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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

You say one thing and then attempt to justify the opposite.

Again, what you said before,

My bolds.


Was trying to explain that it might be understandable how and why refugees might not be on their best behaviour. Maybe a bit grumpy, maybe take it out and losing it on the wrong people.

Understandable, but not excusing it or find it excusable when they commit crimes and assault anyone.
If they or anyone commit crimes or assault people, law enforcement should deal with it and lock them up or send them back etc.

Some of us seem to suggest that all refugees are criminals, are violent, are ingrates, are here to steal jobs and take welfare payment... kicking the elderly citizens out of their home etc. etc. and the media love the refugees so much they're all silent on these.

Good thing we got those newsletter from patriots going though.

If you barged your way into someones house when someone was chasing you wouldn't you want to be very respectful to your hosts, out of courtesy not to mention that they may take exception to your behaviour and throw you out ?
If you barged your way into someones house when someone was chasing you wouldn't you want to be very respectful to your hosts, out of courtesy not to mention that they may take exception to your behaviour and throw you out ?

It seems that the majority of the refugees are respectful and thankful.
Unless the media is in a big conspiracy, I haven't heard much about violence from them.

Yea they break migration laws, a few safety regulations and liters too. Probably take nature's call in the bushes and didn't wash their hands after as well.
It seems that the majority of the refugees are respectful and thankful.
Unless the media is in a big conspiracy, I haven't heard much about violence from them.
The basis of your argument was on assuming it's true.

My bolds.
I would say asylum seekers have got the RED light in some countries and it does not refer to the RED light area in Amsterdam and London.

The first countries to ban Islam: See how the world is acting fast on
the threat posed by Islam and its barbaric Sharia Law.

Japan has always refused Muslims to live permanent in their country
and cannot own any real estate or any type of business, and have
banned any worship of Islam. Any Muslim tourist caught spreading the
word of Islam will be deported immediately, including all family

Cuba rejects plans for first mosque.

The African nation of Angola and several other nations have officially
banned Islam.

Record number of Muslims, (over 2,000) deported from Norway as a way
of fighting crime. Since these Muslim criminals have been deported,
crime has dropped by a staggering 72%. Prison Officials are reporting
that nearly half of their jail cells are now vacant, Courtrooms nearly
empty, Police now free to attend to other matters, mainly traffic
offences to keep their roads and highways safe and assisting the
public in as many ways as they can.

In Germany alone in the last year there were 81 violent attacks
targeting mosques.

Austrian police arrested 13 men targeting suspected jihad recruiters.

A Chinese court sends 22 Muslim Imams to jail for 16 to 20 years for
spreading Islam hatred. and have executed eighteen Jihadists; China
campaigns against Separatism (disallowing islamists to have their own
separate state). Muslim prayers banned in government buildings and
schools in Xinjiang (Western China). Hundreds of Muslim families
prepared to leave China for their own safety and return back to their
own Middle Eastern countries.

Muslim refugees beginning to realize that they are not welcome in
Christian countries because of their violent ways and the continuing
wars in

Syria and Iraq whipped up by the hideous ISIS who are murdering young
children and using mothers and daughters as sex slaves.

British Home Secretary prepares to introduce 'Anti-social Behavior
Order' for extremists and strip dual nationals of their Citizenship.

Deportation laws also being prepared.

The Czech Republic blatantly refuses Islam in their country, regarding
it as evil.

Alabama - A new controversial amendment that will ban the recognition
of "foreign laws which would include sharia law".

The Polish Defence League issues a warning to Muslims. 16 States Have
All Introduced Legislation to Ban Shariah Law.

Many Muslims in Northern Ireland have announced plans to leave the
Country to avoid anti-Islamic violence by Irish locals. The
announcement comes after an attack on groups of Muslims in the city of
Belfast, Groups of Irish locals went berserk and bashed teenage Muslim
gangs who were referring to young Irish girls as sluts and should be
all gang raped, according to Islam and ''Sharia Law''. Even hospital
staff were reluctant to treat the battered Muslim patients, the
majority were given the Band-Aid treatment and sent home with staff
muttering ''Good Riddance''.

North Carolina bans Islamic "Sharia Law" in the State, regarding it
now as a criminal offence.

Dutch MP's call for removal of all mosques in the Netherlands. One
Member of the Dutch Parliament said: "We want to clean Netherlands of
Islam". Dutch MP Machiel De Graaf spoke on behalf of the Party for
Freedom when he said, "All mosques in the Netherlands should be shut
down. Without Islam, the Netherlands would be a wonderful safe country
to live in, as it was before the arrival of Muslim refugees''.


Bloody unions ... we need to send Noco and Abbott over there to sought them out.
Bloody unions ... we need to send Noco and Abbott over there to sought them out.

Why Abbott?......he has gooooone and I can't do it by myself....Suggest you contact Sir Rumpole or the pied piper....He knows how to get rid of the rats.
Chris Kenny exposes the lies told about the Nauru detention center and the woman who was allegedly raped.

Nauru has become a vortex of political and personal agendas conspiring to mask the truth.

Even simple facts and obvious realities can be difficult to discern or expose. Happiness is disguised, secrets are kept, identities are hidden, allegations are made and politics are played.

And if the reality of Nauru is difficult to discern from the island itself, the misconceptions and distortions from Australia are extreme.

The Nauruan government, dismayed by inaccurate and tendentious reporting, has kept overseas journalists out for years. Maligned with labels such as “prison island” “guano heap” or “rape culture”, Nauru’s defensiveness might be understandable. But secrecy only makes the situation worse.

Please more.
The people smugglers are still trying,
The basis of your argument was on assuming it's true.

My bolds.

Basis of my argument is war has its consequences, sometimes not always to the bad guys or those standing near them. That war tend to create people who saw one too many explosions then figured it's impossible to not get blown to bits if they'd stay longer and maybe it's time to get as far away as possible.

Not sure why you can't correlate war with refugee crisis.

If they're economic migrants propelled by greed and duped by people smugglers to seek the promised land and retire on its welfare payment... If that's the case wouldn't you have seen them fleeing or walking or drowning their way to the UK and Germany way back years ago when the benefits were more generous, when Europe isn't in a recession with high unemployment and rising "patriotism"?

But nope... they wait for the wars, the full refugee camps in neighbouring countries, wait for all the destruction at home and economic decline in Europe to then go for it.
The integration of multiculturalism at its best.

Muslim children walk out when national anthem is sung

People need to remember that these Muslim children are not against the Australian national anthem but are not allowed to be deemed to be celebrating

Says it all really ... govt supporting predators
They were but were unable to cross by government which after their collapse are not doing this anymore.
Lybia, Syria, Irak, etc
google a bit, look at the deal EU had with Lybia at the time
10 years ago, a Pakistanese would not have been able to cross Syria or a congolese take a boat from Libya.
War in the ME is the cause not by creating the demand but by allowing migration to be possible by land/sea.

The europeans with their action in the so called Arab Spring got what they deserve: blindly following the US whose interests are clear, but I am sure Luutzu, you think the Arab spring was a marvelous event of people newly found freedom helped by the American and th CIA/UK elite troops on the ground against Kadhafi...
PS: which horrible war caused by the West is making Pakistan and Bangladesh citizens flee for their life?
PS: which horrible war caused by the West is making Pakistan and Bangladesh citizens flee for their life?

I'm guessing there are a lot of people getting out before their religion plays out it barbarian promises. They won't change their religion though because that might jeopardise their council house, free phone and weekly payments.

Of course the west is to blame because it destabilised/deposed the ruthless ruling families in those countries.

Yea war breaks down the usual border patrols. But in poor countries like Libya, not too hard to know a guy who know a guy.

With Libya... heard from this British journalist and ME expert (that's quite a rare combo, can't recall his name at the moment) giving a lecture where he said there's no sectarian Sunni/Shiite between the groups so the Pentagon and Canberra [jk, haha] call it West against East Libya.

Gadafi was as nice as dictators are right? But he wasn't overthrown because we believe in freedom and democracy and support the Arab Spring... Same with Eqypt and its short-lived spring. The Israelis weren't happy at all with the new Muslim-brotherhood backed dictator - they and the US were fine with the old what's his name that pumped raw sewage into the tunnels bordering Gaza to stop smugglings.

But since the people of Egypt don't like the old dictator, the new one then became too rough and a newer one took his place and got friendlier with Israel and the US Got to know who has the stick and the carrot man.

I haven't look into the whole Arab Spring thing but no, the US/UK didn't help it along but the dictators quash it. No Power would ever want people power - it's cheaper and easier to buy off a dictator then it is en entire population. How many palaces and jets and armed guards and full course banquet can a guy have? When he has it, how could he see there's a problem with poverty or people suffering? Can't imagine it'd be that bad.
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