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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

By the way yo dont need to be Poor to be a refugee - just homeless often because of ad hoc oil wars etc.
It is no longer a trickle, it is a flood. The Gillard Government is becoming so boring with their excuse in blaming Abbott. The Greens could back them tomorrow on the Malayasin deal and Gillard would have her own way.

They could have stopped this rot 6 months ago with TPV and the Nauru solution. Why does Labor insist it won't work when it was a proven solution. They once used the excuse that Nauru was not a signatory to the UNHCR convention. Nauru has now sign up, so what is the problem? It worked before and it can work again.

Now IF and NC don't harp on about the fact they all finished up in Australia. Only 70% finished in Australia and New Zealand, the rest were sent back to their country of origin. I believe it was 40% to Aus and 30% to NZ.It is also a fact that those who were accepted into Australia were not gauranteed they would be allowed to bring their families. This was a major deterrent before and it should remain so.

If Gillard was to swallow her pride and try the proven solution, it will stop the boats. If it does not work, then she could say to Abbott "I told you so".

It think it is highly political in that she is scared of the Greens.

Yes, but bring this point up and your a racist.
Which race am I offending??? Hmm...

Tonight on Channel 7's Sunday Program​

Behind the veil​

The good thing is Noco, the noose is tightening, the government has lost all control of the border.
Their poor fiscal management, has required the introduction of a new broad based tax and increasing marginal tax rates.
The economy is slowing to a standstill and will leave labor with no option than call an early election.
If they don't the end result will be worse.IMO
He's right here too.

Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has dismissed calls from both sides of politics for a bipartisan approach to offshore processing, saying it is up to the Greens to break the political stalemate.

It is after all the Greens who are in partnership with Labor to form government.

Another boat.

The greens aren't going to do anything, the more labor blames the libs, the more the greens pick up labor votes.
It is a no lose situation for the greens, say nothing and pick up disgruntled labor voters, who won't vote for the coalition.
It is a no lose situation for the greens, say nothing and pick up disgruntled labor voters, who won't vote for the coalition.
And no-win for Labor. It's amazing they can't see that.

Labor should have some courage and take the challenge up to the Greens. That way, they might win back a few votes.
The real problem I worry about is the African refugees coming in. Somalis are not accepted by other African nations due to the problems they bring.

We are part of Asia and should be engaged and taking people from the region to further at least our interests in the region how do Africans figure in this?

The Malaysian policy at least starts to engage in the region unlike Abbotts stand which will continue to take Africans.
A compromise to this boat people debacle is, in my mind, essential to stop any more death at sea..

So Ms. Gillard and Mr. Abbott here is my suggestion.

Give Ms. Gillard her Malayasin solution to the point of accepting 4000 genuine refugees for the return of 800 illegals to Malaya and in return from then on, and there will be plenty to come, send the ongoing lot to Nauru with TPV.

In addition to all this, start turning the boats back where humanly possible.

Problem solved if both agree. It what you call compromise.

But is it possible?
Give Ms. Gillard her Malayasin solution to the point of accepting 4000 genuine refugees for the return of 800 illegals to Malaya and from then on, and there will be plenty to come, send the ongoing lot to Nauru with TPV.
Hell will freeze over before Labor accepts TPV's. That would upset the Greens.

As for Malaysia, that for all practical purposes is dead. If Labor put it to the floor, it would expose divisions in their own party. This, after all their bluster, is most likely the reason Julia Gillard backed down from tabling the legislation last year.

The African issue is a real problem as you say, trying to make it Tony's fault is getting to be tiresome.
It would appear that the libs should be in government, as they are to blame for most of our problems.
Like I have said on numerous occassions, it is a really sad state of affairs, when the government is blaming the opposition for its failings.
Smacks of an inept government with a huge inferiority complex, probably brought on by an immature application of policy.

The Malaysian policy was and allways will be a joke, a scam and add hock policy on the run.

Well Doc, both parties will have to give and take if there is ever to be a solution. To hell with the Greens. They are not needed in this case.

I am interested to hear suggestions from other ASF members as to how it may be possible to band two stubborn heads together.

It is easy for labor, agree to Tony's solution, but agree under duress. Then if it doesn't work, labor are on a winner, Tony looks like an absolute failure.
However that takes guts, because if it does work, labor look like dicks for dismantling the policy in the first place.
So it is a game of brinkmanship and labor have no b@lls.LOL

Labor do not want to do the Nauru thing because they know damn well it will work and they cannot face the humiliation.
The only compromise is to do both. Then both parties have had a win. Why not try it for gawd sake?
Labor do not want to do the Nauru thing because they know damn well it will work and they cannot face the humiliation.
The only compromise is to do both. Then both parties have had a win. Why not try it for gawd sake?

The problem with the Malaysian solution is it always was a stupid plan, firstly a one for four swap and secondly dumping people rather than processing was never going to be legal.
Even if the coalition agreed to change the law to allow it, it would be legally challenged in the international courts, because it's dumb. You can't just change laws on human rights to facilitate a change in government policy, that is unless you are a third tier country with an inept government.


Wasn't it one for eight?
Yes, and this is a far cry from the frequently repeated claim that "most of them ended up in Australia". They did not at all.

The greens aren't going to do anything, the more labor blames the libs, the more the greens pick up labor votes.
It is a no lose situation for the greens, say nothing and pick up disgruntled labor voters, who won't vote for the coalition.
Exactly. They don't have to do a thing. And we see the result in their vote rising in the polls.

The real problem I worry about is the African refugees coming in. Somalis are not accepted by other African nations due to the problems they bring.
Many African nations have a far more genuine refugee problem than much of Asia. I'd rather support a genuine African coming here than a wealthy economic place taker from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan et al.

Entirely possible but politically unacceptable to both sides.
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