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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

Our Government believed it for six years. Or it fitted their agenda.

But mention any of this to a 'leftie', and the come-backs are either;
It's monsoon season, that's why there aren't so many boats (currently)
The boats were already going down before current Gov was in power
Your an idiot

At the end of the day, what the current Gov is doing, is working. Full stop.
Operation Sovereign Borders update Friday January 17:

No boat arrivals in the past week. Voluntary returns to country of origin from Offshore Processing Centres since OSB commenced on 18 September 2013 has increased by 6 over the past week to 139.

Summary of arrivals since this government was elected:

08/09/2013 to 18/09/2013 (caretaker period prior to swearing in): 475 passengers on 7 boats.
Remainder of the week to Monday 23/09/2013: 31 passengers on 1 boat.
Week to Monday 30/09/2013: 95 passengers on 3 boats.
Remainder of the week to Friday 04/10/2013: 79 passengers on 1 boat.
Week to Friday 11/10/2013: No boats.
Week to Friday 18/10/2013: 173 passengers on 3 boats.
Week to Friday 25/10/2013: 166 passengers on 2 boats.
Two weeks to Friday 8/11/2013: No boats.
Week to Friday 15/11/2013: 163 passengers on 3 boats.
Week to Friday 22/11/2013: 35 passengers on 1 boat.
Week to Friday 29/11/2013: 9 passengers on 1 boat.
Week to Friday 6/12/2013: 189 passengers on 4 boats.
Week to Friday 13/12/2013: 3 passengers on 1 boat.
Week to Friday 20/12/2013: 167 passengers on 2 boats.
Four weeks to Friday 17/01/2014: No boats.

Totals since the commencement of Operation Sovereign Borders:

1110 passengers on 22 boats over 17 weeks.

Doc, that is music to my ears .....but to Sarah "WATERMELON" Hanson-Yoing, her eyes are shedding the Labor Party it is now a reminder of the wasted money over the past 6 years.
Doc, that is music to my ears .....but to Sarah "WATERMELON" Hanson-Yoing, her eyes are shedding the Labor Party it is now a reminder of the wasted money over the past 6 years.
I don't know what to make though of the transgressions into Indonesia's territorial waters. At face value, it looks like a significant operational blunder. With modern navigation such as GPS, one wonders how it could have even been made or risked given the distances involved to get anywhere near Australian territory from Indonesia's 12 nautical mile maritime boundary.

Of interest though, on the night before the announcement Friday morning, the story broke in The Australian (News Corp). There was nothing I found at that time either from the SMH (Fairfax) or the ABC. That struck me as odd and leave me wondering whether it was deliberately leaked from within the government to News, just prior to the announcement.

Then yesterday was more reported detail, again from within the News network.

This time it seems some of the internal detail of the operation has been leaked, but for what purpose ?

What it has done is draw Indonesia into announcing a step up of their own patrols along their southern maritime boundary with the purpose of checking up on what our maritime resources are doing. While they're there, they might also spot a few of their Indonesian crewed fishing boats intent on breaching our sovereignty.

Doc, Operation Sovereign Borders is after all a Military exercise and they may just be setting a trap for the Indnesians to do just that.....observe their fishing boats straying into Australian waters carring human cargo and after all these boats do fly the Indonesian flag....might just be a smart move by the Military.....Then the apology will be on the other foot.

I don't know if that was the intent of the incursion, but it is interesting that Indonesia suddenly is able to come up with a patrol boat to monitor Australian naval activity when for years it said it didn't have enough boats to monitor the illegal traffic in refugees taking place in the same waters.

Well now the Indonesian patrol boat can give the illegal asylum seekers safe passage back. Then Indonesia will probably charge them for another transit visa.
If the Indonesians use their heads , the Abbott policy may well be to their advantage.

IF Tony Abbott's tough stance on boatpeople works and asylum-seekers stop coming to Australia, not only will Australia benefit, but the policy will also help Indonesia.
The Prime Minister's pre-election promise to turn back the boats appears to be working. In the past month, arrivals at Christmas Island have virtually stopped. During this time, it has now been revealed, about five boats carrying asylum-seekers have been either turned around or towed back into Indonesian waters.

This action has caused outrage among sections of our community and human rights activists; however, the reaction to the Coalition's tough stance is one of overwhelming support.

The Indonesian government's position continues to be one of total opposition to Australia going it alone as it argues for a regional solution with a consultative and co-operative dialogue. Australia's reluctance to embrace this position has -- notwithstanding the spying issue -- created the current tensions between the two countries that have led to the absence from Canberra of a resident Indonesian ambassador for more than eight weeks.

The paradox of this stand-off in the bilateral relationship is that if Abbott's tough stance on boatpeople works in the medium to long term, and asylum-seekers stop coming to Australia by this dangerous route, not only will Australia benefit by then having a far more orderly and fair system of accepting people seeking a new life here, but it will also help Indonesia.

Indonesia probably has up to 10,000 asylum-seekers living illegally, creating problems for them and local residents.

The asylum-seekers are in Indonesia for only one reason: to get to Australia. They have no wish to remain in Indonesia, where life as an illegal entrant can be very difficult. So once people know there is no onward route to Australia via Indonesia as the main transit point, it is almost certain asylum-seekers will stop coming to Indonesia. It is therefore possible for Indonesia and Australia to have strong common ground on the issue of turning back the boats. So why doesn't Indonesia embrace the idea? It's called politics.

In July 2012, I suggested in an opinion piece precisely the concept Abbott has now embraced, but with it being implemented with Indonesia's support. In return for this support, Australia could have contributed to the construction of processing centres in Indonesia so as to avoid asylum-seekers disappearing into the Indonesian community of 240 million people.

To achieve such an outcome would have taken an enormous amount of diplomacy at a time when relations between the two countries were bumpy at best.

The Indonesian government would have considered this option only if it could clearly demonstrate to its people that such an agreement wasn't a case of the region's "deputy sheriff" -- as former US president George W. Bush regrettably referred to Australia -- simply pushing Indonesia around, and that such a program would not only benefit both countries, but would stop the evil people-smuggling trade.

Fast-forward to today when, despite the rhetoric from the Abbott government about "close consultation" and "good relations" between the two countries, the reality is we are essentially going it alone on the boatpeople issue by simply turning or towing back the boats.

It appears to be working despite the revelation that Australia has breached Indonesia's territorial waters in the process.

The question we need to ask, however, is: What is the opportunity cost in terms of our relationship with Indonesia? As our near neighbour enters the volatile and robust national election period -- with political disillusionment sweeping the archipelago like a flood -- we will need to manage the relationship with great care.

Both Indonesia and Australia need each other. Our joint efforts in counter-terrorism have been outstanding; our business-to-business relations, although very underdone, are strong; our co-operation on regional security issues is critical to our security as a small (in terms of population) nation located in the middle of a very large and emerging Asia.

In the next 10 to 15 years, Indonesia will add almost 80 million people to the ranks of the middle class. These people will want to travel and spend money on tourism, and on better food experiences such as Australian beef, for example, as the region has seen with the emergence of the Chinese middle class.

So, in taking such a tough line on turning back the boats, Abbott needs to ensure that he doesn't win the war on boatpeople at the cost of the broader relationship with Indonesia.

The challenge for our diplomats is to demonstrate to the Indonesian leadership how such a tough stance on boatpeople will benefit not only Australia but Indonesia -- and then assist the Indonesian government in convincing its people to embrace such a policy without it being seen as forced upon them by the Coalition government.

At the moment, the sole focus of Abbott and his government is to simply turn back the boats, whatever the cost. And it appears many in our community feel that outcome is, at any cost to the bilateral relationship, worthwhile. Let's hope that when we look back in five years, it will turn out Abbott was right.

Ross Taylor is chairman of the West Australia-based Indonesia Institute
No boat arrivals now for a month.

Cheers to all.


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I wasn't sure if I should put this in the ABC thread or this one.
This is what the ABC are running with
"Asylum seekers have accused the Australian Navy of beating them and inflicting burns by ordering passengers onboard a boat being towed back to Indonesia to hold on to parts of the engine."

The ABC really should be leaving these sort of outrageous claims to the Guardian.
The ABC really should be leaving these sort of outrageous claims to the Guardian.
ABC's AM current affairs also had a piece on this and Human Rights Watch also got a big plug as part of the segment.

Bob Carr's own words about most boat arrivals being economic refugees has been long forgotten by the ABC. The burns could have been an act of self harm.
In the commercial press,

First, Fairfax (SMH),

The Australian,
ABC vs Scott Morrison. It will be interesting to see how it pans out.
Indonesian politician TANTOWI YAHYA on the ABC's 7:30 report.

My bolds.
Indonesian politician TANTOWI YAHYA on the ABC's 7:30 report.

My bolds.

Doc, do you think there might be a remote chance the Greens are behind the fabrication of of this slur on the Australian Navy?
I just cannot believe our Navy would subject themselves to doing harm to a asylum seeker....they are not that stupid.....and besides I just could believe the Commanding officer of that Navy ship would condone mistreatment of an asylum seeker...........if they are prepared to sew their lips together, I am sure they would not hesitate to burn thier hands for publicity.
Doc, do you think there might be a remote chance the Greens are behind the fabrication of of this slur on the Australian Navy?
There's nothing I've seen to link this particular story to the Greens.

Most likely a rushed attempt by the asylum seekers themselves to sabotage the boat at some point is my guess. The Indonesians are certainly milking it for all it's worth, but that in itself brings about some interesting revelations as per the above ABC 7:30 interview.

Scott Morrison I would suggest has put his faith in briefings he has received from the military as is Tony Abbott.
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