition of either word does not depend on your political persuasion.

I would have thought that if someone was in trouble in their home country (eg; civil war, IE Syria/Afghanistan/Iraq), you'd hop to a neighbouring country (like Turkey) and seek refuge there, not through 5-10 countries hoping to get free housing/medical/rent assistance and become a dole bludger the rest of your life.....
Dannyboy, you are so right, they get here and then want to change our country it the way they want it, we are getting SHAFFETED by the do gooders.

What would you do if the green light was on in Oz. You would be dumb to stay in Turkey!

At last an intellectual on the forum, I can feel a distinct lift in the quality of posts already.
Thanks for the post OGRooney.
Dannyboy, you are so right, they get here and then want to change our country it the way they want it, we are getting SHAFFETED by the do gooders.

Talk about do-gooders.
Its not the fault of the escapee's this is nearly down to USA wanting to declare war on ever one and picking Fights , we should be slipping a bill to USA to help pay for all this.

Yeah, If we get invaded, I'm going to jump on the first boat to Indonesia, totally.

Did you support Australia and America's decision to invade Afghanistan and Iraq? If so, stop whinging about refugees... war = refugees.

SPtrawler - Thanks for the support mate

I thought it was not allowed to call these people asylum seekers anymore, I seem to recall all the newspapers were told they were not the be referred to as asylum seekers but as immigrants.
I thought it was not allowed to call these people asylum seekers anymore, I seem to recall all the newspapers were told they were not the be referred to as asylum seekers but as immigrants.

I think what you are referring to Miss Hale is that it is politically incorrect to call illegal immigrants "illegal immigrants" even if they come here "illegally" by boat without any papers. "Asylum seeker" is the politically correct term.
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