Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ASF Poetry Thread

Closer to home, this brings a tear to the eye as well:

The Story of Mongrel Grey
by A. B. "Banjo" Paterson

This is the story the stockman told
On the cattle-camp, when the stars were bright;
The moon rose up like a globe of gold
And flooded the plain with her mellow light.
We watched the cattle till dawn of day
And he told me the story of Mongrel Grey.

He was a knock-about station hack,
Spurred and walloped, and banged and beat;
Ridden all day with a sore on his back,
Left all night with nothing to eat.
That was a matter of everyday
Normal occurrence with Mongrel Grey.

We might have sold him, but someone heard
He was bred out back on a flooded run,
Where he learnt to swom like a waterbird;
Midnight or midday were all as one --
In the flooded ground he would find his way;
Nothing could puzzle old Mongrel Grey.

'Tis a trick, no doubt, that some horses learn;
When the floods are out they will splash along
In girth-deep water, and twist and turn
From hidden channel and billabong,
Never mistaking the road to go;
for a man may guess -- but the horses know.

I was camping out with my youngest son --
Bit of a nipper, just learnt to speak --
In an empty hut on the lower run,
Shooting and fishing in Conroy's Creek.
The youngster toddled about all day
And there with our horses was Mongrel Grey.

All of a sudden a flood came down,
At first a freshet of mountain rain,
Roaring and eddying, rank and brown,
Over the flats and across the plain.
Rising and rising -- at fall of night
Nothing but water appeared in sight!

'Tis a nasty place when the floods are out,
Even in daylight; for all around
Channels and billabongs twist about,
Stretching for miles in the flooded ground.
And to move seemed a hopeless thing to try
In the dark with the storm-water racing by.

I hed to risk it. I heard a roar
As the wind swept down and the driving rain;
And the water rose till it reached the floor
Of our highest room; and 'twas very plain --
The way the torrent was sweeping down --
We must make for the highlands at once, or drown.

Off to the stable I splashed, and found
The horses shaking with cold and fright;
I led them down to the lower ground,
But never a yard would they swim that night!
They reared and snorted and turned away,
And none would face it but Mongrel Grey.

I bound the child on the horse's back,
And we started off, with a prayer to heaven,
Through the rain and the wind and the pitchy black
For I knew that the instinct God has given
To prompt His creatures by night and day
Would guide the footsteps of Mongrel Grey.

He struck deep water at once and swam --
I swam beside him and held his mane --
Till we touched the bank of the broken dam
In shallow water; then off again,
Swimming in darkness across the flood,
Rank with the smell of the drifting mud.

He turned and twisted across and back,
Choosing the places to wade or swim,
Picking the safest and shortest track --
The blackest darkness was clear to him.
Did he strike the crossing by sight or smell?
The Lord that held him alone could tell!

He dodged the timber whene'er he could,
But timber brought us to grief at last;
I was partly stunned by a log of wood
That struck my head as it drifted past;
Then lost my grip of the brave old grey,
And in half a second he swept away.

I reached a tree, where I had to stay,
And did a perish for two days' hard;
And lived on water -- but Mongrel Grey,
He walked right into the homestead yard
At dawn next morning, and grazed around,
With the child strapped on to him safe and sound.

We keep him now for the wife to ride,
Nothing too godd for him now, of course;
Never a whip on his fat old hide,
For she owes the child to that brave grey horse.
And not Old Tyson himself could pay
The purchase money of Mongrel Grey.
Here's a poem I just made up

Let's face we'd never get along...
you'd be too much like my bratty little sister...
we'd have arguments in the car about the stereo...
we will have arguments all the time...
I will always win...
Sorry new girl but outside you will go...

NO sorry back at yah ;) I and only I will decide when to go and where to ;)
Closer to home, this brings a tear to the eye as well:

The Story of Mongrel Grey
by A. B. "Banjo" Paterson

This is the story the stockman told
On the cattle-camp, when the stars were bright;
The moon rose up like a globe of gold
And flooded the plain with her mellow light.
We watched the cattle till dawn of day
And he told me the story of Mongrel Grey.

He was a knock-about station hack,
Spurred and walloped, and banged and beat;
Ridden all day with a sore on his back,
Left all night with nothing to eat.
That was a matter of everyday
Normal occurrence with Mongrel Grey.

We might have sold him, but someone heard
He was bred out back on a flooded run,
Where he learnt to swom like a waterbird;
Midnight or midday were all as one --
In the flooded ground he would find his way;
Nothing could puzzle old Mongrel Grey.

'Tis a trick, no doubt, that some horses learn;
When the floods are out they will splash along
In girth-deep water, and twist and turn
From hidden channel and billabong,
Never mistaking the road to go;
for a man may guess -- but the horses know.

I was camping out with my youngest son --
Bit of a nipper, just learnt to speak --
In an empty hut on the lower run,
Shooting and fishing in Conroy's Creek.
The youngster toddled about all day
And there with our horses was Mongrel Grey.

All of a sudden a flood came down,
At first a freshet of mountain rain,
Roaring and eddying, rank and brown,
Over the flats and across the plain.
Rising and rising -- at fall of night
Nothing but water appeared in sight!

'Tis a nasty place when the floods are out,
Even in daylight; for all around
Channels and billabongs twist about,
Stretching for miles in the flooded ground.
And to move seemed a hopeless thing to try
In the dark with the storm-water racing by.

I hed to risk it. I heard a roar
As the wind swept down and the driving rain;
And the water rose till it reached the floor
Of our highest room; and 'twas very plain --
The way the torrent was sweeping down --
We must make for the highlands at once, or drown.

Off to the stable I splashed, and found
The horses shaking with cold and fright;
I led them down to the lower ground,
But never a yard would they swim that night!
They reared and snorted and turned away,
And none would face it but Mongrel Grey.

I bound the child on the horse's back,
And we started off, with a prayer to heaven,
Through the rain and the wind and the pitchy black
For I knew that the instinct God has given
To prompt His creatures by night and day
Would guide the footsteps of Mongrel Grey.

He struck deep water at once and swam --
I swam beside him and held his mane --
Till we touched the bank of the broken dam
In shallow water; then off again,
Swimming in darkness across the flood,
Rank with the smell of the drifting mud.

He turned and twisted across and back,
Choosing the places to wade or swim,
Picking the safest and shortest track --
The blackest darkness was clear to him.
Did he strike the crossing by sight or smell?
The Lord that held him alone could tell!

He dodged the timber whene'er he could,
But timber brought us to grief at last;
I was partly stunned by a log of wood
That struck my head as it drifted past;
Then lost my grip of the brave old grey,
And in half a second he swept away.

I reached a tree, where I had to stay,
And did a perish for two days' hard;
And lived on water -- but Mongrel Grey,
He walked right into the homestead yard
At dawn next morning, and grazed around,
With the child strapped on to him safe and sound.

We keep him now for the wife to ride,
Nothing too godd for him now, of course;
Never a whip on his fat old hide,
For she owes the child to that brave grey horse.
And not Old Tyson himself could pay
The purchase money of Mongrel Grey.

wowowowowo FANTASTIC ;)

PS: a horse is still better than a pig eh ;)

more ps: i'm getting bored and tired, I have a big day tomorrow, having a life and all, I just do this for fun ;)
wowowowowo FANTASTIC ;)

PS: a horse is still better than a pig eh ;)
I would agree, but pigs have their fans as well it seems:)

Ernie, Heavens’ Pig

There was a vacancy in heaven
that God just had to fill
keeping the angels company
not just anyone would fill the bill.

God looked all through heaven
and he could not find
a suitable companion
with a face sweet and kind.

When all the possibilities were exhausted
God turned His face toward earth
His eyes fell upon Ernie
with his pug face and his girth.

Then God spoke to Ernie
in a sweet and loving way
and asked him to please come home
to heaven this very day.

God said, "you’re my creation
and I need to call you back home,
for we have a need in heaven
no one can fill but you alone".

The angels gently ushered
Ernie into their midst
t where he now helps the angels
their missions to assist.
With pleasure ;) although, there is lots of that if you read the whole thread :D

Tell me, does mousie mean a little mouse :)

and also I think you have to post a poem if you want to start posting on this thread!

Post a poem? Sure, here goes!

Clap along ya... :D

I'm a big mouse
Strong man in da house
When called upon to douse
Fire on da blouse
To save me spouse!

PS: If you haven't guessed it already, Mousie refers to da muscles...but I suppose 'little mouse' adds to the cute factor, no? ;)
I posted this one early in the thread... one of my old favourites

Clancy of the Overflow

I had written him a letter which I had, for want of better
Knowledge, sent to where I met him down the Lachlan, years ago,
He was shearing when I knew him, so I sent the letter to him,
Just on spec, addressed as follows, "Clancy, of The Overflow"
And an answer came directed in a writing unexpected,
(And I think the same was written with a thumb-nail dipped in tar)
Twas his shearing mate who wrote it, and verbatim I will quote it:
"Clancy's gone to Queensland droving, and we don't know where he are."

* * * * * * * * *

In my wild erratic fancy visions come to me of Clancy
Gone a-droving "down the Cooper" where the Western drovers go;
As the stock are slowly stringing, Clancy rides behind them singing,
For the drover's life has pleasures that the townsfolk never know.

And the bush hath friends to meet him, and their kindly voices greet him
In the murmur of the breezes and the river on its bars,
And he sees the vision splendid of the sunlit plains extended,
And at night the wond'rous glory of the everlasting stars.

* * * * * * * * *

I am sitting in my dingy little office, where a stingy
Ray of sunlight struggles feebly down between the houses tall,
And the foetid air and gritty of the dusty, dirty city
Through the open window floating, spreads its foulness over all

And in place of lowing cattle, I can hear the fiendish rattle
Of the tramways and the buses making hurry down the street,
And the language uninviting of the gutter children fighting,
Comes fitfully and faintly through the ceaseless tramp of feet.

And the hurrying people daunt me, and their pallid faces haunt me
As they shoulder one another in their rush and nervous haste,
With their eager eyes and greedy, and their stunted forms and weedy,
For townsfolk have no time to grow, they have no time to waste.

And I somehow rather fancy that I'd like to change with Clancy,
Like to take a turn at droving where the seasons come and go,
While he faced the round eternal of the cash-book and the journal --
But I doubt he'd suit the office, Clancy, of The Overflow.

-- A. B. "Banjo" Paterson
Some song writers make tidy poets as well

by John Williamson

Galleries of pink galahs,
Crystal nights with diamond stars,
Apricots preserved in jars,
That's my home.

Land of oceans in the sun,
Purple hazes, river gum,
Breaks your heart when rain won't come,
It breaks your heart.

It takes a harsh and cruel drought
To sort the weaker saplings out,
It makes room for stronger trees
Maybe that's what life's about.

Winter's come, the hills are brown,
Shops are closed, the blinds are down.
Everybody's leaving town,
They can't go on.

The south wind through verandah gauze
Whines and bangs the homestead doors.
A mother curses dusty floors,
And feels alone.

Trucks and bulk bins filled with rust,
Boy leaves home to make a crust.
A father's dreams reduced to dust,
But he must go on.

Tortured red gums - unashamed,
Sunburnt country wisely named.
Chisel-ploughed and wire-claimed,
But never, never, never tamed.

Whirlwind swirls a paper high,
Same old news of further dry.
Of broken clouds just passing by,
That's my home.
Tortured red gums - unashamed,
Sunburnt country wisely named.
Chisel-ploughed and wire-claimed,
But never, never, never tamed....
probably a better poem than a song lol

nice turn of phrase in the above verse..
Harsh, dangerous tools :) - chisels, wire etc

Chisel-ploughed and wire-claimed,
Sawn up mudflats, sheep ashamed
Boney backs and fly inflamed,
And dusty cross cut saws.

Hammered home, with cattle maimed
Lying dying drought has claimed
City folk at home ashamed -
The global warming cause. :2twocents
money made, market up
money down, no pre nup
ahh alas move along
as i sing my dreary song

AHH might stick to the blonde jokes hey LOL:D
Who is Sean and Nick.... wait.... I don't care...

Anglo Saxon? wtf

I better tell the moderators that you've gone coo coo now... hahahaha what a crack up...... :rolleyes: :D

Gotta go to work now.... stop thinking please ;)
The Shallow Ones
Beggar Boy

We are the shallow ones
the shallow ones
the shallow ones
Broken and undone ones
undone ones
undone ones
Torn from top to bottom
Lost amidst our Autumn
Lost in winds of change
Roaming the endless range
Of all we hoped and dreamed for

For we are the hollow jars
the hollow jars
the hollow jars
Cracked beneath eternal stars
eternal stars
eternal stars
Frozen in the winter
Bleeding from the splinter
Sedated in our cares
We try to climb the stairs
A stair that leads to nowhere
to nowhere
to nowhere

For we are the shallow ones...
When Ure Hero Falls (my Hero....)
Tupak Shakur

when your hero falls from grace
all fairy tales r uncovered
myths exposed and pain magnified

the greatest pain discovered

u taught me 2 be strong
but im confused 2 c u so weak
u said never 2 give up
and it hurts 2 c u welcome defeat

when ure hero falls so do the stars

and so does the perception of tomorrow
without my hero there is only
me alone 2 deal with my sorrow
your heart ceases 2 work
and your soul is not happy at all
what r u expected 2 do

when ure only hero falls
hey doc I’ve had this bit of a think, - and decided I’m probably a moth
with these things my boy, you should go see a shrink, and tailor the treatment to cloth
and furthermore son im a dentist

...........................I know
.....................................then why did you come here tonight ?
well you see, I was walking past I spose
and I happened to see your light.:eek:

hey doc this problem Ive got isn’t funny, there’s butterflies everywhere
no matter which way I’m looking or running, theres millions of butterflies there
don’t worry my son, they’re all in your head, a lot of my patients have been there
I know all that doc, but that all said, I’d like to know how they got in there!:confused:

hey doc my husband he thinks he's a fridge, and it chills me right to the bone
you may not believe this but richy ditch, he makes this compressor tone
just try to ignore him, it’s go away, he’s sure to turn out all right
But he sleeps with his mouth open doc!, and well, the light keeps me up all night.!!:eek:


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Your Unjust Anger :p: :p:
Jessica Holt

You don’t realize that; when you get mad
You blame me for outrageous things,
And that deep inside this makes me sad,
The intensity of the pain one hurtful word brings

“Everything is your fault” :pesok:

At first I wondered if I was to blame
“Maybe it was my fault this time”,
But every time? It’s always the same
You act as if I committed a crime.

If nothing changes I can guarantee,
Your unjust anger will lead to you losing me
Your Black And White Photograph :)
Suchoon Mo_

thank you

for your photograph
a black and white photograph
of a young woman
of you
in another time
another place

you are sitting by the kitchen table
in the light from the window

your eyes are smiling

it is quiet here now
outside and inside
silent autumn morning

I am sitting by the kitchen table
in the light from the window

time is alone
space is mute

your black and white photograph
is in my warm hand

thank you :)
Of the Pain in the Heart of the Follower ( what's even worse is to follow a follower !!!!!!! :eek: No can do!!! )
Newo Enec

You once held
Everything that was mine
I once held
Your picture with admiration
But my heart
Can keep grasp on only nothing
Because whats deep
Sinks through these holes
My heart
Cant keep hold of anything
After the hell you put it through
When the curtain closes
On this faked out soliloquy
Will you be standing in the shadows
Lying on the road ive paved by hand
Or will you grow up
And face tomorrow on your own

The best steel ever made, has been tempered as a blade
and then plunged into a quenching bath of oil
Yet the fire that makes the steel is the same fire that you feel
when you see the problem through with honest toil.

With forging hammer blows, (any village blacksmith knows)
you make steel respond to iron will of men
so too carbon locked in space, with pressure in its face
will morph into a better morph again.

Things arent always going well, buying when you outta sell
putting out lifes little fires like a fireman
but I think that's how God meant it, or why else has he invented
the rule that under pressure, ;) get diamond. :)