I found an Amibroker tip which I thought I'd share with the group. I have found this particularly useful for navigating charts.
Apologies to those who already know this...
Go to Tools -> Customize
Click the Keyboard tab
Click the Category dropdown and cycle through each category
In each Category, click in the Commands listbox, hit the down arrow, and note both the command choices and the default out-of-the-box keybindings.
You may want to take notes or screenshots of any commands that interest you and/or default keybindings that you know you'd use a lot.
Built-in keybindings which I discovered and found really useful in charts:
Zoom|In: Cntl+Num +
Zoom|Out: Cntl+Num -
Range|Mark Begin: F12
Range|Mark End: Shift+F12
Keybindings I added which I've found very useful:
Range|Hide: Cntl+F12
Zoom|All: Cntl+Alt+0
Zoom|Normal: Cntl+Alt+1 (Normal zoom is controlled by Preferences ->Charting -> Default zoom. Default is 160 bars.)
Zoom|Range: Cntl+Shift+F12 (Cntl+Alt+F12 was reserved for a system command)
Zoom|Shorter Bars: Cntl+Alt+Num -
Zoom|Taller Bars: Cntl+Alt+Num +
Less useful than these charting keybindings, but ones I still mapped:
New Analysis...: Cntl+Alt+A
Formula Editor: Cntl+Alt+E
Report Explorer: Cntl+Alt+R
To assign a new keybinding, just click in the Press new shortcut key field, press your desired keys, then click Assign. It will warn you if you are overwriting an existing key assignment.
The range functions are "tricky":
Click a bar so that it is selected (purple vertical bar) and press F12
You will see a green vertical line on that bar
Click a bar to the right so that it is selected and press Shift F12
You will see a red vertical line on that bar
Press Cntl+Shift+F12 to zoom in to that range
Press Cntl+F12 to hide (actually delete) the range
This could be useful during explore where you might want to zoom in on a certain range of the chart, say that last month or two. (I admit I'll probably just use Cntl+Num +/-, but that's how Zoom|Range works).
I'm finding with these new keybindings I'm moving around the charts MUCH faster than I used to with the mouse.
After you change your keybindings, select Tools -> Save Preferences. I found I lost some keybindings when I closed Amibroker without doing this first.
You can even create your own menu items via Commands -> New Menu, then dragging that to your menu bar (say to the right of Help). You can add your own favourite commands to that menu, or add User defined tools (the first 3 are already taken). It looks like User defined tools only runs external commands, but if you wanted to run an Amibroker batch file or external script, you could launch it from your custom menu.
(Note: I was able to create my own menu but had no external tools to execute so I deleted it. So I haven't tried this, but see the examples in Tools -> Sharenet downloader, etc. for a way to create your own tools).
Hope this helps!