Indonesian people smugglers have resorted to sending asylum seekers to the small Pacific island state of Yap.
Can we count to 10 before SHY suggests we offer assistance ?
Good job we got rid of Gillard/Rudd - they would have flown this mob to Australia by now if they were still in power. Come to think of it, they would have sailed here direct without going to Yap - Labor would have sent our navy out to welcome them and ensure safe passage.
I see the Indonesians are now complaining about the illegal refugees they've been landed with since Abbot threw a spanner in their usual practice of sending the illegals on to us.
Tough luck boys - you sent us 50 thousand of them without giving a thought to how we'd look after them or what effect they'd have on our economy. Now you can deal with the problem and come up with a solution that discourages them from coming to your country.
The problem will be solved for you though if Shorten wins the next election - it'll be straight back to the good ol' Rudd/Gillard days when you could send us as many illegal boat people as you wanted, and we'd take the whole damn lot!