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ASF Poetry Thread

My April Lady
Henry Van Dyke

When down the stair at morning
The sunbeams round her float,
Sweet rivulets of laughter
Are bubbling in her throat;
The gladness of her greeting
Is gold without alloy;
And in the morning sunlight
I think her name is Joy. :)

When in the evening twilight
The quiet book-room lies,
We read the sad old ballads,
While from her hidden eyes
The tears are falling, falling,
That give her heart relief;
And in the evening twilight,
I think her name is Grief. :(

My little April lady,
Of sunshine and of showers,
She weaves the old spring magic,
And breaks my heart in flowers!
But when her moods are ended,
She nestles like a dove;
Then, by the pain and rapture,
I know her name is Love. :remybussi

ps: gee these Aries women are a bit weird ;)
Astrology...She was Aries & I was Gemini
John Tansey

Aries, born of flame
and forged in fire.

Gemini, a gourd
of air, poured of sky.

consume me;
So that I, too,
assume the body.

an idea with no mortar,
placed moral
into your rage.

you would slowly
blacken to waning ash.

And without...
a chalkline in the rain,
I would never know the flesh.

Ah, but once, did we dance!
briefly, but beautifully,
like burning Birchwood in the hearth.

We loved furiously and, as quickly,
collapsed together into a heap of the sparkling past...

ps: not that i believe in astrology, beautiful poem nevertheless :) ah but once did we dance, briefly, but
Letter From Under The Sea
Nizar Qabbani ;)

If you are my friend...
Help leave you
If I knew....
that the ocean is very deep...I would not have swam...
If I I would end,
I would not have began

teach me...
how tears may die in the eyes
and love may commit suicide

If you are prophet,
Cleanse me from this spell
Deliver me from this atheism...
Your love is like purify me from this atheism

If you are strong...
Rescue me from this ocean
For I don't know how to swim
The blue your eyes
drag the depths
nothing but the color blue
and I have no experience
in love...and no boat...

I am breathing under water!
I am drowning...

ps: the best poet the Arabic world has ever produced (in my very humble opinion), not that anyone could care less ;) Also needless to say it sounds much better in Arabic ;)
a world of make Belief ;)

Belief is a very powerful thing
No matter what it is you believe in
Belief can carry you very far
When you have belief
It is difficult to stall
It has a way of making you fight
That belief keeps saying
You must not give up, right
Belief is power, laying at your feet
Showing you how to stick to it, to beat
Believe in whatever you do
Then others will believe in you too

How much do you believe in yourself? :D
Pretty Words
Elinor Morton Wylie

Poets make pets of pretty, docile words:
I love smooth words, like gold-enamelled fish
Which circle slowly with a silken swish,
And tender ones, like downy-feathred birds:
Words shy and dappled, deep-eyed deer in herds,
Come to my hand, and playful if I wish,
Or purring softly at a silver dish,
Blue Persian kittens fed on cream and curds.

I love bright words, words up and singing early;
Words that are luminous in the dark, and sing;
Warm lazy words, white cattle under trees;
I love words opalescent, cool, and pearly,
Like midsummer moths, and honied words like bees,
Gilded and sticky, with a little sting.

ps: I could rearticulate the above by saying that having a taste for classical music and opera doesn't make you classy ;) I mean you could also say "que sera sera" but you really mean "Whatever Will Be, Will Be" it just sounds prettier... classier..... sophisticated-er.......un-tacky-er :D
The Alcoholic Family Hero
A. Albert Aguero

He is a hero
not by sibling ordinal age,
nor by fate.
He did not choose
whatever he became.
You see . . . his father drank himself
out of fortune, family, and prestige,
right into the nothingness
of the streets.
Cold and motionless,
without anyone
to claim what remained,
a city dump truck
took him to the grave.
Not just any power greater than he
but The Lord alone,
led the hero to success
and . . . away from alcohol.

According to Wikipedi ;): "alcoholism refers to any condition that results in continued consumption of alcoholic beverages despite negative consequences. Medical definitions describe alcoholism as a disease, addiction, or dependence that results in difficulty with controlling one's alcohol consumption. Alcoholism can also refer to as a loss of control over one's alcohol consumption, a preoccupation with or compulsion for alcohol, and an impaired ability to recognize the effects of alcohol consumption. Some but not all definitions specify a current use of alcohol and include the effects of long-term heavy alcohol use, including dependence and withdrawal.

Alcoholism is characterized by the continued use of alcohol despite harm to the drinker and people associated with the drinker.
Useless poet
Eman Awad

Struggling with thousands of words,
just for the sake of his beautiful eyes.
And for him i built so many worlds,
and i put in them all i've ever fantasied.
Silver moons up and so high,

and more than a sun to shine.
So are wings for us to fly,

and i even had angels of mine.
But mostly a stronger love than oak trees,

a little heaven in my words is our serene.

Rapid our love and fury like seas,
and what if we got lost in this dream? ?
Then i found that my poems aren't enough,

He closed his eyes and i led the way,
i did breathe deeply and took his hand.
And my little heart dreamt away,
but for my wonder he didn't understand.
I knew we came from two worlds apart,
as he couldn't get further pass my fence.
Though he had love in his heart,
he didn't comprehence..

What a useless poet am i to be,
when the only thing i'm good at i couldn't render?
Now, how can he feel or even see,
the love i have that made me to surrender? ?
When all that's about me is,
words i write and never to say.
Poems of joy or lonliness,
and of love till my last day.
I felt like my heart is broken,
how can i reach his heart with my love?
Poetry tells when words aren't spoken,
they are to be read and to fly him above.

Useless poet i am i know,
but love is stronger than words for him to feel.
And stronger love can grow,
words can be erased but love stays mostly is real.
Maybe i'm useless for my self,
for i feel that my words went in vain.
But dearest to me than my life it self,
he is, and the one in my heart to remain.
And my words i'm the poet are for you to tell,
i'm madly in love with him that i fly.
wow new girl... you really love poetry... is any of it yours?


Well here is one just for you darl ;)

“Nobody Reads My Stuff” :)
Trade Martin

No one gives a damn about my work…., (no one, they're busy making money!)
Guess I’m not good enough….., (guess so)
Only got one hit all month….,
Cause Nobody Reads My Stuff….! ! !
What do you do…..,
When the goin’ gets ruff….? ? ? (just have a couple of beers and start writing again, I guess)
Cause Nobody Reads My Stuff….! ! !

Maybe I’ll start writin’…., (yeh I just told you that :D )
Off the cuff….., (tell me about it mate ;) )
But it won’t even matter….,
God, I’m feelin’ like Dan Rather….,
Cause Nobody Reads My Stuff….! ! !
I’ve got no depth….., (sometimes I do but only to keep non-clones reading)

Lackin’ credibility….., (Fu!k this poem is good!!!!!!!!!!)

Kind of like GWB….., (I don't really like him though)
With all negative publicity…., (Aha)
And no message to share….., (yeh I know)
Why am I so unaware….? ? ? (yeh why why joe why??)
You know it’s just not fair….,
I'm even startin' to cry....,
Wishin' I could die....,
I might be better off….,
Just hidin’…..,
And divin’ in the muff…., (what does muff mean??)
Cause Nobody Reads My Stuff….! ! !

Life has really been tough….,
Now I can no longer bluff…..,
With nothin’ left to snuff…..,
My ego left me in a huff….,
Once I could play the B-3…..,
In the style of Jack McDuff….,
But who cares…..? ? ? (No one really)

Cause Nobody Reads My Stuff….! ! ! (yes Nobody reads your stuff, cause its just stuff, except me maybe. I like reading your stuff, grasshopping from stuff to stuff, sniffing stuff, flying with stuff, drowning in stuff..............................
And divin’ in the muff….

Thanks... i think... :p ... UMMM I could be banned for sexual harassment or something if i told you what it means colloquially... Lets just say I suspect most girls to have done something like this at least once...

Keep up good work new girl but maybe do dome rhyming ones...
Thanks... i think... :p ... UMMM I could be banned for sexual harassment or something if i told you what it means colloquially... Lets just say I suspect most girls to have done something like this at least once...

Keep up good work new girl but maybe do dome rhyming ones...

Mate I still dont get it :D you can explain it in a pm if you want, I dont get offended easily.

Well someone has to ;) (keep up the good work that is).

Cant do dome rhyming ones, I love poetry too much ;)

hey I'm bored and tired of all the posting and stuff :D post us a dome one yourself ;)
beans beans
they're good fo the heart
the more you eat
the more you start

TOO BORING ;) and its been done by others ;) I'm sure you can do better :) Also, I think you can do better with the avatar, Im sure your more attractive than that, surely :eek:
here's a pic of me


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