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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

Good analysis, drsmith. Pretty much how I see it too.
I think your question is really how you want me to propose prevention so you can argue the point ...yes?

You're the one who said,

yes well it's being treated like a football match, with Collingwood the refugees

The only measure of success is the prevention index, not the cure.

You've chosen to be critical of the current government's policies. What do you offer as an alternative ?
That's a pretty poor post in any context.

Nonsense, it's a time worn cliché in any context that is used to show the ridiculousness of some questions. It illustrates we are not subordinate to another's obnoxious demands just because the other says so.
You're the one who said,

You've chosen to be critical of the current government's policies. What do you offer as an alternative ?

I not offering anything, but you are welcome to do so, if you can come up with a cure? I'm sure you have something in mind.
I not offering anything, but you are welcome to do so, if you can come up with a cure? I'm sure you have something in mind.
That's what I thought.

If it's any consolation, you have at least been honest on the substance of your position.

My bolds.
Do you still beat your partner? Yes or no?
Pffft what a stupid question. Shes way to fast for my swings.
The question he asked was pretty simple and was met with nothing but backtracking and spin. Something as simple as raising the refugee quota at least would have been something. Unless we are all just shouting slogans at each other now of "Abbott Bad".

That's a pretty poor post in any context.

He's just a little pissy at me for the whole bondsgate thing.

No hard feelings Tisme the six pack is on me.

OSB has finally released its December operational update.

There were 4 IMA's in December, 3 of which were from PNG and were promptly returned to PNG.

For 2014 we had a total of 163 IMA's. This consisted of,

2 on health grounds early in the year from a venture where the rest were returned to Indonesia.
157 from a successful venture in the middle of the year. This was the boatload of Sri-Lankans who originated from India and were detained at sea for a month.
1 from a venture that otherwise failed (Late Nov/Early Dec).
3 from PNG in late Dec who were promptly returned to Port Moresby.

Voluntary returns to country of origin from Offshore Processing Centres since OSB commenced on 18 September 2013 was 133 at the beginning of 2014. By the end of the year this had risen to 470.

Finally. I was on tenterhooks waiting for this. I picture you as having these plastered up all around your study.
Finally. I was on tenterhooks waiting for this. I picture you as having these plastered up all around your study.
I hope not to the extent that you would consider this government was being unnecessarily secretive.

It's good to see this government succeeding where the previous Labor administrations failed so miserably.

You need to read posts before placing yourself on a pedestal of self import. I'm guessing you and Dr Smith are actually quite upset at my posts, otherwise neither of you would be pulling your pigtails out in an attempt to garner my attention. Settle Gretills. somewhere, sometime there is a Bonds wearing man for each of you who will make you whole.

It's time Tisme
Come on bring it on over and give me a hug.
That's what I thought.

If it's any consolation, you have at least been honest on the substance of your position.

My bolds.

Phew, thanks for that.! You don't know how relieved I am knowing you have touched me with your benevolence and finding the one trait of worthwhileness in my miserable existence. Thank God for people like yourself and allowing me to shelter beneath the magnificence of your razor sharp mind and intellect. I am truly blessed and lay prostrate at your temporal throne good Sir.

I await your (and moXJO's) prescription for the poor scoundrels who are imprisoned on a Devils Island, our very own Papillon drama, in the civilised 21st Century. Flogging, torture, perhaps?
It's time Tisme
Come on bring it on over and give me a hug.
View attachment 61422

If you are angling at homophobia, you have the wrong fella I'm afraid. And if you are wanting a dalliance you are definitely on the wrong side of the fence. You need to lose the Gay baggage and just accept your are predisposed that way and you don't need affirmation from the likes of me.

Hey tisme

LOL how did your mind skip to that.
It's time to make peace, not take your pants off.

Hey I don't have a problem with being labeled gay that's not an insult call me a leftie and its on though. I thought you lefties were more open minded then to use that as an insult. I'm starting to wonder if you have a touch of fear about homosexuals?

So what was your answer for the Doc again?
"I'm not answering because moral outrage at facts and figures".
Were you happy with Rudds let everyone in scheme?
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Hey tisme

LOL how did your mind skip to that.
It's time to make peace, not take your pants off.

Hey I don't have a problem with being labeled gay ?

Well of course you don't. You have already made it known you are promoter of lascivious behaviours to minors, even making fun of me because I'm not ...strange attitude that you are so visceral about a social taboo.
Well of course you don't. You have already made it known you are promoter of lascivious behaviours to minors, even making fun of me because I'm not ...strange attitude that you are so visceral about a social taboo.

I wasn't the one to take my kid to a M rated movie, whine "whose going to protect the children" and then cry "bonds undies made me question my sexuality".

Anyway probably a good idea to move back on topic as I find interactions with you too humorous to pass up and will fill the thread with off topic nonsense.
After being able to offer nothing a couple of days ago, have you come up with anything that would be a pass on your prevention index ?
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