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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

This labor government becomes more bizarre by the day. Many of us have been ridiculed and called racist because we voiced concerns at the escalation of boat arrivals since Labor canned the Pacific Solution and yet where are all these name callers now that labor catapults from one extreme to the other from an open border policy with a huge welcome to all and sundry and now threatens to send them to possible torture? And this is to include unaccompanied children...

And it looks like GetUp are showing their true colours in staying silent on this issue. I thought they had some interest in human rights????

The Pacific Solution had it's problems, but it did give the boat arrivals a safe place to go while their identies were sorted out, and is clearly a far better system than the awful bungling labor has done with border policy, imo.

From the Austraian by James Massola and Joe Kelly (bold is mine):
ALP Left reserves judgment on refugee swap, rejects Tony Abbott's call for revolt on issue

What a mess. In the interview with Tony Jones on Lateline last night, Chris Bowen was extremely flustered - understandably, given how silly the government are now looking over this deal which is generating criticism from all sides.

They still have the Nauru option sitting there waiting. That they can, purely for what they perceive to be political disadvantage, refuse to adopt this, especially in the light of Malaysia's unacceptable conditions, is just incredible.

Julia, I also watched that interview. Chris Uhllman had certainly done his homework and had the obnoxiuos Bowen tied up in knots.

The Labor Party will not use Nauru because it was a coalition initiative, which, as we all know was successful.To now use Nauru, Gillard knows it would bring about huge criticism against her parties failed policies.

She already has huge criticism with labor's string of failed asylum seeker policy attempts. Labor came into office with both a surplus and a working solution for asylum seekers. It seems they have ruined both.

Even if she does resort to something along the lines of Nauru, unfortunately, I think she would add her own "twist" to it so that it is different to the Coalition's policy. Going by her track record, that "twist" would also be it's undoing.
More calls for the Pacific Solution from refugee activists. But, as I said in my last post, would Gillard and Bowen actually use something that has been proven to work, or will they have to add their own potentially disasterous twist so they can say "it's not the same"? Only time will tell...

Full article from the Australian by Matthew Franklin and Lanai Vasek:
Labor urged to revive Pacific Solution by refugee activists
And this,

It seems that Gillard has no clue what she is doing. And as she doesn't have to consult with her MPs, it seems she can make whatever decisions she wants and labor MPs have to toe the party line.

I think the disasters with Rudd and now even worse, imo, with Gillard would have to make labor MPs want to do something to change this seemingly undemocratic party policy which would force some consultation with the MPs (who are the people's representatives).

I think they could stand up and make noises as Gillard is clearly not going to sack or suspend any on her fragile side of politics. Even if labor changed leaders, the indies would be more likely to continue to support labor no matter who is the leader as they would not want their newfound power to be lost due to an early election.

Why can't this incompentent Prime Minister of ours swallow her pride and use Nauru?

What is she afraid of in admitting her mistakes?"

She has lied so many times; she has back flipped on numerous occassions; surely another change of mind is in order.

She now has the UNHCR and several of Labor MP'S going against her decision on Makaysia. The woman must have only half a brain.
In this evening's ABC Radio News it was stated that the UNHCR have formally withdrawn their support for the government's Malaysia plan.

Just unbelievable that the government learns nothing from past mistakes and keeps announcing these "solutions" before working out the details and confirming with the relevant other parties.
Hmmm - this could be interesting...

Ms Parke, a federal labor MP and a former United Nations lawyer, said she could not agree to any deal that did not have the support of the UNHCR. Wonder if she will cross the floor?

No point in labor suspending her because they need every MP. Probably labor MPs have never had it so good in being able to speak out because Gillard needs everyone of them desperately so she can stay in power.

Story from Sky News: Labor MP unhappy about Malaysia deall
It beats working for a living.
Incredible. But if our laws allow them to do this, I suppose you can't blame them for getting whatever they can.
Change the law, fergawdsake!

And, clearly, the financial prizes of potential welfare rorters to be found here in Oz are worth risking lives in flimsy boats, even the lives of children.

I would be very surprised if genuine refugees behaved so badly or were so greedy. The genuine ones are usually grateful to have a safe place to live and also seem to want to be self sufficient financially as soon as possible and want to assimilate into their new, safer land.
Incredible. But if our laws allow them to do this, I suppose you can't blame them for getting whatever they can.
Change the law, fergawdsake!

Again I think this is another reason we should withdraw from the UN Convention on Refugees. I am not suggesting we take less refugees. In fact I think we should take a lot more. But on our terms.

Not being a signatory allows us to reject boat arrivals (should we wish to do so) without needing a Pacific solution of any flavour. Those whom we deem not genuine refugees would have no access to our legal system to delay or overturn our decision. There would be no grounds for damages as in the case above as we would not have a duty of care (or the same degree of duty of care) as would be afforded to those who arrive under the convention.

I also think it might make taking refugees more palatable to Australians if the feel they are not being abused or taken for fools by some of the "illegal" migrants.

Clearly we can't take everybody and our government, if acting responsibly, must cap the amount spent on our refugee intake. I believe being outside the convention will allow us to actually settle far more refugees for any given expenditure than being in it, because we won't have resources wasted on these legal ploys and pacific solutions.
How many times have we heard Gillard, Bowen, Swan and their puppets repeat the same untruth about the asylum seekers who were processed in Nuaru.

Yes, they all try to convince voters that all asylum seekers processed in Nuaru finished up in Australia.

The link below indicates more LIES told by Labor.

I wonder if these people could lie straight in bed. I doubt it.
A side link to the above also shows The Coalition down 2 % points in both the primary and the 2PP vote, and Labor a similar amount up in both in the latest Newspoll.
Julia Gillard is still preferred PM.

Mr Abbott's stakes improved significantly when he was actually talking policy, e.g. when he went and sat in the dirt in the NT with indigenous people. This demonstrated doing something positive and indicated that his concern with the troubles here is genuine.
Ditto when he came out with positive initiatives in mental health.

Imo he needs to focus much more on his party's capacity to improve the current mess, rather than just mindlessly repeating stuff like "a big new tax" etc.
People need more than that. He's at risk, imo, of treating the electorate like dopes if he doesn't present a more thoughtful and sophisticated platform.
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