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ASF spelling and grammar lessons

LOL...Thanks Noirua, for pointing out those errors. You see - mistakes can still be made even by someone like myself who was always an 'A' student in English!

Once we hit high school, English has more to do with idea and expression than spelling and grammar. Proper language skills help, but it's really the substance that counts.

I have to admit, my mind finds using a 'z' rather than a 's' (organize rather than organise) very unaesthetic.
Mr J said:
and you're typical casino punter is no more likely to profit at this game than any other.

I thought I would point out that just because someone spells something incorrectly, it does not necessarily mean that they do not how to spell that word correctly. I wonder how often this is true, and how many people are unfairly assaulted by spelling and grammar nazis :p:.
I thought I would point out that just because someone spells something incorrectly, it does not necessarily mean that they do not how to spell that word correctly. I wonder how often this is true, and how many people are unfairly assaulted by spelling and grammar nazis :p:.

I'm no nazi but I guess you expect us to infer use of the word "know".

No offence meant J. :D
All it takes is for a finger to miss it's key, a skipped word, or the brain to default to a similar word.

now if me wuz typin lyke dis den ppl wud hav a legit 'scuse to corekt meh....
All it takes is for a finger to miss it's key, a skipped word, or the brain to default to a similar word.

...or for spellchecker or auto correct to substitute a close approximation when the unwitting typist is distracted or not thinking in context.
I thought I would point out that just because someone spells something incorrectly, it does not necessarily mean that they do not how to spell that word correctly. I wonder how often this is true, and how many people are unfairly assaulted by spelling and grammar nazis :p:.

That's true but:

1/ Let's try another term rather than Nazi, it is unnecessarily pejorative and there are more descriptively accurate terms that can still be pejorative if that is what you wish.

2/ Simple typos, or the occasional unintentional word error are rarely picked on, unless the thread has descended into farce. It is the sometimes uneducated but sometimes slovenly and habitual misuse of spelling/words/grammar which offends.

There is a reason for this. It is difficult to fluidly read someone's idea and expression if one has to pause to interpret the incorrect spelling and grammar often. I find an incorrectly placed their/there for example, interrupts my thought as I read.

3/ How does one learn unless by being corrected? I failed English, largely because I was more interested in being a d!ckhead at the time. I have learned volumes through verbal jousts with English language pedants on various forums. I actually appreciate being picked up on poor grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Hail the language pedant I say.

P.S. Thank f### for spell checkers. :eek::D

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

:D welcome to my world :D
Here's the ASF site translated into Elmer Fudd -

errrr you have to click the button

Haha! Brilliant!:D

wayneW said:
Dat's twue but:

1/ Wet's twy anothew tewm wathew than Nazi, it is unnecessawiwy pejowative and thewe awe mowe descwiptivewy accuwate tewms that can stiww be pejowative if that is what you wish.

2/ Simpwe typos, ow the occasionaw unintentionaw wowd ewwow awe wawewy picked on, unwess the thwead has descended into fawce. It is the sometimes uneducated but sometimes swovenwy and habituaw misuse of spewwing/wowds/gwammaw which offends. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit!

Dewe is a weason fow this. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! It is difficuwt to fwuidwy wead someone's idea and expwession if one has to pause to intewpwet the incowwect spewwing and gwammaw often, uh-hah-hah-hah. I find an incowwectwy pwaced theiw/thewe fow exampwe, intewwupts my thought as I wead.

3/ How does one weawn unwess by being cowwected? I faiwed Engwish, wawgewy because I was mowe intewested in being a d!ckhead at the time. I have weawned vowumes thwough vewbaw jousts wif Engwish wanguage pedants on vawious fowums. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! I actuawwy appweciate being picked up on poow gwammaw, spewwing and punctuation, uh-hah-hah-hah.

Haiw the wanguage pedant I say.

P.S. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! Dank f### fow speww checkews. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit!

“What wuck fow the wuwews that men do not think” - Adowph Hitwew
I thought I would point out that just because someone spells something incorrectly, it does not necessarily mean that they do not how to spell that word correctly.

Yes it does. But if they don't do it through ignorance, it must be because they are slovenly and lazy.
Yes it does. But if they don't do it through ignorance, it must be because they are slovenly and lazy.

Not really, I'm continually sending emails and not seeing the typos till it's gone and I'm neither lazy or sloveny.
It's a lapse of concentration if anything.
Did you raed nunhteiwser's psot?


When you have a story to tell the message is the important aspect, text is the method.

hvae a good ngiht
Did you raed nunhteiwser's psot?


When you have a story to tell the message is the important aspect, text is the method.

hvae a good ngiht

If the first and last letters are in place the order of those in between doesn't matter , BTW you are an avatar thief !
Did you raed nunhteiwser's psot?


When you have a story to tell the message is the important aspect, text is the method.

hvae a good ngiht

Try reading 1000 words of solid text with poor spelling and no punctuation then. It is then that I become a conscientious objector.
That's true but:

1/ Let's try another term rather than Nazi, it is unnecessarily pejorative and there are more descriptively accurate terms that can still be pejorative if that is what you wish.

2/ Simple typos, or the occasional unintentional word error are rarely picked on, unless the thread has descended into farce. It is the sometimes uneducated but sometimes slovenly and habitual misuse of spelling/words/grammar which offends.

There is a reason for this. It is difficult to fluidly read someone's idea and expression if one has to pause to interpret the incorrect spelling and grammar often. I find an incorrectly placed their/there for example, interrupts my thought as I read.

3/ How does one learn unless by being corrected? I failed English, largely because I was more interested in being a d!ckhead at the time. I have learned volumes through verbal jousts with English language pedants on various forums. I actually appreciate being picked up on poor grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Hail the language pedant I say.

P.S. Thank f### for spell checkers. :eek::D

I'm astonished to know you failed English in your clearly misspent youth, Wayne. You've clearly made up for this now.

I agree with your comment above (well, I would, wouldn't I, given my pendantry about the language).

Yes it does. But if they don't do it through ignorance, it must be because they are slovenly and lazy.

Not really, I'm continually sending emails and not seeing the typos till it's gone and I'm neither lazy or sloveny.
It's a lapse of concentration if anything.
How long does it take to do a quick proof read of what you've written?
Joe even provides a 'preview post' facility to be read before posting.
If it has taken two minutes to write a post, it probably takes 20 seconds to quickly check for typos.

Try reading 1000 words of solid text with poor spelling and no punctuation then. It is then that I become a conscientious objector.
Yep. Me too.

There is one person on this site who really fascinates me with his use of language. That's Nunthewiser.
Nun, you habitually write in a sort of hokey not quite slang. You will best know why you do this and I might be quite out of line in thinking it's not really you at all.

But every now and again, you seem to forget to get 'into character' and produce a post which is really articulate and minus any of the hokey stuff.
Just curious as to why you don't do this all the time?

Then again, the site would lose some colour if you didn't mostly do that idiosyncratic style.:)
There is one person on this site who really fascinates me with his use of language. That's Nunthewiser.
Nun, you habitually write in a sort of hokey not quite slang. You will best know why you do this and I might be quite out of line in thinking it's not really you at all.

But every now and again, you seem to forget to get 'into character' and produce a post which is really articulate and minus any of the hokey stuff.
Just curious as to why you don't do this all the time?

Then again, the site would lose some colour if you didn't mostly do that idiosyncratic style.:)

I'm just a "hokey" kind of guy i guess :)

i guess my lack of articulation at times is definitely through laziness and often from me getting overexcited and in a rush to get my thoughts on the screen, especially when i read something that irks me.

i DO however have a few problems with punctuation and spelling especially with words like to/too ,their /there etc .i am no Rhodes scholar and never professed to be one

but yes laziness in taking the time to proof read my posts and spending the time correcting them would be the major culprit..

however , since being on ASF i have learnt to spell so many more big words :D

i make no apologies for my typing skills but will try and be a little more conscious of my blatant abuse of the English language in the future

other than that

thanks guys for your patience