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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

Opposition spokesman on Immigration Richard Marles has claimed in a presser today that in the last two weeks before the election we were down to one boat per week.

The record as per the media releases from Customs from Saturday August 24 to Friday September 6 is as follows,
As you like to squawk on about Rudd's PNG policy, what about a response to this,

I'll add to that the $11bn cost and counting.

These questions are clearly too difficult for you to answer as they are for Labor.

No difficulty at all although I am time poor.

Rudd clearly got it wrong totally dismantling the Howard be cruel to boat people policy if stopping boats was the go but you and every other Coalition groupie forget he (Rudd)convincingly won an election on the pledge to do just that.

As for PNG just shows how intellectually deficient the claims are that the Rudd / Gillard governments were in any way socialist or left wing.

I don't think there is any thing to crow about when we as a nation find excuses to treat people like this

Abbott's new world order

Read more:

History will not be kind to this period.

iFocus, you just need to look at Europe to see the mess that occurs from a slapdash attitude to border security.

The UK is bracing itself for a 1/4 million influx of Roma, Romanians and Bulgarians due to European Union rules.

I have no time for the poms, as they joined the EU and screwed our farmers and exports, for a quick few francs.

Amsterdam and Holland in general is a changed place from when I was a kid. Demographics would indicate a further major shift over the next 50 years.

To paraphrase Mr.Howard, we are entitled to decide who comes through our borders, and on what terms they do so.

Rudd will not go down in history other than the muppet who tried to do away with any type of control over our borders.

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Have to agree GG France is even a bigger mess but in the UK I remember some one saying how hard it was to find an Englishman in the bigger cities.

Boat people are an issue but a bigger one is African refugees coming through the front door IMHO.

Somalis are not even accepted by other African nations yet we seem to be taking large numbers, young gangs are already an issue in Perth.

I never liked Howard as his moves seemed to me to be overt political when compared to previous PM's.

History wont treat Rudd well either and I suspect Abbott's political modus operandi wont go down equally as well IMHO of course.
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I would certainly agree with most of your statements, and totally with your sentiments.

We have a large Somali population in Townsville, and in the shopping centre I saw a few of them last weekend and thought they would add some height and melanoma protection to my childrens' genes.

I am very much pro-immigration and protection of asylum seekers. I would offer protection to anyone fleeing their homeland under duress or discrimination, but many of the illegals appear fat on it, and I'd imagine had thrown the latest model mobile iphone overboard on sighting an Australian vessel, with their pincodes for bank accounts in email caches for use later.

They don't seem like refugees to me.

At least the people processed legally have been screened for need.

And Rudd was the biggest muppet ever, ever. A complete idiot. I wouldn't send him down to the corner shop to buy me a pack of Winfield.

Abbott , I feel has the mongrel and ethical training to handle this difficult task with illegals on the one hand and genuine asylum seekers on the other.

The electorate being duped doesn't make it right. It also doesn't restore the associated expenditure to the budget or bring back the lives lost.

It also doesn't make it right that the Gillard government pledged to solve this problem but only succeeded in making it much worse through her alliance with the Greens.

As for PNG just shows how intellectually deficient the claims are that the Rudd / Gillard governments were in any way socialist or left wing.
Isn't it ironic that Labor created such a mess for the nation and for themselves that they were faced with such a conflict between their electoral prospects and their ideology.

If you're this time poor then perhaps it's better to say nothing on this subject at all.
Fairfax has crunched some numbers on arrivals since Kevin Rudd's PNG announcement,

In dividing the Labor period under the PNG policy into halves, there were 4 boats carrying 503 passengers intercepted on the 19th and 20th of August which Fairfax appear to have counted in the first half. The PNG policy was active from July 20 and the Abbott government was sworn in on Sept 18. Equal division of the Labor period is therefore July 20 to Aug 18 (30 days) and Aug 19 to Sept 17 (30 days).

That aside, 777 arrivals over 4 weeks (28 days) still represents an arrival rate of approximately 10,000 per year which demonstrates the extent to which Kevin Rudd's PNG policy was simply too little too late for Labor.

I also note that Fairfax is quoting the following from Richard Marles, without question.

In the last two weeks before the election, we were down to one boat arrival per week.

Errrrmm ... if 2 journalists can arrange a trip from Kabul to Australia via Indonesia on a leaky boat why oh why cannot the AFP or similar .... oh never mind.

Errrrmm ... if 2 journalists can arrange a trip from Kabul to Australia via Indonesia on a leaky boat why oh why cannot the AFP or similar .... oh never mind.
Probably because there are other ways to gather intel without the potential suicide mission on a boat. I doubt the journalists would have realised the risk they were taking before they embarked on such a journey.

The asylum seekers have passports to get into Indonesia and don't when picked up by our forces in the ocean so it's a no brainer as to what happens to them.

Corruption between Indonesian police and people smugglers can be determined on land.

That being said, I suspect the authorities in both countries will take a keen interest in the detail of the material and be able to use it in joint operations in Indonesia itself to assist in preventing the boats leaving their shores. It confirms much of the detail that has been previously discussed.
Agreed learned drsmith on the potential suicide mission. I was getting ahead of myself there. What I was implying was that if 2 journos can arrange passage to Australia whilst in Kabul via a people smuggler that the Australian government is hell bent on catching then surely we should be employing more journalists instead of the AFP to hunt down aforementioned people smugglers ?

Patrol boats as a gift to Sri Lanka but very tight lipped on the human rights issues I see? Indonesia will be asking for an aircraft carrier next !

THE Australian government will donate two retired patrol boats to the Sri Lankan Navy today in a gesture aimed at securing the sustained co-operation in operations against people smuggling of a force long rumoured to have had a hand in the illegal trade.

See more at:

Tony Bourke on the ABC's Insiders today isn't quiet as loose with the truth as Richard Marles, but he's still stretching it somewhat,

But go to the final two weeks before the election - the numbers by the final fortnight in the election were the same as what's happening now.

The 6 boats in the fortnight above had a total of 297 passengers. In the 12 days that followed while the caretaker provisions applied, there was a further 475 on 7 boats. In the 4 weeks before the Coalition government was sworn in, there was 772 arrivals from 13 boats.

By comparison, in the two weeks to Friday there has been 163 arrivals on 3 boats and 329 over the past 4 weeks on 5 boats.
Report of another boat intercept over the weekend with approximately 40 on board.

The opening paragraph...
The federal government won't say whether a Customs vessel accidentally ripped the bow off a rickety asylum seeker boat while towing it near Christmas island, throwing passengers into the water.​

The attempted towing back of boats under Howard led to the break up of a boat and the fabrication of the "Children Overboard affair"... a lie, in a cynical ploy to win government.

The coalition of the willing, Weapons of Mass Destruction lie, to coerce a fraudulent UN resolution and invasion of Iraq.

The same deceptive politicians (at the top), the same low moral and ethical standards.

Wary of being caught out again, trying to dress up a chameleon after the fact... as a last, desperate, resort they try a variation of the 'coalition of the willing' tactic... premeditate a beat up of a national disaster, dress it up in "Operation Sovereign Borders" to 'try' to justify gaging the media and senate estimates in the guise of 'operational security'.

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”
― Adolf Hitler​

I can only repeat... this is not going to end well for Abbott and co.
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