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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

I don't know what the average lifespan of a Muslim is, but 100 is a good score when surrounded by blood thirsty fellow Muslims...maybe being in Oz has it's benefits?

you know what I mean. haha

No need to go high-tech - just block your ears, close your eyes, shake your head side to side and go blah blah blah na na na...
This video link shows why it's lunacy to allow mass Islamic immigration to Australia.
Only a fool would think that the problems with Islam in France can't come to Australia. Only a fool would be blind to the fact that we're in the early stages of these problems right now, and the more Muslims we bring in, the faster these problems will destroy our country, our freedoms and our way of life.
The high court has found the group of 157 Sri Lankan asylum seekers who originated from India and were held at sea for a month were legally detained.

I like one reason: "We meet our international obligations and we at the same time have a difficult situation to deal with to stop people drowning at sea."

The govt must have considered there was a higher risk of drowning on dry land in Australia than keeping them at sea for a month.

I don't think anyone seriously thinks Dutton, Morrison etc. could care less about wannabe refugees drowning at sea.
I don't think anyone seriously thinks Dutton, Morrison etc. could care less about wannabe refugees drowning at sea.

Whats that figure stand at currently under Abbott government?
Whats that figure stand at currently under Abbott government?

Try this for a thought experiment. Let's say refugees started arriving in ship worthy boats. Do you think the coalition would be welcoming them with open arms?
Try this for a thought experiment. Let's say refugees started arriving in ship worthy boats. Do you think the coalition would be welcoming them with open arms?
Yeah I get the debate. I was after a number. Wasn't one murdered in custody?
I don't think anyone seriously thinks Dutton, Morrison etc. could care less about wannabe refugees drowning at sea.

Try this for a thought experiment. Let's say refugees started arriving in ship worthy boats. Do you think the coalition would be welcoming them with open arms?

Yeah I get the debate. I was after a number. Wasn't one murdered in custody?

Banco, you and others can think that if you like but why don’t you judge them by their actions.
What moXJO is pointing out is that the Coalition have done more to stop drownings at sea than Labour ever did.

PS: They will never come in sea worthy boats. People smugglers put profit before sea-worthiness.

PS: They will never come in sea worthy boats. People smugglers put profit before sea-worthiness.

Yea, those dam refos, putting their lives at the mercy of the seas and the profiteers... and then drown some so we have to pick them (or their bodies) up and not know what to do to get away with not meeting, but meet, our obligations as... as decent human beings and this UN thing.

Why can't they just fly in (on a Qantas - Aussie icon) or catch a Queen Marie like all good refugees do.
Why can't they just fly in (on a Qantas - Aussie icon) or catch a Queen Marie like all good refugees do.
The Greens would happily purchase tickets on their behalf given half a chance.

Meanwhile, an update from Lieutenant General Angus Campbell today that demonstrates the need for the ongoing vigilance that Labor could never have,

yes well it's being treated like a football match, with Collingwood the refugees

The only measure of success is the prevention index, not the cure.

You don't need to know Nash's game theory (Russell Crowe in 'A beautiful Mind') to think that maybe it also serves your interest to have the kind of leadership that seemingly serve other people's interests.

Yea sky captain, turn those boats around, make examples out them; sure, go to war and kill those nasty terrorists who's there but will be here to kill me because of my values... do it for the team, treat those outsiders as you would a leeching bunch of snakes and ignore and play around our obligations to human rights and dignity... BUT

But when it comes to the team, treat me good OK; help my family out when they're in need... do right by us, your teammates. What's that? Prince Phillips, the consort to the Queen, the man who live in castles and 24 hours flight away from team base, the man who have some dozens of other titles... that man deserve our highest honour for contributions to our society?

Sure, why not. One way to encourage, reward and recognise contribution to the nation is to award those born into privilege and does jack all.

So the bad guys: 0; Team Australia: 1.

What's that? How little tax does Apple pay to Australia from its earnings here? Other multinationals? OK... it will trickle down... something's gonna trickle down.
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